Author Topic: Kingfush  (Read 1100038 times)

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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1920 on: May 06, 2018, 11:27:43 am »
May 6-12 , 2018

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #229 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7

logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 194lb

May Week 2 of 5

Sun May 6

Squats 315-365-405, 275 5x2 sets
Shoulders seated machine dips 135 20x4 sets | seated chest pess 135 20x2 sets
Rows seated rows neutral grip 150 20x4 sets | seated lat pulldown machine 135 20x2 sets 
Neck neck curls 75 20x4 sets, 90 20x1 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 90-135 20x1 sets each, 180 20x2 sets

* lowerback fatigued a little from the smith calf raises. skipped that and back to seated but with these lighter 20reps, the 4 plates should not hurt my quads. i quit this exercise months ago because the 7x45lb was crushing my mid quads.

Squats 315-365-405, 225 20x1 sets
Shoulders seated machine dips 135 20x2 sets | bw dips 20x2 sets
Rows seated rows neutral grip 150-165 20x2 sets each, 180 20x1 sets | seated lat pulldown machine 135 20x1 sets 
Neck neck curls 90 20x4 sets, 105 20x1 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 135 20x2 sets

* felt very strong after taking down 4 plantains post workout this morning 800kcal/200carb (200kcal / 50g carb each) with a 500kcal/100g prot grilled chicken breast.
* had to find a way to add resistance to my upperbody push. the chest press machine i tried again this morning did not feel as good as the dips. cannot add more to my 135-150 dips because i get pushed up on the machine. back to bw dips and will add little weight soon with belt. lowerback felt solid.
* rowing the 180 to 20 reps. no straps. sets take too long. circulation to hands not so good with straps. did the 180 with pause/reset every 4 reps.

Mon May 7

Squats 315-365-405, 225 20x1 sets
Shoulders bw dips 20x4 sets | seated shoulder press machine 90 20x2 sets
Rows seated rows neutral grip 150 20x4 sets | seated lat pulldown machine 135 20x2 sets 
Neck neck curls 90 20x4 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 135 20x3 sets each, 180 20x1 sets

* tried the shoulder press machine with staggered legs for more lowerback friendly movement.

Squats 315-365-405, 225 20x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 90 20x1 sets, 95 20x3 sets
Rows seated rows neutral grip 150 20x1 sets, 165 20x3 sets | seated lat pulldown machine 135 20x2 sets 
Neck neck curls 90 20x4 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 135 20x3 sets each

* lowerback did not tire from the shoulder press this morning. keep this going. i like how this machine hits my front delts. feels like an isolation motion for the delts because i barely feel anything on my tricep. its an overhead press with split handles that converge at the top.

Tue May 8

Squats 315-365-405, 225 20x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 95 20x4 sets | seated machine dips 135 20x2 sets
Rows seated rows neutral grip 165 20x4 sets | seated lat pulldown machine 135 20x2 sets 
Neck neck curls 90 20x4 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 160 20x3 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 225 20x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 95 20x4 sets | seated machine dips 135 20x2 sets
Rows trap bar bent over rows 100+bar 20x4 sets | seated lat pulldown machine 135 20x2 sets 
Neck neck curls 90 20x4 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 160-180 20x1 sets each

* gym too busy and was not able to use the seated row. trap bar actually felt better. its the dips in reverse. i like it. don't know how much the gyms trap bar weigh but will weigh it soon.

Wed May 9

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x2 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 95 20x4 sets | seated machine dips 135 20x2 sets
Rows trap bar bent over rows 150 15x5 sets | seated lat pulldown machine 135 20x2 sets 
Neck neck curls 90 20x2 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 160 20x4 sets

* will assume the trap bar is 50lb. its the heavy duty version with the double grip. could be 60lb but definitely over 45lb. since 25s are perfect for not bottoming out, i stayed with the double 25s instead of 25 and some change and lowered the reps to 15. i was losing form on the 16+ reps. the bar will tag my glutes because i'm not rowing to the back when i get tired. 15 is good for now. will bring it to 20 when i get strong on this.
* squats tired. deload to 10s.

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 100 20x4 sets | seated machine dips 135 20x1 sets
Rows trap bar bent over rows 150 15x4 sets | seated lat pulldown machine 135-150 20x1 sets each
Neck neck curls 90 20x1 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 160 20x3 sets

* 3-day worknight starts again.

Thur May 10

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 100 20x4 sets | bw dips 20x2 sets
Rows trap bar bent over rows 150 15x5 sets
Neck neck curls 90 20x4 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 160 20x2 sets

Fri May 11

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 100 20x3 sets | bw dips 20x2 sets
Rows trap bar bent over rows 150 15x5 sets | lat machine pulldown 150 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 90 20x1 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 160 20x2 sets

Sat May 12

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 100 20x3 sets, 15x3 sets  | bw dips 20x1 sets
Rows trap bar bent over rows 150 15x4 sets, 100 15x4 sets | lat machine pulldown 135 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 90 20x2 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 160 20x1 sets

* took my rowing to another level and deload down to 100 but with very strict form - torso as parallel to ground as possible and i grip the 25lb hex plate for a wider grip. the regular heavy rowing with 150 has the same form for the first few reps and then my delts take over when it gets harder. rowing is very complicated.
* during a townhall meeting at work (, it seems like things are looking good for our anti-myostatin drug for DMD treatment. i was half asleep after a big meal then i hear something from our plant manager and became interested.  :P
"Results from a Phase Ib/II study of the investigational adnectin fusion protein RG6206 in young male adolescents with DMD. These data will highlight the myostatin suppression levels achieved and its potential effect in increasing lean body mass volume."
« Last Edit: May 12, 2018, 11:39:52 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1921 on: May 13, 2018, 08:57:55 am »
May 13-19 , 2018

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #229 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7

logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 194lb

May Week 3 of 5

Sun May 13

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x2 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 100 20x4 sets, 15x2 sets  | bw dips 20x2 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 90-105 20x1 sets each, 120 20x1 sets, 120 15x1 sets | lat machine pulldown 150 20x4 sets
Neck neck curls 90 20x1 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 160 20x2 sets
Abs weighted cable situps 10 15x1 sets, 10x2 sets

* strict form on the rowing and made sure i dont move my torso. resistance down to 120lb.  form felt solid. will use the seated lat machine for heavy pulling.

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 100 20x4 sets, 110 20x1 sets  |  weighted dips 25 15x2 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 120-135 20x2 sets each, 150 20x1 sets | lat machine pulldown 150 20x2 sets
Calves seated calf raise soleus 160 20x2 sets, 170 20x1 sets

Mon May 14

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 15x4 sets  | weighted dips 25 20x1 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 135 20x4 sets, 150-165 20x1 sets each | lat machine pulldown 150 20x4 sets
Neck neck curls 90 20x1 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 160 20x4 sets, 170 20x1 sets
Wrist cable wrist curls 20 20x2 sets

* added wrist curls to kill time when i'm recovering between push/pull routine. i can't do much on the neck curls because i'm tired from that and delaoding. i'm doing very high volume sets but still taking as much time as i need to recover between sets. i'm usually good by the 5-7 min mark but up to 10min on the 4th-5th set. if i can't recover the first 1-2 sets within 5 mins, the weight is too heavy or i cut the reps to 15s. grind it out on the 15s until i get strong enough to raise it to 20 reps, add weight and start over.

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x2 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x4 sets  | weighted dips bw 20x1 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 150-165-180-195 20x1 sets each | lat machine pulldown 150 20x1 sets
Calves seated calf raise soleus 160-170 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted cable situps 10 10x1 sets

Tue May 15

Squats 315-365-405, 225 5x2 sets, 275 5x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets | weighted dips 25 20x2 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 180 20x1 sets, 195 20x2 sets | lat machine pulldown 150-165-180-195 20x1 sets each
Neck neck curls 90 20x1 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 160 20x3 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 275-295-315 5x1 sets each
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets | weighted dips 35 20x2 sets
Rows standing one arm cable rows 50 20x1 sets, 60 20x2 sets | lat machine pulldown 180-195 20x1 sets each
Neck neck curls 90 20x2 sets, 150 20x2 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 160 20x3 sets, 170 20x1 sets

* very strong this afternoon. 25-50g carb pre-intra and 50g hydrolized whey towards end of workout. volumes doing well. prefer to do the hand supported rows because my torso is getting tired doing two hand rows.

Wed May 16

Squats 315-365-405, 225 5x2 sets, 275-295 5x1 sets each, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets | weighted dips 35 20x1 sets
Rows one arm cable rows 60 20x4 sets, 70 20x1 sets | lat machine pulldown 180 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 170 20x4 sets

* added some very light weight leg extensions for more metabolic gains from my intra-workout carbs and post workout hydrolized whey.

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 20x1 sets
Rows one arm cable rows 60 20x1 sets, 70 20x2 sets | lat machine pulldown 180 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 170 20x3 sets

Thur May 17

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets | smith 225 10x2 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 20x1 sets
Rows one arm cable rows 60-65 20x2 sets each | lat machine pulldown 180 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 170 20x2 sets, 180 20x1 sets

* bw up to 196-198lb from extra plantains and bigger portions of the chicken breast.

Fri May 18

Squats 315-365-405 | smith 225 10x1 sets, 275 5x2 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 20x1 sets
Rows one arm cable rows 60 20x4 sets each | lat machine pulldown 180 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 170 20x3 sets, 180 20x2 sets

Sat May 19

Squats 315-365-405 | smith 225 5x1 sets, 275 5x2 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 20x1 sets
Rows one arm cable rows 60 20x4 sets each | lat machine pulldown 180 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 180 20x3 sets

« Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 10:32:00 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1922 on: May 20, 2018, 09:12:39 am »
May 20, 2018

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #229 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7

logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 198lb

May Week 4 of 5

Sun May 20

Squats 315-365-405, 225-275 5x1 sets each
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 20x1 sets | smith machine close grip press 135 10x1 sets, 185-205-225 5x1 sets each
Rows one arm cable rows 60 20x4 sets each | lat machine pulldown 180 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 180 20x2 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 20x1 sets
Rows one arm cable rows 60-70 20x1 sets each, 75 20x2 sets | lat machine pulldown 180 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 180 20x3 sets

* this routine is working for me. no back pain from volumes of shoulder press using a staggered stance on a seated position. max stacked the one arm rowing at 75lb. i can add another 5lb on the weight stack by squeezing in 2x5lb plates inside the machine.

Mon May 21

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 20x1 sets
Rows one arm cable rows 75 20x3 sets each | lat machine pulldown 180 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x1 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 180 20x4 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 20x1 sets
Rows one arm cable rows 75 20x3 sets | lat machine pulldown 180 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 180 20x3 sets

* first time in a while again when the 405 felt very light. bw steady at 198 for a few days now. abs still there. still very lean.

Tue May 22

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x2 sets, 120 20x1 sets
Rows one arm cable rows 75 20x3 sets each | lat machine pulldown 180 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x1 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 180 20x3 sets

* tried the 120lb x20s on the seated shoulder pressing and it was too heavy for multi sets of 20s. got 1 set to 20 but already at a crawl at rep 18. 19-20 was a fight. not a good thing for the next set to 20. would probably start fighting the reps at 14-15. that would really be bad for my lowerback. back to 110s for now. skipped the dips for better recovery for later.

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets | smith machine close grip bench 225 3x4 sets
Rows one arm cable rows 75 20x3 sets each | seated cable row neutral wide 180 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x1 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 180 20x2 sets
Wed May 23

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets
Rows one arm cable rows 75 20x3 sets each | seated cable rows wide grip neutral 180 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x1 sets 
Calves seated calf raise leg press machine 210-230-250-270 20x1 sets each

Squats 315-365-405, 275 10x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x1 sets, 120 20x2 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 180 20x1 sets, 195 20x2 sets | seated lat machine pulldown 180 20x1 sets, 195 20x2 sets
Calves seated calf raise leg press machine 270 20x1 sets, 290 20x2 sets

Thur May 24

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 20x2 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 180 20x2 sets, 195 20x1 sets | seated lat machine pulldown 180 20x2 sets
Calves seated calf raise leg press machine 270 20x2 sets, 290 20x2 sets

Fri May 25

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 20x1 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 180 20x2 sets, 195 20x1 sets | seated lat machine pulldown 180 20x2 sets
Calves seated calf raise leg press machine 270 20x2 sets, 290 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x1 sets
Forearms cable curls 20 20x4 sets

* got sent home early from work for a lunch time offsite 12-3pm. slept 1-3am a while ago and did a morning workout. will sleep 7-11am and enjoy some good food. come back home and nap again and do another night workout.
* added forearm work to the routine. it adds another 3-5min rest time to my exercise rotation.

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x1 sets, 120 20x2 | weighted dips 45 20x1 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 180 20x2 sets, 195 20x1 sets | seated lat machine pulldown 180 20x1 sets | seated lat pulldown high rows neutral wide 135 20x2 sets, rope grip 105 20x2 sets
Calves seated calf raise leg press machine 290 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x1 sets
Forearms cable curls 20 20x4 sets

* did more rowing for the rear delts using the lat pulldown but with seats far back so i'm pulling more horizontally when i angle my torso perpendicular to the resistance. did more rows because my front delts are getting stronger. 120 x20s now. got more room to grow until the machine stacks out at 165lb. using the double ropes for a face pull type movement feels spot on for the rear delts. the diverging movement at the bottom ROM hits that rear delt area perfectly. need double ropes because i got wide shoulders.

Sat May 26

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 120 20x4 sets | weighted dips 45 rest
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 195 20x2 sets | seated lat pulldown high rows rope grip 105 20x2 sets, 120-135 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise leg press machine 290-310 20x1 sets each
Neck neck curls rest
Forearms cable curls 30 20x2 sets
* high 190s bw steady for almost a week now and the 405 top set is getting very quick again. could have 435 without any issues and a 455 inside the pins just in case. would not be surprised if i go for 455 later if the 405 felt light again.
* forearm curls are stable at 30lb x20s.

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 120 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 rest
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 195 20x2 sets | seated lat pulldown high rows wide 105-120 20x2 sets each
Calves seated calf raise leg press machine 310 20x2 sets each
Neck neck curls rest
Forearms cable curls 30 20x2 sets

* 405 was alright but did not feel like going heavier yet. shoulder pressing going very well.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 10:09:30 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1923 on: May 27, 2018, 09:59:52 am »
May 27 - June 2 , 2018

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #229 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7

logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 198lb

May Week 5 of 5

Sun May 27

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 120 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 rest
Rows seated cable rows wide grip 180 20x2 sets | seated lat pulldown high rows wide 150 20x2 sets | high rows rope grips 100 20x2 sets | mid rows rope grips 100 20x2 sets
Calves seated calf raise leg press machine 310-330 20x2 sets each
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets
Forearms cable curls 30 20x2 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 120 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 rest
Rows seated cable rows wide grip 180 20x1 sets | seated lat pulldown high rows rope grips 120-135 20x2 sets each, 150 20x1 sets
Calves seated calf raise leg press machine 330 20x3 sets each
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets
Forearms cable curls 15 20x2 sets

* resting the horizontal rowing. the 20s using 195lb got something in my right elbow tired. i got a little more ROM on the wrist curls when i used a lighter weight. either that or the full ROM 30s got me tired quickly.
* i got very good doms on my middle back and rear delts whenever i use the double ropes. i prefer to do the pulling on the lat pulldown station but seated way backwards using my own chair and pulling it semi horizontally.

Mon May 28

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 120 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 20x1 sets
Rows seated lat pulldown rows rope grips 140 20x4 sets | seated lat pulldown rows face pulls 110 20x1 sets
Calves seated calf raise leg press machine 330 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x1 sets
Forearms cable curls 20 20x2 sets
Abs weighted cable situps 10-15 10x1 sets each

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 120 20x4 sets | weighted dips 45 20x1 sets
Rows seated lat pulldown rows rope grips 140 20x4 sets | seated lat pulldown rows face pulls 100 20x1 sets | wide neutral grip bw chins 10x2 sets
Calves seated calf raise leg press machine 310 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x1 sets

Tue May 29

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 120 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 20x1 sets
Rows seated lat pulldown rows rope grips 140 20x4 sets, 150 20x1 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x1 sets
Forearms cable curls 20 20x2 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 130 20x3 sets | dip bw 20x1 sets
Rows seated lat pulldown rows rope grips 150 20x2 sets, 160 20x2 sets | neutral grip 100 50x1 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 20x2 sets

* went heavier on both shoulder pressing and rows. i was able to get to 20s without a lot of grinding (so i dont fatigue myself too fast) by not eating all the eccentrics. the concentrics were explosive. theres always the pause to kill all momentum but not putting too much brakes on the eccentrics save me a lot of energy. makes the motion a lot smoother too.
* did a backoff volume to 50s with the neutral bar and high pull for the rear delts. i could do this indefinitely with the 100lb (200lb stamped but dual pulleys 1/2 the actual resistance) max stack at the center stations. the side stations are heavier and goes to 300lb.

Wed May 30

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 130 20x3 sets | weighted dips 45 20x1 sets
Rows seated lat pulldown rows rope grips 160 20x4 sets | neutral wide grip high rows 120 20x1 sets, 130 20x1 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 130 20x3 sets | weighted dips rest
Rows seated lat pulldown rows rope grips 160 20x4 sets | neutral wide grip high rows 130 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets

Thur May 31

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 130 20x3 sets | weighted dips rest
Rows seated lat pulldown rows rope grips 160 20x3 sets, 170 20x1 sets | neutral wide grip high rows 130 20x2 sets
Calves leg press machine calf raises 310 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets

Fri Jun 1

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 130 20x3 sets | weighted dips rest
Rows seated lat pulldown rows rope grips 170 20x3 sets | neutral wide grip high rows 130-140-150 20x1 sets each
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 rest

* took a couple of half days off work and got a post midnight nap. will lift again later after a good sleep.

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 130 20x3 sets | weighted dips rest
Rows neutral wide grip high rows 150-160-170 20x1 sets each, 180 20x2 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets

Fri Jun 1

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 130 20x3 sets | weighted dips rest
Rowsneutral wide grip high rows 180 20x3 sets | seated cable rows wide grip mid rows 180 20x2 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets
Forearms wrist curls 20 20x4 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 130 20x4 sets | weighted dips rest
Rowsseated cable rows wide grip neutral mid rows 180 20x4 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets
Forearms wrist curls 20 rest
« Last Edit: June 02, 2018, 11:02:38 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1924 on: June 03, 2018, 08:59:26 pm »
June 3-9 , 2018

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #229 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7

logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 198lb

May Week 1 of 4

Sun June 3

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 130 20x3 sets | weighted dips rest
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral mid rows 180 20x2 sets, 195 20x2 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 rest
Forearms wrist curls 20x1 sets

Mon June 4

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 130 20x4 sets | weighted dips rest
Rows trap bar rows with resets 155 5x2 sets, 205 3x1 sets, 175 20x2 sets, 185 20x2 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest
Neck neck curls 105 20x3 sets
Forearms wrist curls rest

* don't like how fast my lowerback tires whenever i use anything 180lb+ on the cable rowing. did rows this morning using the trap bar and pulled with resets (pendlay). i can go a lot heavier with these and not tire the stabilizing muscles. there is only one trap bar at this gym. i can do them at 3am but might not get lucky on the afternoons.

rowing and neck gains. bw 198. still not very fat.

Squats 315-365-405, 275 10x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 130 20x3 sets | weighted dips rest
Rows trap bar rows with resets 185 20x1 sets, 205 20x2 sets | lat pulldown high row wide grip neutral 160 20x3 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets
Forearms wrist curls rest

Tue June 5

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 130 20x3 sets | one arm db overhead press 35 20x2 sets 
Rows trap bar rows with resets 205 20x4 sets | lat pulldown high row wide grip neutral 160 20x2 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets
Forearms wrist curls rest

* i dont like how i'm exerting a lot of effort to get to 20 reps on the trap bar rowing (w/ resets).lol. i got to 4 sets of 20s and i still say it. it might be a better idea to use the trap bar rowing as max strength movement and lower the reps while adding more weight. il use the cable horizontal rowing as the backoff volumes. will do more of the 20s because i just started with the movement and this simply could be the adapting pains.
* i like doing weighted dips but they tire my shoulder pressing quickly. the shoulder press machine stacks out at 165lb. i'm at 130. with the same idea using one movement as max strength and the other for volumes - my pushing could look like heavy weighted dips + db overhead pressing. dont really like the smith bench pressing because of the crushing pain and potential lowerback strain. not to mention i got a squashed a little (thanks pins) by 275 on the smith a few months back because i lost grip on my left hand even with the straps.

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 95 20x5 sets 
Rows trap bar rows with resets 205 20x4 sets | lat pulldown high row wide grip neutral 100 50x1 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 rest
Forearms wrist curls rest

* back to bb overhead pressing. gym busy and my seated shoulder machine was taken. i don't think il eventually strain my lowerback this time as long as i do i reset after the reps slow down. doing them at the 15th rep mark. movement felt very good.

Wed June 6

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 95 20x4 sets 
Rows seated cable row wide grip neutral 180 20x4 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x3 sets
Forearms wrist curls rest
Spinal Erectors trap bar RDL 155 5x3 sets, 205 5x2 sets

* thought about doing more trap bar rows with resets but changed my mind because i can't maintain this exercise daily. too much wear and tear. did spinal erectors instead since i already loaded the bar. fixed leg deads, feet elevated on 3x45lb plates for full ROM. will slowly add volume and keep to a light-moderate heavy weight and go for 20s.

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 95 20x1 sets, 105 20x3 sets
Rows seated cable row wide grip neutral 180 20x4 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest
Neck neck curls 105 20x1 sets
Forearms wrist curls rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 105 10x2 sets

Thur June 7

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 95 20x2 sets, 105 20x2 sets
Rows seated cable row wide grip neutral 180 20x4 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 rest
Forearms wrist curls rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 105 5x2 sets, 145 5x2 sets, 205 5x2 sets,

Fri June 8

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 100 20x4 sets
Rows seated cable row wide grip neutral 180 20x4 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets
Forearms wrist curls rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 100 5x1 sets

Sat June 9

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 95 20x6 sets
Rows seated cable row wide grip neutral 180 20x2 sets | seated cable rows one arm high pull 60 20x4 sets, 70 20x2 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest
Neck neck curls 105 20x4 sets
Forearms wrist curls rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 95 5x2 sets, 145 5x2 sets, 95 10x2 sets

* lost 1 strap and was struggling to get the 180lb rowing to 20s. had to reset at 14 because my grip was fried. did one arm instead and form felt a lot better. might go back again to single arm rowing.

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 95 20x5 sets
Rows seated cable rows one arm high pull 75 20x4 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x4 sets
Forearms wrist curls rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 95 10x2 sets, 145 10x1 sets
« Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 01:13:08 am by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1925 on: June 10, 2018, 09:35:20 am »
June 10-16 , 2018

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #229 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7

logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 202lb

June Week 2 of 4

Sun June 10

Squats 315-365-405, 225 5x4 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 95 20x4 sets
Rows seated cable rows one arm high pull 70 20x3 sets | seated cable rows one arm mid pull 70 20x1 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets
Forearms wrist curls rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 95 10x2 sets, 145 10x1 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 95 20x1 sets, 115 20x3 sets
Rows seated cable rows one arm high pull 70 20x3 sets | seated cable rows one arm mid pull 70 20x1 sets
Calves leg press machine calf raises 300 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets
Forearms wrist curls rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 95 10x1 sets, 145 10x1 sets, 195 5x2 sets

Mon June 11

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x2 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 115 20x5 sets
Rows seated cable rows one arm high pull 70 20x4 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 105 20x4 sets
Forearms wrist curls rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 145 10x2 sets

* neck training improving. doing them 20s for each side of curling. gets me more ROM and a better contraction if i bow down and to a side.

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 115 20x4 sets
Rows seated cable rows one arm high pull 70 20x4 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets, 120 20x2 sets
Forearms wrist curls rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 145 10x2 sets, 195 10x2 sets, 245 5x2 sets

* RDL almost as strong as my 5 plate back extensions.

Tue June 12

Squats 315-365-405, 225 10x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 115 20x4 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 180 20x4 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest
Neck neck curls 105 20x2 sets, 120 20x2 sets
Forearms wrist curls rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 145 10x2 sets, 195 10x2 sets, 245 5x2 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 275 10x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 115 20x3 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 180 20x3 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest, seated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 135 20x4 sets
Spinal Erectors RDL 145 10x2 sets, 195 10x2 sets

* 3rd set of 20s on the push/pull feeling not as fresh anymore. stopped there. need better recovery. 

Wed June 13

Squats 315-365-405, 275 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 115 20x4 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 180 20x2 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 100 50x1 sets, 140 20x2 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest
Neck neck curls 150 20x2 sets
Spinal Erectors RDL cable 100 10x1 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 275 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 115 20x4 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral 150 20x1 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 140 20x4 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest | seated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x4 sets
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL rest
* i feel better contraction of the midback doing the high pull type rowing compared to the near horizontal rowing. i thought it was just the heavier weight 180 that i use on the horizontal rowing so i lowered the weight to 150 and see if i get better ROM. same thing. full ROM. will use more high pull type rowing.
* lowerback still feeling good even with all these volumes of 115lbx20s. the resets at 12-4-4 help a lot. i don't get the crawling reps that burn out my back.

Thur June 14

Squats 315-365-405, 315 3x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 115 20x4 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 150 20x4 sets | double rope grip high pull 120 20x1 sets, 140 20x1 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest | seated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL rest

* took a day off from work. got sleep. will lift again and work afterwards. no double workouts until monday again.

Squats 315-365-405, 315 10x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets
Rows seated cable rows double rope high pull 140-150-160 20x1 sets each
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest | seated calf raise soleus rest
Neck neck curls 150 20x2 sets
Spinal Erectors RDL rest

Fri June 15

Squats 315-365-405, 315 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets
Rows seated cable rows double rope high pull 160 20x3 sets each
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest | seated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x4 sets
Neck neck curls 150 20x2 sets
Spinal Erectors RDL rest

Sat June 16

Squats 315-365-405, 315 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets
Rows seated cable rows double rope high pull 160 20x3 sets each | high pull wide grip neutral 140 20x1 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest | seated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 150 20x2 sets
Spinal Erectors RDL rest
« Last Edit: June 16, 2018, 11:36:20 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1926 on: June 10, 2018, 11:10:35 am »
the callous in the middle of your shoulders reminds me of the guys here who have a callous on their forehead from constant zealous prayer. praying with the barbell.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1927 on: June 10, 2018, 09:09:38 pm »
the leaner i get, the worst it looks. creams and light polishing helps but after i while of not keeping up the skin routine, black mark catches up. too lazy now.
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1928 on: June 17, 2018, 08:41:48 pm »
June 17-23 , 2018

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #229 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7

logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 202lb

June Week 3 of 4

Sun June 17

Squats 315-365-405, 315 10x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets
Rows seated cable rows double rope high pull 160 20x3 sets each | high pull wide grip neutral 150 20x2 sets
Calves smith machine calf raises 315 rest | seated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x4 sets
Neck neck curls 150 20x2 sets
Spinal Erectors RDL rest

Mon June 18

Squats 315-365-405, 315 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets | 85 20x1 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x4 sets, 100 50x1 sets | seated one arm cable rows mid pull 50-60 20x1 sets each
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x4 sets, 3x45lb 20x4 sets
Neck neck curls 150 20x2 sets
Spinal Erectors RDL 95 10x4 sets, 145 10x2 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 315 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x3 sets | seated one arm cable rows mid pull 60-70 20x1 sets each
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 150 20x2 sets
Spinal Erectors RDL rest

Tue June 19

Squats 315-365-405, 315 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x4 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x3 sets| seated one arm cable rows mid pull 60 20x2 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus rest
Neck neck curls 165-180 20x1 sets each
Spinal Erectors RDL 145-195 10x1 sets each, 245-295 5x1 sets each

Squats 315-365-405, 315 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x3 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x4 sets
Neck neck curls 180 20x1 sets each
Spinal Erectors RDL rest

* happy that the heavyish RDL/bb back extensions this morning at 295x5 did not get lowerback tired. i did these using 5x25lb plates while standing on top of 3x45lb plate for full ROM. i was bringing the bb all the way down until the bar touches my shoelace/foot. rounded back for more erector gains. will keep it at 195-245 max and go more volumes to be safe.
Wed June 20

Squats 315-365-405, 315 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x4 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x4 sets| seated one arm cable rows low pull 50 20x4 sets, 60-70 20x1 sets each
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x2 sets, 3x45lb 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 180 20x1 sets
Spinal Erectors RDL rest

* the 180lb neck curl yesterday got something domd. not what i was expecting but made sense. i was hoping the left or right side of the front neck gets the soreness but i felt most doms in back side of the neck a little below the ear. must be from absorbing all the eccentrics.

Squats 315-365-405, 315 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets | 95 20x2 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x4 sets, 120 20x1 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 180 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL rest

Thur June 21

Squats 315-365-405, 315 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets | 95 20x2 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x3 sets, 120 20x2 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x2 sets, 3x45lb 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 180 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL rest

Fri June 22

Squats 315-365-405, 275 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets | 95 20x3 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x3 sets, rope grip 120 20x3 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 180 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL rest

Sat June 23

Squats 315-365-405, 275 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets | 95 20x3 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x3 sets, 100 20x2 set | seated one arm cable rows low pull 50 20x3 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x2 sets | 3x45lb 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 180 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL rest

* been doing the 135lb bb ohp using a 10-5-5 clustered set with 45-60 sec resets. the 95lb is straight to 20s.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2018, 10:24:09 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1929 on: June 19, 2018, 09:08:51 pm »
the callous in the middle of your shoulders reminds me of the guys here who have a callous on their forehead from constant zealous prayer. praying with the barbell.

that's an incredible way of looking at it. fits perfectly in this scenario as well. :ibsquatting:

also, anyone else notice kingfish's back looks ridiculous? :ninja:


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1930 on: June 19, 2018, 10:35:56 pm »
the callous in the middle of your shoulders reminds me of the guys here who have a callous on their forehead from constant zealous prayer. praying with the barbell.

that's an incredible way of looking at it. fits perfectly in this scenario as well. :ibsquatting:

also, anyone else notice kingfish's back looks ridiculous? :ninja:

gotta row to grow.  :headbang:

edit.. i have a phd on natty back gains by now.  most comfortable form + heaviest weights possible + full ROM + high reps = gains.

those massive backs built while on AAS are stupidly easy compared to natty training. you could be air rowing and still make better gains.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2018, 10:43:36 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1931 on: June 24, 2018, 07:47:56 am »
June 24-30 , 2018

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #229 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7

logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 202lb

June Week 4 of 4

Sun June 24

Squats 315-365-405, 275 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x2 sets | 95 20x4 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x2 sets | seated one arm cable rows low pull 50 20x4 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x2 sets, 2x45lb 20x2 sets | 
Neck neck curls 150 20x2 sets
Spinal Erectors RDL 145 10x1 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 275 20x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x4 sets | 95 20x2 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x2 sets | seated one arm cable rows low pull 50 20x4 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45+25lb 20x1 sets 
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL rest

* did the x20 275lb volume using a 10-5-5 clustered set.  i still pissed off my sweat glands and the moment i started sweating, anything i did afterwards turned me to a fountain of sweat. i don't usually sweat because of my big rest times.

Mon June 25

Squats 315-365-405, 275 20x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x2 sets | 95 20x3 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x2 sets | seated one arm cable rows low pull 50 20x2 sets, 60 20x1 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb 20x2 sets | 
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 145 rest

Squats 315-365-405, 275 20x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x2 sets | 95 20x4 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x2 sets | seated one arm cable rows low pull 60 20x4 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb+25lb 20x2 sets   
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 145 rest

Tue June 26

Squats 315-365-405, 275 20x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x2 sets | 95 20x4 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x2 sets, 170 20x1 sets | seated one arm cable rows low pull 60 20x2 sets, 70 20x1 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb+25lb 20x2 sets 
Neck neck curls 150 20x2 sets
Spinal Erectors RDL 145 rest

* very happy with the ohp progress without straining my lowerback. squat volumes using 275s repeatable even 2x daily.

Squats 315-365-405, 275 20x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets | 95 20x3 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x3 sets | seated one arm cable rows low pull 60 20x2 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb+25lb rest 
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 145 rest

Wed June 27

Squats 315-365-405, 275 20x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets | 95 20x4 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x3 sets | seated one arm cable rows low pull 60 20x4 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb+25lb 20x2 sets 
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 145 rest

Squats 315-365-405, 275 20x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x1 sets | 95 20x1 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x2 sets | seated one arm cable rows low pull 60 20x4 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb+25lb rest
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 145 rest

Thur June 28

Squats 315-365-405, 315 20x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets | 95 20x1 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x2 sets | seated one arm cable rows low pull 60 20x4 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb+25lb 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 145 rest

Fri June 29

Squats 315-365-405, 315 20x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets | 95 20x1 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 rest | seated one arm cable rows low pull 60 20x2 sets, 65 20x2 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb+25lb 20x2 sets rest
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 145 rest

Sat June 30

Squats 315-365-405, 315 20x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets | 95 20x1 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 rest | seated one arm cable rows low pull 65-70-75 20x1 sets each
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 145 rest
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 10:33:57 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1932 on: July 01, 2018, 10:48:33 am »
Jul 1-7 , 2018

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #229 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7

logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 202lb

Jul Week 1 of 4

Sun Jul 1

Squats 315-365-405, 315 20x1 (5s) sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets | 95 20x1 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x1 sets, 100 50x1 sets | seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 20x2 sets each
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb+25lb 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 135 10x2 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 315 20x1 (10-5-5) sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets | 95 20x1 sets
Rows seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 100 50x1 sets | seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 20x3 sets each
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors RDL 135 10x2 rest

Mon Jul 2

Squats 315-365-405, 315 20x1 (5s) sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x2 sets | 95 20x2 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 20x2 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 100 50x2 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb+25lb 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors smith RDL 135 10x2 sets, 185 10x2 sets, 225 5x1 sets

* did my rounded back stiff leg DL on the smith. form felt good. stood on top of the bench for full ROM. lowered back until it touched my shoes.

Squats 315-365-405, 315 10x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 sets | 95 20x2 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 20x3 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x1 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb+25lb 20x2 sets
Spinal Erectors smith RDL rest

Tue Jul 3

Squats 315-365-405, 315 10x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 (12-4-4) sets | 95 20x1 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 20x3 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull rest
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 2x45lb+35lb 20x2 sets, 3x45lb 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors smith RDL 135 rest

Squats 315-365-405, 315 10x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 (12-4-4) sets | 95 20x1 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 rest | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x4 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors smith RDL 135 rest

Wed Jul 4

Squats 315-365-405, 315 10x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 (12-4-4) sets | 95 20x1 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 rest | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x3 sets, 100 50x1 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x2 sets
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors smith RDL 135 rest
* skipping the neck curls for a while now. i don't want to over stress my neck/traps area. the volumes of ohp is wrecking my traps too. nothing broken. just fatigue.

Squats 315-365-405, 315 5x1 sets
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 (12-4-4) sets | 95 20x1 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 20x3 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 rest
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x1 sets
Neck neck curls 150 rest
Spinal Erectors smith RDL 135 rest

Thur Jul 5

Squats 315-365-405 
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x2  | 95 rest
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 rest | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x2 sets, 100 rest
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x2 sets
Spinal Erectors smith RDL 135 rest

* worked the holiday but got home a little early. took a long hot shower and i did not feel tired at all. decided to do another workout without a nap in between. the 405 was a lot heavier than usual as expected but nothing back breaking or regretful. the other lifts did not feel the lack of sleep. kept it to 2 sets without the volume backoffs.

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3  | 95 rest
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 20x2 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x1 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x2 sets
Spinal Erectors smith RDL 135 rest

Fri Jul 6

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3 (12-4-4)  | 95 20x1 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 rest | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x3 sets | cable upright rows 50 5x4 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x1 sets
Spinal Erectors smith RDL 135 rest

Sat Jul 7

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x2 (12-4-4)  | 95 20x1 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 rest | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 20x2 sets | cable upright rows 50 5x2 sets, 60 5x1 sets, 70 50x2 sets, 50 10x2 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x1 sets
Spinal Erectors smith RDL 135 rest

« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 10:27:24 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1933 on: July 08, 2018, 09:39:36 am »
Jul 8-14 , 2018

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #229 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7

logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 202lb

Jul Week 2 of 4

Sun Jul 8

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3  | 95  rest
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 20x2 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 rest | cable upright rows 70 50x2 sets, 80 5x2 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x1 sets
Spinal Erectors smith RDL 135 rest

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x2  | 95  20x2 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 20x2 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 100 50x1 sets | cable upright rows 70 50x4 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x1 sets

Mon Jul 9

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x1  | 95  20x4 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 20x1 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 rest | cable upright rows 60 5x2 sets, 60 10x1 sets, 60 20x1 sets | seated one arm rows high pull 100 5x2 sets, 75 20x2 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x1 sets

* resting heavy ohp. did more of the 95s. was still able to get 12-4-4 on 135. 95s are straight to 20s.

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x2 | 95  20x2 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 rest sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral mid pull 165 20x2 sets | cable upright rows 60 10x1 sets, 60 20x1 sets | seated one arm rows high pull 75 20x1 sets
Calvesseated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x1 sets

Tue Jul 10

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3  | 95  20x1 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 50 20x4 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 rest | cable upright rows 60 rest | seated one arm rows high pull 75 20x2 sets
Calves seated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x1 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3  | 95  20x2 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 50 20x1 sets,  60 20x3 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 rest | cable upright rows 60 rest | seated one arm rows high pull 75 rest
Calves seated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x1 sets

* did my rowing with more strict form. keeping my upperbody upight all the time. i can get all 75lb to straight 20 reps but i eventually have to get momentum using my lowerback so i can still get full extension on the top ROM. lowerback rowing and volumes of ohp gets tiring quickly. taking it easy for now.

Wed Jul 11

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3  | 95  20x1 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 60 20x1 sets, 70 20x2 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 rest | one arm cable upright rows 20-30 10x2 sets each | seated one arm rows high pull 75 rest
Calves seated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x1 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x2  | 95  20x1 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 70 20x1 sets, 75 20x1 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 rest | one arm cable upright rows rest | seated one arm rows high pull 75 rest
Calves seated calf raise soleus 3x45lb 20x1 sets, 4x45lb 20x1 sets

Thur Jul 12

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x2  | 95  20x1 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 20x2 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 rest | one arm cable upright rows 30 20x1 sets, 40 20x1 sets | seated one arm rows high pull 75 rest
Calves seated calf raise soleus  4x45lb 20x1 sets

Fri Jul 13

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders standing bb press 135 20x3  | 95  20x1 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 20x2 sets | seated cable rows wide grip neutral high pull 160 rest | one arm cable upright rows 30 20x2 sets | seated one arm rows high pull 75 rest
Calves seated calf raise soleus  3x45lb 20x1 sets

Sat Jul 14

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders standing bb press 145 20x1  | 95  20x2 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 20x2 sets | one arm cable upright rows 30 20x2 sets, 40 20x1 sets
Calves seated calf raise soleus  3x45lb 20x2 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders seated overhead press machine 120 20x1 sets, 110 20x3 sets
Rows seated one arm cable rows low pull 75 20x3 sets | one arm cable upright rows 30 20x4 sets
Calves seated calf raise soleus  3x45lb 20x2 sets

* rest the standing ohp because my lowerback could use some more recovery time. used the seated machine this afternoon and form felt solid.
* doing more of the upright rows because my front shoulders are getting too big. prefer to look wider using more side delt action. lifted twice today because i took a day off from work. 
« Last Edit: July 14, 2018, 10:44:22 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1934 on: July 15, 2018, 09:06:35 am »
Jul 15-21 , 2018

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #229 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7

logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 202lb

Jul Week 3 of 4

Sun Jul 15

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders seated overhead press machine 110 20x3 sets | standing ohp trap bar 65 20x1 sets, 85 20x1 sets
Rows one arm cable upright rows 30 20x4 sets, 40 20x1 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus  3x45lb 20x2 sets

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3 
Shoulders seated overhead press machine 110 20x2 sets
Rows one arm cable upright rows 40 20x3 sets | one arm cable row low pull 75 20x2 sets 
Calves seated calf raise soleus  3x45lb 20x2 sets

Mon Jul 16

Squats 315-365-405, 315x1 
Shoulders seated overhead press machine 110 20x2 sets 
Rows one arm cable upright rows 40 20x2 sets 50-60 20x1 sets each | one arm cable row high pull 75 20x2 sets
Calves seated calf raise soleus  3x45lb 20x2 sets
Lower Back smith machine RDL 135-185-225 20x1 sets each

Squats 315-365-405, 315x1 
Shoulders seated overhead press machine 110-130-150 20x1 sets   
Rows one arm cable upright rows 40 20x1 sets, 50 20x2 sets
Calves seated calf raise soleus  3x45lb 20x2 sets, 4x45lb 20x1 sets
Abs weighted cable situps 25-30 5x1 sets

Tue Jul 17

Squats 315-365-405, 315x1 
Shoulders seated overhead press machine 150 20x2 sets, 110 20x1 sets 
Rows one arm cable upright rows 40 20x2 sets | one arm cable row low pull 75 20x2 sets | seated cable row high pull 100 50x1 sets
Calves seated calf raise soleus  3x45lb 20x1 sets

Squats 315-365-405 
Shoulders seated overhead press machine 150 20x2 sets, 110 20x1 sets 
Rows one arm cable upright rows 40 20x2 sets | one arm cable row low pull 75 20x2 sets
Calves seated calf raise soleus  3x45lb 20x2 sets

* squats feeling very strong already after a few days of no overhead pressing. might go for 435 tmrw if i still feel this fresh. skipped the backoff for more recovery.

Wed Jul 18

Squats 315-365-405
Shoulders seated overhead press machine 150 20x2 sets, 110 20x1 sets 
Rows one arm cable upright rows 40 20x2 sets, 50 20x2 sets | one arm cable row low pull 75 20x1 sets | seated cable row high pull 100 50x1 sets
Calves seated calf raise soleus  3x45lb 20x1 sets

Squats 315-365-405
Shoulders seated overhead press machine 150 20x2 sets 
Rows one arm cable upright rows 50 20x1 sets | one arm cable row low pull 75 20x2 sets

Thur Jul 19

Squats 315-365-405
Shoulders smith machine close grip decline bench  135-185 20x1 sets 
Rows one arm cable upright rows 50 20x1 sets | one arm cable row low pull 75 20x1 sets
Calves seated calf raise soleus  3x45lb 20x1 sets

Fri Jul 20

Squats 315-365-405
Shoulders smith machine close grip decline bench  185-205 5x4 sets 
Rows one arm cable upright rows 50 20x1 sets | one arm cable row low pull 75 20x1 sets
Calves seated calf raise soleus  3x45lb 20x1 sets

Sat Jul 21

Squats 315-365-405, 315x1
Shoulders seated shoulder press machine 110 20x2 sets
Rows one arm cable upright rows 50 20x1 sets | one arm cable row low pull 75 20x1 sets
Calves seated calf raise soleus  3x45lb 20x1 sets

« Last Edit: July 21, 2018, 11:29:11 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.