Author Topic: Kingfush  (Read 1099931 times)

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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1875 on: November 12, 2017, 10:20:29 pm »
I have another question now though. Hit 160kg today at 89.1kg after a 155kg single; cant remember how it felt in terms of difficulty but it doesn't look like a 1rm - think rep speed was good?). I really want a 180kg single at 90kg bw. Should i continue to allow my bw drift towards 91kg and hope to hit 180kg along the way then  cut down to get a 2xbw ratio? Or shud i try to stay around 87.5kg and aim for a 175kg squat and i can tackle 180kg after that? I feel like it's two wildy different ways to go and i coudl use some advice on how you'd approach it yourself.

cutting and maintaining or caloric excess+progression. easiest way to go.

if i were going 1RM PR, i would focus on 3-5RM that's calculated to the targeted weight and do them routinely over and over. take a few light days for recovery and overcompensation and go for the big single.   
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1876 on: November 16, 2017, 01:05:34 am »
just curious, do you still maintain your SVJ? have seen parts of your log, and seems like you're focused completely on just lifting now


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1877 on: November 16, 2017, 01:42:52 am »
just curious, do you still maintain your SVJ? have seen parts of your log, and seems like you're focused completely on just lifting now

still in the mid to high 30s the last time i did them (not more than 2 months ago). i'm very strong lately on the squat and that started after the last cycle of SVJs.

i'm closing in again to a 2.4+ bw squat ratio. my best jumps starts happening at this level of strong. 
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1878 on: November 16, 2017, 02:29:49 am »
i see, nice. seems like the squat does a lot for the VJ. but yea, remember seeing a clip of you dunking 2 handed off a standstill and that was pretty crazy


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1879 on: November 20, 2017, 02:21:39 am »
Nov 19-25, 2017

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #204 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7
~ = super set or drop set with less than 1 min rest
logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 192-194lb
exercise selection:
Vertical Pull bw chins wide x12-4-4
Vertical Pull seated lat machine pulldown 150x10, 180x10
Abs weighted situps 30lb x8-6-6
Vertical Push bw dips x20
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 165 x7-6-7

Nov Week 4 of 5

Sun Nov 19

Squats 315-365-405, 315x3
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x10-5-5
Vertical Pull cable upright rows 100lbx10-10
Horizontal Push seated chest press machine reverse grip 135lbx10, 165lbx10, 180lbx5, 195lbx5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10-10

Mon Nov 20

Squats 315-365-405, 315x1
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x12-4-4
Vertical Pull cable upright rows 100lbx10-10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 165x7-6-7
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx5-5
Horizontal Pull seated lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 180x5-5-5-5
Abs weighted situps 30lb x7-6-7

* taking deload even further with a single 315x1. i better come up very thick and solid soon. came back to the seated machine shoulder press because i don't want anything to tax my lowerback. the lat pulldown gets me somewhat a horizontal pulling because i face my chest upwards. i can feel the rhomboids getting some action.

Squats 315-365-405-435
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x14-6
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 165x10
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx10, 7x45lbx5
Horizontal Pull seated lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 180lbx10, 195lbx5, 210lbx5, 225lbx5, 240lbx5, 255lbx5 

* bw 192lb wet. 435x1 was not very heavy and concentric was smooth. could have gone heavier but will slowly practice lifting 405+ until the warmup 405 feels very light.

Tue Nov 21

Squats 315-365-405-435
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x14-6
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 165x10
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx5-5
Horizontal Pull seated lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 195lbx5, 210lbx5, 225lbx5, 240lbx5

* the 435x1 this morning was even easier than last nights. strong breakfast and a solid sleep later.  will occasionally add 315x3-5 backoff to iron out form but i'm top single heavy centered now until the end of the year.

Squats 315-365-405
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x12-4-4
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 165x10-5-5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx10, 7x45lbx5
Horizontal Pull seated lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 210lbx10, 225lbx10 
Vertical Pull cable upright rows 100lbx10-10

* did not overpower the 405 enough to try something heavier. called it a day there and be stronger tmrw morning. rhomboids getting thicker and thicker. the wide grip neutral attachment works. i can feel soreness in center midback. doing shoulder forward rotation (bent arms) as dynamic stretch hits that spot.

Wed Nov 22

Squats 315-365-405-455#204
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x12-4-4
Vertical Push seated hammerstrength iso chest press 1x45lb x10-10-10-10
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx5-5
Horizontal Pull seated lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 210lbx10

* bw 192lb. the 405 went up very smoothly. had to go for it. the 455 was not a grinder. i was still somewhat surprised that i feel this thick and strong at a very lean low 190s bw.

Squats 315-365-405-440
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x12-4-4
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx5-5
Horizontal Pull seated lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 210lbx10

Thur Nov 23

Squats 315-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x12-4-4
Horizontal Pull seated lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 210lbx10-10

- gym closes at 2pm. took a 5hr nap after work and did my quick squat and row routine. did the 405 paused half asleep and it was alright. will get 440 or 455 again tmrw. feeling good also from all the doms in my middle back. will do more of the seated lat pulldowns with wide bar and go heavier when i feel more comfortable bracing myself. the 240-255lb+ starts to pull me up and form gets harder to maintain. the pulling is alright, keeping my body planted is another thing.

Fri Nov 24

Squats 315-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x12-4-4
Horizontal Pull seated lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 210lbx10
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10-10
Vertical Push standing one arm db press 30lbx10, 40lbx10, 50lbx10, 70lbx5

* that single wednesday night worknight did some damage to my recovery. i got a 4.5hr daytime sleep yesterday and another 8.5hr tonight but was still not able to get the 405 easily this morning. did some volumes of db pressing for shoulder work. will come back stronger later.

Squats 315-365-405
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x12-4-4
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10-10, 6x45lbx10
Sat Nov 25

Squats 315-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x12-4-4
Horizontal Pull seated lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 210lbx5-5, 225lbx5-5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10-10
Vertical Pull cable upright rows 100lbx10-10
Vertical Push seated hammerstrength iso chest press 1x45lbx10-10, 1x45lb+25lbx10, 2x45lbx5

* worked wed and fri nights only this week and got a thursday thanksgiving time off. it messed up my sleep cycle. i had 2 days of adjusting which got me not so strong.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 04:41:30 am by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1880 on: November 20, 2017, 04:15:51 pm »
just curious, do you still maintain your SVJ? have seen parts of your log, and seems like you're focused completely on just lifting now

still in the mid to high 30s the last time i did them (not more than 2 months ago). i'm very strong lately on the squat and that started after the last cycle of SVJs.

i'm closing in again to a 2.4+ bw squat ratio. my best jumps starts happening at this level of strong.

Have you ever timed yourself or been timed for the 40 yard dash? I know your focus is on vertical but it'd be interesting to see how that transitions into the 40 yards as there is usually a correlation between relative strength and a fast 40.
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1881 on: November 20, 2017, 11:26:39 pm »
no. done some weeks of serious sprinting / sled dragging but got too burned to attempt a PR.  i know i'm very quick on the first 3-4 steps because i'm faster than most quick point guards on a fastbreak when i was playing bball.
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1882 on: November 26, 2017, 11:22:36 am »
Nov 26 - Dec 2, 2017

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #204 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7
~ = super set or drop set with less than 1 min rest
logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 192-194lb
exercise selection:

Nov Week 5 of 5

Sun Nov 26

Squats 315s-365-405-315s
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x12-4-4
Horizontal Pull seated lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 210lbx5-5, 225lbx5-5, 240lbx5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10-10, 6x45lbx10
Vertical Push smith machine bench press reverse grip 135lbx10-10, 185lbx5

* bw staying at 190-194 for weeks now. very lean with lots of veins in arms. very happy to get the 455 a few days ago. now more motivated to not mess it up and get a few more 455s. front shoulders also feeling good with the reverse grip bench pressing. doms on my midback now always there from the wide grip pulling. also thankful that my left elbow is not getting tender from these - must be from the neutral grip.
* the lat pulling is about bw + 50lb. i can do a solid 5 reps without any form breakdown. did 255 also but it was getting very hard to not get pulled up.

Squats 315s-365-405-315s
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x12-4-4
Horizontal Pull seated lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 225lbx5-5, 240lbx5-5, 255lbx5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10-10, 6x45lbx10
Vertical Push smith machine bench press reverse grip 135lbx10, 185lbx5, 205lbx5

Mon Nov 27

Squats 315s-365-405-315s
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x12-4-4
Vertical Pull cable upright rows 100lbx10-10
Horizontal Pull seated lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 240lbx5-5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10-10, 6x45lbx10
Vertical Push smith machine bench press reverse grip 135lbx10-10, 185lbx10

* leg strength needs to come back anytime now. hopefully i'l be at least 440lbx1 strong later.

Squats 315s-365-405-315s
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x16-4, bw+30lbx5
Vertical Pull cable upright rows 100lbx10-10, smith machine upright rows 95lbx10, 135lbx5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10-10, 6x45lbx5, 7x45lbx5

* was 425-435 strong this afternoon but would rather hold off until i'm im the 440-455 strong. did not get very good sleep because of contractors doing some house improvement work.

Tue Nov 28

Squats 315s-365-405-315s
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20-5
Vertical Pull cable upright rows 100lbx10
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10-10, 6x45lbx10
Vertical Push smith machine bench press reverse grip 135lbx10-10, 185lbx5, 205lbx5, 225lbx5

* can't complain with the sleep i got tonight but still not very strong on the 405 to try 425lb+. its either the other things i'm doing is tiring me more than i think they are. il just ride this until i see my recovery catch up again. my shoulder work is progressing nicely with the reverse grip bench pressing on the smith. feel most doms on front delts. nothing on chest.
* my wide grip pullups are also very strong. time to bring out the dip belt and start doing these weighted more often.

Squats 315s-365-405-405x4
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x13-4-3,x5,x5
Abs weighted cable situps 30lb x10-6-4
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10-10, 6x45lbx5-5, 7x45lbx5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press reverse grip 135lbx10, 185lbx5-5

* still not overpowering the 405 to my liking. everything else fails, back to what works. did 405x4 paused reps for volume. i'm usually stronger on the top single heavy than the backoffs. reverse grip bench pressing still not doing any harm. i lower the bar below chest level. narrow grip.

Wed Nov 29

Squats 315s-365-405-405x4
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x12-4-4
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx10, 7x45lbx5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press reverse grip 135lbx10, 185lbx5, 205lbx5, 225lbx5
Horizontal Pull seated lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 210lbx5, 225lbx5-5, 240lbx5-5

* mornings getting colder and colder now. its in the mid 40s today. smith machine bench pressing doing well. my wide grip chinning is not getting affected yet. usually when i overexert on upperbody pushing, my left elbow gives up first and becomes tender, pulling exercise loses some ROM. right now everything is pain free. will keep it this way and limit the bench pressing to 205-225lb max.

Squats 315s-365-405
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x12-4-4
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx10, 7x45lbx5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press reverse grip 135lbx10, 185lbx5, 205lbx5, 225lbx5

Thur Nov 30

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x16-4
Calves seated calf raise soleus 6x45lbx5-5, 7x45lbx5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press reverse grip 185lbx5-5, 205lbx5, 225lbx5

Fri Dec 1

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x12-4-4
Vertical Push smith machine bench press reverse grip 185lbx5-5-5-5, 205lbx5-5

Sat Dec 2

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x16-4
Vertical Push smith machine bench press reverse grip 185lbx5-5-5-5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx5, 6x45lbx5-5-5-5
« Last Edit: December 02, 2017, 10:45:36 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1883 on: December 03, 2017, 10:48:32 pm »
Dec 3-9, 2017

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #204 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7
~ = super set or drop set with less than 1 min rest
logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 192-194lb
exercise selection:

Dec Week 1 of 4

Sun Dec 3

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown wide neutral 210lbx5, 225lbx5-5, 240lbx5-5, 255lbx5
Vertical Push seated chest press  reverse grip 135lbx10, 165lbx5-5, 195lbx5
Vertical Push standing cable chest press 10lbx10-10, 20lbx5-5, 25lbx5-5, 30lbx5-5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx5-5-5-5

* don't like the crushing feeling on my mid back from the chest pressing. nothing is sore or broken but i can feel something on my back is getting fatigued supporting the negatives of the 185lb+ on the smith pressing. did narrow reverse grip pressing on the cable station. it should work because i'm not pressed into anything. the seated chest press also works because i'm only pressing on the back support with my upperback.
* very strong on the wide grip pullups. was also able to hinge myself better on the lat pulldown by squeezing my legs inside the machine for solid bracing. machine tops out at 300lb. i was able to get full ROM on the 255lbx5. it felt heavy but i can get to 270lb soon. 300lb (bw+110lb)  at max stack is a good goal.

Mon Dec 4

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20
Horizontal Pull seated lat pulldown wide neutral 240lbx5, 255lbx5
Horizontal Pull seated hammerstrength iso row one arm 1x45lbx5-5, 2x45lbx5-5, 3x45lbx5-5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lbx5-5-5-5, 45lb+25lbx5-5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx5-5

* squats feeling better now. will go for 405x4 again later. bw 190lb-192lb. cannot maintain 194lb+ without forcefully eating a lot more.
* did landmines again for shoulder work. i remember that these don't tire the back. only stopped before because i went too heavy at 2x45lb per arm and eventually tire my obliques. the hammerstrength row machine is right there next to the landmine press so i did some light reps for pull balance. i prefer the seated horizontal pulling with the wide grip attachment but hesitating on doing them regularly because i might possibly tire my lowerback supporting the weight.

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide grip neutral 240lbx5, 255lbx5
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip 120lbx10, 150lbx5, 180lbx5, 210lbx5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lbx5-5-5-5, 45lb+25lbx5-5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx5-5

* will do my 405x4 tmrw. did not have the squat rack this afternoon. the gym was too busy. don't want to overexert and force a rep more than i have too i there were no pins.

Tue Dec 5

Squats 315s-365-405x4-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide neutral 240lbx5, 255lbx5, 270lbx5
Vertical Pull cable upright rows 100lbx10-10
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip 180lbx5, 195lbx5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lbx5-5-5, 45lb+25lbx5-5, 45lb+35lbx5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx5-5, 7x45lbx5

* found a more effective way to hinge my legs on the lat pulldown station comfortably. was able to get 270lbx5s without any problems. could get 285lbx5 soon. and 300 full stack in a couple of more weeks.

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide neutral 255lbx5, 270lbx5
Vertical Pull cable upright rows 100lbx10
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip 180lbx5, 195lbx5, 210lbx5, 225lbx5, 240lbx5, 255lbx5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lbx10-10
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx5-5-5-5
* getting very strong on the rowing.

Wed Dec 6

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | skip - seated lat pulldown wide neutral 240lbx5, 255lbx5, 270lbx5
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60lbx10, 80lbx5, 100lbx5, 120lbx5, 140lbx5
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip 225lbx5-5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lbx10-10, 45lb+25lbx5, 45lb+35lbx5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx5-5-5-5

* the cable upright rows yesterday using the short straight bar attachment on the low pulley station did not feel very good so i stopped at a single set of 10. i got tired from the heavy pulling and when i went to finish off with side shoulder pulling, the movement felt very unsmooth. did volumes of one arm pulling and this felt tons smoother. only problem is my right pulling is a lot weaker.
* landmine shoulder pressing still working.

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide neutral 255lbx5, 270lbx5
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 80lbx10, 100lbx10
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lbx10, 45lb+25lbx5-5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx5-5

* strong for 405+ this afternoon but prefer to stay with bare minimum routine again until i get heavier a little.

Thur Dec 7

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide neutral 255lbx5, 270lbx5, 285lbx5, 300lbx5
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 80lbx10, 100lbx10
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lbx10, 45lb+25lbx5-5

Fri Dec 78

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide neutral 255lbx5, 270lbx5, 285lbx5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lbx10, 45lb+25lbx5, 2x45lbx5-5

* will see how much more stronger my squats are after this 2-3 day deload. pullups are very strong.

Sat Dec 9

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide neutral 255lbx5-5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lbx10, 45lb+25lbx5-5-5-5
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 80lbx10, 100lbx10

« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 11:53:02 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1884 on: December 10, 2017, 11:11:44 am »
Dec 10-16, 2017

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #204 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7
~ = super set or drop set with less than 1 min rest
logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 192-194lb

Dec Week 2 of 4

Sun Dec 10

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide neutral 255lbx5-5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lbx10, 45lb+25lbx5-5, 45lb+35lbx5
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip neutral 195lbx5, 210lbx5, 225lbx5, 240lbx5, 255lbx5
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 80lbx10, 100lbx5, 120lbx5, 140lbx5
Calves seated calf raises soleus 5x45lbx10-10

* the deloads on the squat is working. feeling very fresh already.

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide neutral 255lbx5, 270lbx5, 285lbx5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lb+25lbx5, 45lb+35lbx5, 2x45lbx5
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip neutral 195lbx5, 210lbx5, 225lbx5, 240lbx5
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 80lbx5-5, 100lbx5-5

Mon Dec 11

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide neutral 255lbx5, 270lbx5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lb+25lbx5, 45lb+35lbx5
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip neutral 210lbx5, 225lbx5, 240lbx5
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 80lbx5-5, 100lbx5-5
Calves seated calf raises soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x4lbx5-5

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide neutral 255lbx5, 270lbx5, 285lbx5, bwx5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lb+25lbx5, 45lb+35lbx5, 2x45lbx5
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip neutral 210lbx5, 225lbx5, 240lbx5
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 90lbx5-5, 100lbx5-5
Calves seated calf raises soleus 5x45lbx5, 6x4lbx5, 7x45lbx5

* keeping squats to bare minimum for a while now. been progressing nicely with the wide grip rowing. i was able to pull full stack 300lbx5 but was too tiring at this time. kept it to 285lb today.
* the 315 today after the 405 felt like i could have 20-rep it. stick to plan and just do my little squat singles and focus on shoulders and back.

Tue Dec 12

Squats 315s-365-405-435-315x5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide neutral 255lbx5-5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lb+25lbx5, 45lb+35lbx5
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip neutral 210lbx5, 225lbx5, 240lbx5, 255lbx5
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows skip
Calves smith machine standing calf raises 315lbx5-5, 405lbx5

* 405 too easy this morning and id be very lazy not to do something heavier. got 435 without any issues even at a very lean 192lb bw. i'm very happy that my left elbow tenderness is not showing up even with all the volumes of heavy wide grip pulldowns and one arm shoulder landmine press. still not brave enough to do dips.

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5-5-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide neutral 255lbx5, 270lbx5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lb+25lbx5, 45lb+35lbx5, 2x45lbx5
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip neutral 225lbx5, 240lbx5, 255lbx5
Calves smith machine standing calf raises 315lbx5-5, 405lbx5, 405lbx5

Wed Dec 13

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide neutral 255lbx5-5, bwx5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 45lb+25lbx5, 45lb+35lbx5, 2x45lbx5
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip neutral 225lbx5-5, 240lbx5-5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10, 6x45lbx5 | smith machine standing calf raises 315lbx5, 405lbx5, 405lbx5

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide neutral 255lbx5-5
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 2x45lbx5-5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx10-10

Thur Dec 14

Squats 315s-365-405-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 1x45lb+35lbx5-5
Horizontal Pull seated wide grip cable rows 225lbx5, 240lbx5, 255lbx5, 270lbx5

Fri Dec 15

Squats 315s-365-405-405x4-315
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 2x45lbx5-5
Horizontal Pull seated wide grip cable rows 240lbx5, 255lbx5, 270lbx5

Sat Dec 16

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5-5-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x10-10
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 1x45lb+35lbx5-5
Horizontal Pull seated wide grip cable rows 240lbx5, 255lbx5

« Last Edit: December 17, 2017, 01:59:54 am by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1885 on: December 17, 2017, 11:26:58 am »
Dec 17-23, 2017

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #204 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7
~ = super set or drop set with less than 1 min rest
logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 192-194lb

Dec Week 3 of 4

Sun Dec 17

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 2x45lbx5-5
Horizontal Pull seated wide grip cable rows 255lbx5-5
Calves standing calf raises smith 225lbx5-5, 315lbx5-5-5-5
Abs weighted cable situps 30lbx5-5, 35lbx5-5

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20
Vertical Push standing shoulder one arm landmine press 1x35lb+25lbx5-5, 1x45lb+35lbx5-5
Horizontal Pull seated wide grip cable rows 240lbx5-5
Calves standing calf raises smith 315lbx5-5-5-5

Mon Dec 18

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide grip 240lbx5-5
Calves standing calf raises smith 315lbx20

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5-5-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20 | seated lat pulldown wide grip 240lbx5
Horizontal Push seated chest press machine reverse grip 135lbx10, 150lbx5, 180bx5, 195lbx5

* gym too crowded lately. had to use the chest press machine because so many people are rowing on the landmine press area. i made sure i didn't tire my lower back on the pressing. i'm only making contact with the back support at the area where i put the weight of the bar when i squat. form looks like a decline bench but seated.

Tue Dec 19

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5-5-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide neutral x20
Calves standing calf raises smith 315lbx10-10-10-10
Horizontal Push seated chest press machine reverse grip 135lbx10-10, 150lbx5, 180bx5, 195lbx5

* will have a 3 day lake tahoe skiing trip. theres a good gym there at the olympic village so no problems keeping up with my routine. been weeks now of doing x20 bw pullups at least 1-2x per day. no elbow issues. been getting weaker on the weighted latpulldowns. i was already at 270-385-300 but now at a comfortable 240-255lb. will go heavier again when i start skipping these straight bw to 20 set. i do them straight to 12, and singles the rest while continuing to hang on the bar.

Horizontal Pull wide grip cable rows one arm
Horizontal Pull wide grip cable rows 
Vertical Push cable shoulder press using straight bar attachment 120lbx5s max   
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows

* did not have a squat rack at my buildings little fitness center. did not bother going to another gym to squat because i got good volume already in the morning, and i did not get as much daytime sleep as i'm used to. used a matrix multi cable machine and it got the job done.
* did not bother logging exact weights because the machine has some weird denomination on the plate stack. stayed at 10s for sets on warmups and kept to 5 progressing the weight up.

Wed Dec 20

Squats cable station straight bar full squats paused x5s
Horizontal Pull wide grip cable rows 
Vertical Push cable shoulder press using straight bar attachment   

Horizontal Pull wide grip cable rows 
Vertical Push cable shoulder press using straight bar attachment   
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows
Cardio inclined walking 4.5%, 4mph. 15 mins. HR 133max

Thur Dec 21

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5
Horizontal Pull seated machine rows nautilus nitro 215lbx5-5, 245lbx5-5-5-5
Vertical Push seated machine press 135lbx5-5, 150lbx5, 180lbx5, 195lbx5
Vertical Pull seated machine pulldown nautilus nitro 215lbx5-5, 245lbx5-5
Calves standing calf machine 200lbx5-5, 290lbx5-5-5-5

* got very good sleep after a dinner of smoked ribs and bbq. woke up and the little squaw valley fitness center is not going to cut it. had to drive at 14F freezing weather about 10mins to a tahoe city gym. got decent reviews but was expecting at least a smith machine so i can do heavier squats. the cable station squats i've been doing is not very comfortable. i have to start at the bottom position because of the straight bar attachment connected to two low pulleys. thats the only way i can work the squats on that matrix multi station machine.
* very surprised that this local gym has everything i need and some more. it has a GHR bench and my favorite line of machines - nautilus nitro series. its an old school line but the individual handle design helps a lot with full ROM while still have a solid two arm balance.

* individual handles can pivot out for best ROM while still giving you the feeling of a double hand movement because the resistance is coming from a single point. double hand movement makes you lift more weight. no balancing and just solid bracing with the legs.
* my favorite thing. too bad most full stacks at 245lb

* local tahoe gym. a sante fitness

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5-5-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip neutral bwx20 | seated lat machine pulldown wide grip 240lbx5
Vertical Push seated machine press 135lbx5-5, 150lbx5, 180lbx5, 195lbx5
Calves standing smith machine calf raises 315lbx5-5, 405lbx5-5-5-5, 455lbx5

* back to SF. 4hr late afternoon nap and i'm back at it.

Fri Dec 22

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip neutral bwx20 
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip neutral 225lbx5, 240lbx5, 255lbx5, 270lbx5
Vertical Push seated machine chest press 135lbx5, 150lbx5, 180lbx5, 195lbx5 | dips bwx20
Calves standing smith machine calf raises 315lbx5, 405lbx5-5-5-5

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip neutral bwx20 
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip neutral 240lbx5, 255lbx5
Vertical Push seated machine chest press 180lbx5, 195lbx5, 225lbx5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx5-5-5-5, 6x45lbx5

Sat Dec 23

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip neutral bwx20 
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip neutral 240lbx5-5
Vertical Push seated machine chest press 180lbx5, 195lbx5 | dips bwx20 | seated smith machine shoulder press 135lbx5-5-5-5, 185lbx5
Calves standing smith machine calf raises 405lbx5-5, 455lbx5, 495lbx5
Abs weighted cable situps 30lbx5, 35lbx5, 40lbx5

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip neutral bwx20 
Vertical Push seated machine chest press 180lbx5, 195lbx5, 225lbx5, 240lbx5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx5-5-5-5, 6x56lbx5

* been sick since wed with colds. not used to very cold weather at lake tahoe. did not affect my workouts. still getting good sleep. just annoying that i'm coughing.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2017, 11:53:07 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1886 on: December 24, 2017, 11:18:08 am »
Dec 24-30, 2017

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #204 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7
~ = super set or drop set with less than 1 min rest
logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 190-192lb

Dec Week 4 of 4

Sun Dec 24

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip neutral bwx20 | seated lat pulldown wide grip neutral 240lbx5
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 80lbx5-5-5-5, 100lbx5-5
Vertical Push seated machine chest press 180lbx5, 195lbx5, 225lbx5
Calves standing smith machine calf raises 405lbx5-5-5-5, 455lbx5, 495lbx5

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5-5-5
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown wide grip neutral 240lbx5-5
Horizontal Pull seated one arm cable row 60lbx5, 80lbx5-5, 100lbx5-5
Vertical Push seated machine chest press 180lbx5-5, 195lbx5-5, 225lbx5, 240lbx5, 255lbx5

* gym closes early today at 2pm. did a 6am/12am combo today. had a quick nap in between. felt so stronger at lunch time probably because i'm not as fasted compared to my 6pm afternoon workouts.
* i'm getting very strong on the seated chest press machine using a reverse grip for more shoulder action. there should be a very good warmup to this exercise because the little elbow joints are starting to take heavy beating moving 255lb+ weights.

Mon Dec 25

Squats Leg press x5s
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown wide grip x5s
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows x5s
Vertical Push seated machine chest press x5s
Calves leg press calf raises x5s
Cardio inclined walking 7.5% @ 4mph. 15mins, 1mile
* used the little fitness center in my condo unit because its all thats open today. i have a bb and squat stands to do 315s at my balcony but did not feel like lifting outside. my legs are still domd more than usual because of my planned 315x20 volume yesterday.
* i still have the colds but im only coughing now. i don't feel sick anymore. the 2 week work vacation i took messed up my year round routine of workout.dinner.nap. my body probably went to shock and then when i'm weakest, went to ice cold lake tahoe.

Tue Dec 26

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Vertical Pull bw pullup wide grip neutral x20
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 80lbx5-5, 100lbx5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 135lbx5-5, 185lbx5, 205lbx5
Calves smith machine calf raises 405lbx5-5-5-5, 455lbx5-5
Abs weighted cable situps 30lbx5-5, 40lbx5

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5,365x5
Vertical Pull bw pullup wide grip neutral x20
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip neutral 225lbx5-5, 240lbx5-5, 255lbx5, 270lbx5
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 80lbx5-5,
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 135lbx5-5, 185lbx5-5, 205lbx5-5
Calves smith machine calf raises 405lbx5-5, 455lbx5, 495lbx5, 405lbx5

Wed Dec 27

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5-5
Vertical Pull bw pullup wide grip neutral x20 | lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 225lbx5
Horizontal Pull seated cable rows wide grip neutral 240lbx5, 255lbx5, 270lbx5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 135lbx5-5, 185lbx5-5, 205lbx5-5
Calves smith machine calf raises 405lbx5-5

* recovering from the daily smith machine inclined close grip bench pressing. its hitting the right muscles because most of the soreness is in the shoulder and upper chest area. im very lean lately. 188-190lb dry in the mornings.
* something new for the new year - more calories and more cardio. can't be too lazy and stay at 190lb. i will try again to get to a lean mid 190s. i was already at 455 at 194lb not too long ago but got lazy force feeding myself.

Squats 315s-365-405-365x5, 315x5
Vertical Pull bw pullup wide grip neutral x20 | lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 240lbx5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 185lbx5-5, 205lbx5-5
Calves smith machine calf raises 405lbx5, 455lbx5, 495lbx5-5, 405lbx5

Thur Dec 28

Squats 315s-365-405-345x5

* ditch the workout after the squats to take care of things. thought about completing the workout but its been over a week already of these 2x /day workout because of my 2 week vacation. a little break is good.

Squats 315s-365-405-365x5
Vertical Pull bw pullup wide grip neutral x20 | lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 240lbx5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 185lbx5-5, 205lbx5-5, 225lbx5
Calves smith machine calf raises 405lbx5-5, 455lbx5-5, 495lbx5-5
Abs weighted cable situps 30lbx5-5-5-5, 40lbx5

Fri Dec 29

Squats 315s-365-405-345x5
Vertical Pull bw pullup wide grip neutral x20 | one arm cable upright rows 80lbx5-5-5-5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 185lbx5-5, 205lbx5-5-5-5
Horizontal Pull seated cable row wide grip neutral 225lbx5 | one arm cable rows 80lbx5-5

* bw down to 188-190lb very lean. not too worried about strength going down. still lifting good numbers.

Squats 315s-365-405-345x5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 205lbx5-5, 225lbx5 | bw dipsx20
Horizontal Pull seated cable row wide grip neutral 225lbx5-5, 240lbx5, 255lbx5, 270lbx5, 285lbx5, 300lbx5 
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lbx5-5-5-5, 6x45lbx5

* i will start upping the calories little by little again until i get back to the mid 190s and lean. smith close grip bench pressing progressing well. i;m not getting any tenderness or lowerback issues yet so il keep on going with these too.

Sat Dec 30

Squats 315s-365-405-345x5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 185lbx5-5, 205lbx5-5, 225lbx5-5
Horizontal Pull seated cable row wide grip neutral 225lbx5-5, 240lbx5, 255lbx5
Calves standing smith machine calf raises 405lbx5, 455lbx5, 495lbx5, 405lbx5

* resting the vertical pulling. there is this awkward discomfort on my right elbow when i pull up on the upright rows. i can do 80-100 easily on the left arm but the right arm is not feeling too smooth. rest the bwx20s and just do 225lb-240lblbx5s for maintenance.

Squats 315s-365-405-345x5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 205lbx5-5, 225lbx5-5-5-5, 205lbx5-5
Horizontal Pull seated cable row wide grip neutral 225lbx5-5, 240lbx5, 255lbx5, 270lbx5
Calves standing smith machine calf raises 405lbx5-5-5-5

* got a fancy blender christmas gift and started bulking with it. protein shake with banana+cashiew or peanut. close grip pressing goal is ~275-315 on the smith. il try putting 245-255 to test weight and see how long it would take me to build up to close to 315 pressing. these 225 volumes i'm doing are all paused reps with full ROM. not putting 100% effort yet. just volumes to make sure no little muscle somewhere strains because of too fast progression.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2017, 10:15:55 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1887 on: December 31, 2017, 12:08:07 pm »
Dec 31 - Jan 6, 2018

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #204 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7
~ = super set or drop set with less than 1 min rest
logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 190-192lb

Jan Week 1 of 5

Sun Dec 31

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 185lbx5-5, 205lbx5-5-5-5
Vertical Pull lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 225lbx5
Horizontal Pull standing one arm cable rows 60lbx5-5-5-5, 75lbx5-5-5-5
Calves seated calf machine soleus 5x45lbx5, 6x45lbx5-5-5-5 | standing smith machine calf raises 405lbx5-5-5-5

* bw up quickly to 192-194 after bananas and cashew combo in my protein shake. must be carb depleted. i will try 245lb on the smith later for my  close grip pressing. when i get my bw stable in the 194s, i will go for 385-405sx5 again.

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 205lbx5-5, 225lbx5-5
Vertical Pull star trac lat machine pulldown wide grip neutral 225lbx5, 240lbx5, 255lbx5
Horizontal Pull standing one arm cable rows 75lbx5-5

* did not get a long sleep. had to wake up a little early because of gym holiday closing time. was feeling good on the lifts but still have some little thing wrong with my right elbow on upright rows. used the star trac lat machine for pulldowns - one with the widening handles on full ROM. (diverging).
* was happy on how i blasted the squat routine without any breaks other than changing the weights. gym was packed and don't want to be an ass camping there while everyone is waiting. took my less than 10mins to do the squat. 3 mins of that is changing to my romaleos.
* going costco now to buy some steaks to welcome 2018.
Mon Jan 1

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 185lbx5-5, 205lbx5-5-5-5, 225lbx5
Horizontal Pull standing one arm cable rows 75lbx5-5-5-5, 80lbx5-5
Calves seated calf machine soleus 5x45lbx5-5-5-5

192lb post workout. still have abs. will go 194-196 and maintain again.

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 205lbx5, 225lbx5-5-5-5
Horizontal Pull standing one arm cable rows 80lbx5-5, 90lbx5, 100lbx5
Calves seated calf machine soleus 5x45lbx5-5, 6x45lbx5-5-5-5
Abs weighted cable situps 30lbx5-5-5-5

Tue Jan 2

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 225lbx5-5-5-5, 255lbx2
Horizontal Pull standing one arm cable rows 80lbx5-5
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine 120lbx5-5-5-5, 180lbx5-5
Calves seated calf machine soleus 5x45lbx5-5, 6x45lbx5-5

* felt strong on the pressing already in the morning. skipped the 205s and went straight to 225lb. did my volume 5s and then tried 255 after the last set of 225 still felt not so heavy. could probably get 3-4 on 255 when fresh. taking it easy with the rowing. waiting for my right elbow to be 100%.

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 225lbx5-5-5-5, 245lbx5
Horizontal Pull standing one arm cable rows 75lbx5-5-5-5, 100lbx5
Calves seated calf machine soleus 5x45lbx5, 6x45lbx5-5-5-5

* good progress on the close grip inclined bench pressing. squats are also feeling good. bw 192-194lb. will top set 435s when i get my weight stable at 194ish.

Wed Jan 3

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 225lbx5-5-5-5
Horizontal Pull standing one arm cable rows 75lbx5-5-5-5
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine 135lbx5, 150lbx5, 165lbx5, 180lbx5
Calves seated calf machine soleus 5x45lbx5-5-5-5, 6x45lbx5

* bw now in the 190s steady. did some calorie/macro counting and i'm at ~ 3700kcal/day for steady gains.

protein shake recipe: 1280
2 scoop protein -  260 (130 each)
4 banana - 480 (120 each)
2 cups peanuts 340 (170 each)
1 cup cashew 170
5g creatine mono 0

protein - 50 powder, 16 nuts, 8 cashiew = 74g
chicken thigh 18g
total protein per meal - 92g
protein per day 184g
home cooked meal - 580
2 grilled chicken thigh - 480 (240 each)
0.5 cup rice 100

total kcal per day - 3720
2x protein shake 2560 (1280x2)
2x cooked meal 1160 (580x2)

this 3720 is max calories per day. goes down during workdays. cannot get food coma from the heavy banana loaded protein shake at work.

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 225lbx5-5-5-5
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine 150lbx5, 165lbx5, 180lbx5, 210lbx5, 225lbx5, 240lbx5, 255lbx5
Calves seated calf machine soleus 5x45lbx5-5, 6x45lbx5-5

Thur Jan 4

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 225lbx5-5-5-5
Horizontal Pull standing one arm cable rows 75lbx5-5-5-5

Fri Jan 5

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Vertical Push smith machine bench press close grip 225lbx5-5, 245lbx5-5
Horizontal Pull standing one arm cable rows 75lbx5-5, 85lbx5-5

* slight gout symptoms on my right foot possibly from the nut overdose. 6 servings of cashew+ peanuts daily is too much for me. had to cut back now to just 4 bananas and 2 protein scoops for my post workout shake. bw 192-194lb. right elbow now almost 100%. will start pulling heavier on the lat pulldown machine and cable rowing. calves skipped until i get my right foot fixed.

Sat Jan 6

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Shoulders smith machine bench press close grip 225lbx5-5-5-5
Rows standing one arm cable rows 75lbx5-5-5-5, 85lbx5-5
Pullups seated lat pulldown machine 225lbx5-5

* 194lb dry after a 6hr nap. besides the little gout i have on my right foot, i feel very strong this afternoon even after coming off a 3-day work week.
* 245x5s yesterday on shoulder work got me a little tired on that. rowing feeling almost 100% good on right elbow. will add the upright row tmrw morning and see if im fixed.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 10:16:16 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1888 on: January 07, 2018, 10:42:41 am »
Jan 7-13, 2018

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #204 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7
~ = super set or drop set with less than 1 min rest
logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 192-194lb


chicken thigh and ricex2 - 1840
740x2 banana protein shake - 1480
3320kcal without the nuts on protein shake. will see if this maintains 194lb

protein shake recipe: 740kcal updated without nuts. lowering uric acid.
2 scoop protein -  260 (130 each)
4 banana - 480 (120 each)
2 cups peanuts 340 (170 each) - skip
1 cup cashew 170 skip
5g creatine mono 0

protein - 50 powder, 16 nutsx0 , 8 cashiewx0 = 50g
chicken thigh 18g
total protein per meal - 68g
protein per day 136g
home cooked meal - 920
3 grilled chicken thigh - 720 (240 each)
1 cup rice 200

misc - leg of lamb 240g - 720kcal per meal.

Jan Week 2 of 5

Sun Jan 7

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Shoulders smith machine bench press close grip 225lbx5-5-5-5
Rows standing one arm cable rows 75lbx5-5, 80lbx5-5, 85lbx5-5
Pullups seated lat pulldown machine 225lbx5, 240lbx5, 255lbx5, 270lbx5

* caloric excess still working for strength. shoulders still weak from 245x5s but will get over this soon.

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Shoulders smith machine bench press close grip 225lbx5-5-5-5
Rows standing one arm cable rows 75lbx5-5-5-5, 80lbx5-5
Pullups seated lat pulldown machine 255lbx5, 270lbx5, 285lbx5, 300lbx5

* gout pain almost gone. will start to do calf raises again.

Mon Jan 8

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Shoulders smith machine bench press close grip 225lbx5-5-5-5
Pullups seated lat pulldown machine 255lbx5, 270lbx5-5-5-5
Rows standing one arm cable rows 80lbx5-5-5-5 | seated cable row pronated grip 150lbx5, 165lbx5, 180lbx5, 195lbx5

* was surprised to sleep 9pm to 3:30am today. my 2 week vacation wrecked my sleep pattern. bw still at 194ish. removed all nuts until i get my gout settled. can do 1-2 servings of nuts per day but not going back to 6 anymore.
* i'm pretty set with my squat-shoulder-pullup-calve exercise selection but still trying to get my go-to for the rows. the one arm standing with the off hand braced is ok but my arm strength imbalance is making it uncomfortable. i pull stronger on the left arm as i am a southpaw. i can do seated rows but prefer something with a hard-stop on the top ROM so i can do good reps no matter how heavy the resistance is. i tired doing the rows this morning using the ez-curl attachment and it seems to work because i stop the ROM when i get it to touch my mid-section. will see if i get comfortable with this. the wide grip neutral works but i get unsure of the full ROM because of the lack of a hard stop at the top.

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Shoulders smith machine bench press close grip 225lbx5-5-5-5
Pullups seated lat pulldown machine 270lbx5, 285lbx5-5, 300lbx5-5
Rows standing one arm cable rows 75lbx5-5 | seated cable row pronated grip 180lbx5, 195lbx5, 210lbx5, 225lbx5

* seated two arm cable row using the ez-curl attachment is alright for now. touching lower midsection on top ROM for consistency. seated lat pulldown machine already full stacked at 300lbx5s. these fell so good for my lats. would be nice to add more weight to the 300lb.

Tue Jan 9

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Shoulders smith machine bench press close grip 225lbx5-5, 245lbx5-5
Pullups seated lat pulldown machine 270lbx5-5, 285lbx5-5
Rows standing one arm cable rows 75lbx5-5 | standing one arm bb rows 80lbx5-5, 90lbx5

* tried these one arm rows using the fixed weight bb. it maxes at 100lb but an ez-curl bar does the job too. feels a lot better than db because i dont hit myself on top ROM. balancing is alright. grip it biased a little to the front.

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Shoulders smith machine bench press close grip 245lbx5-5-5-5
Pullups seated lat pulldown machine 270lbx5-5
Rows standing one arm bb rows 80lbx5-5-5-5, 90lbx5-5

* one arm bb rows are working. very good ROM. doing them with the off hand braced on the edge of smith machine. push-pull alternating. still not doing calves. very little soreness left of right leg from the gout. squats are very strong now at this stable 194lb bw. ~425-435 top set if i felt like it.

Wed Jan 10

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Shoulders smith machine bench press close grip 245lbx5-5-5-5
Pullups seated lat pulldown machine 270lbx5
Rows standing one arm bb rows 75lbx5-5, 85lbx5-5, 95lbx5 | one arm landmine rows 1x25lbx5-5, 2x25lbx5-5, 3x25lbx5

* i thought i had it good on the rowing using the ez-curl bar (25lb) while holding on the smith alternating on the shoulder pressing. will update with vid later. then i saw this new guy doing one arm landmine rows with the off hand braced on a 24" plyo box. fukkit. that looks like something il do for years. tried it and it was as good as it looked. i was already fatigued after doing my rowing but still wanted to see if loading multiple 25lb plates will give me a quick max weight ceiling. the 3x25lb already felt like in the 80lb. i can load another 3 plates on top of the 3 plates. there is good weight progression here. you are rowing perpendicular to the bb. no weight touching your body on top ROM. nice. fat bar kills grip but the straps take care of that.
* will go for 425-435 later and the 4-day work week starts. been over 4 weeks since i worked the 4x13hr wed-sat shift. this is going to hurt a little.
* got the leg of lamb from costco at a discount. added to my macro list. my air fryer can only cook about the same about of meat per meal. 700ish kcal as long as its not pure belly meat. i like a bit of fat. i'm not bodybuilding. i enjoy food. :P

one arm bb row. 85lb. prefer the landmine row now. but will use this as 2nd best for rowing.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Shoulders seated machine dips 105lbx10-10-10-10
Pullups seated lat pulldown machine skip
Rows one arm landmine rows 3x25lbx5-5, 4x25lbx5-5-5-5

Thur Jan 11

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Shoulders smith machine bench press close grip 245lbx5-5-5-5
Rows standing one arm bb rows 75lbx5-5-5-5, 85lbx5-5-5-5

* landmine area busy. had to do with ez curl bar one hand rows. wasn't so bad. i like it too. smith bench pressing comfortable now at 245s. might go 255-275 by end of this month. might start with calf work again by weekend. almost no more soreness in right foot.

Fri Jan 12

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Shoulders smith machine bench press close grip 245lbx5-5-5-5
Rows standing one arm bb rows 75lbx5-5-5-5, 85lbx5-5-5-5 | one arm landmine rows 3x45lbx5-5
Pullups seated lat machine pulldown wide grip 270lbx5-5

* the one arm landmine rowing definitely feels better than the bb rowing. i row in a straight line getting my mid/posterior delts in the action. i don't feel comfortable with the bodybuilding rowing technique of pulling with elbow and bringing the weight into the hip area. i row by pulling the elbow up and getting the resistance to top ROM near my shoulders. they said that this technique is not healthy for the shoulders but i've been pain free with this routine for years now.
* if i wanted to pull my elbow to my hips to get good rhomboid action, i do it on the lat pulldowns.

Sat Jan 13

Squats 315s-365-405-315x5
Shoulders smith machine bench press close grip 245lb-5x4 sets
Rows standing one arm bb rows 75lb-5x8 sets, | one arm landmine rows 3x45lb-5x2 sets
Pullups seated lat machine pulldown wide grip 270lb-5x2 sets
Calves 4x45lb 5x4 sets, 5x45lb 5x1 sets

* bw now at dry 194lb. the squats felt so much easier. back to calf work again. took it easy after almost 1 week off due to my right foot gout.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2018, 11:27:08 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1889 on: January 07, 2018, 11:10:48 am »
every physique selfie you post, you always look bigger and bigger and bigger. looking NFL-esque.