Author Topic: Kingfush  (Read 1099866 times)

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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1845 on: September 09, 2017, 01:02:15 am »
pharmaceutical cheat codes are dangerous. if you're even considering that, at this stage, i'd say you've definitely stumbled on to the "wrong track".

if you were already in "peak athletic condition", and were contemplating PED's/pharma to push yourself past your limits, that would be more understandable. That's when you contemplate something like that (if you aren't anti PED), not when you can make tons of gains the simple way.

losing fat is easier, the more you have.

gaining muscle is easier, the less you have.

improving fitness, is easier the less you have.

improving vert & speed, is easier the more detrained you are.

you have most of those things in your favor right now .. focus on the basics & make progress. People look towards everything but the basics, when trying to make progress. It's really incredible when you think about it. I'm on another forum where there's tons of "bodybuilder" types, and it's incredible how much sh*t people consider without first considering proper training. They are interested in all kinds of pharma when simple cardio or high frequency lifting in comnination with a proper diet, would do the job. It's mind blowing to me.

I personally would never take anything that risks my health or threatens to shorten life span, just to gain muscle, lose fat, or improve performance. To me, that is "disordered". It's interesting to me that the "substance abuse bodybuilding" crowd is not considered disordered - I think because it's such a huge money making market. Here, people are shortening their life spans by many years, dealing with all kinds of adverse health effects, taking all kinds of crazy chemical concoctions, just to change their appearance. Most of these people utilize this stuff way too early - hard training & proper diet would have given them the same & better results. It's incredible how many people fall for this pharma garbage IMHO. I mean to each their own, but, I personally respect natural bodybuilders & such who achieve their physics by just eating clean, lifting hard, and staying healthy. Somewhat of a rant, but, I just feel like resorting to things like TRT/hGH & such is usually considered way too early, which sounds all kinds of alarms to me.

Same thing goes for the performance crowd. You just have to be so careful. What if taking steroids/hgh caused you to really grow fast, but your tendons lagged behind & you end up wrecking one? That's the age old story about PED use and performance: muscles grow fast, tendons/ligaments don't .. injury risk sky rockets. So that's a major concern, among many others.

Also, "will not stop until 425 or injury" sounds self destructive. That was basically my advice/warning to you in your journal, I can see you doing stuff like this. Everyone on here admires determination, but if determination is really kamikaze self destruction, it's not determination. It's hard to snap out of this mindset, so not sure how to convince you to be more patient and/or work on weaknesses while dealing with your current injury. I mean in the end that's your decision. But, I guess I also speak with alot of experience in that department, so it's easier for me to recognize when people are going down that path.

One thing I think more people need to realize is, the "want it now motivation" is *usually* a recipe used by those who are unsuccessful. These are usually the people who want to transform themselves at some point, but are just so impatient, they want to achieve it as soon as possible. The flip side is the elite/pro/dedicated athlete who seems to understand it's a very slow grind that will take many years of extremely hard, focused, dedicated training.

beyond that, health #1


this is the simplest way i tell people why anabolic steroids for accelerated muscle growth is a very big health risk- your heart is a muscle. your heart will grow. there is not a lot of space inside your chest cavity for an overgrown heart. you will have a big heart with little chamber volume because its collapsing to itself. your heart will be under a lot of stress. the heart has no rest days. you will die sooner.

« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 01:10:40 am by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1846 on: September 09, 2017, 05:23:59 am »
this is the simplest way i tell people why anabolic steroids for accelerated muscle growth is a very big health risk- your heart is a muscle. your heart will grow. there is not a lot of space inside your chest cavity for an overgrown heart. you will have a big heart with little chamber volume because its collapsing to itself. your heart will be under a lot of stress. the heart has no rest days. you will die sooner.

Very well said and a great way of looking at it.

Now that i think about it this way, a new question comes to mind: if unnatural growth hormones can cause the heart muscles to grow, what about natural increase in growth hormone from resistance training; will that cause the heart to grow abnormally as well?

Probably not:


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1847 on: September 09, 2017, 06:56:12 am »
this is the simplest way i tell people why anabolic steroids for accelerated muscle growth is a very big health risk- your heart is a muscle. your heart will grow. there is not a lot of space inside your chest cavity for an overgrown heart. you will have a big heart with little chamber volume because its collapsing to itself. your heart will be under a lot of stress. the heart has no rest days. you will die sooner.

Very well said and a great way of looking at it.

Now that i think about it this way, a new question comes to mind: if unnatural growth hormones can cause the heart muscles to grow, what about natural increase in growth hormone from resistance training; will that cause the heart to grow abnormally as well?

Probably not:

And a more general point -- the increase in hormones like HGH and testosterone from training is so marginal as to have basically no effect on anything.
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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1848 on: September 09, 2017, 07:14:53 pm »
pharmaceutical cheat codes are dangerous. if you're even considering that, at this stage, i'd say you've definitely stumbled on to the "wrong track".

if you were already in "peak athletic condition", and were contemplating PED's/pharma to push yourself past your limits, that would be more understandable. That's when you contemplate something like that (if you aren't anti PED), not when you can make tons of gains the simple way.

losing fat is easier, the more you have.

gaining muscle is easier, the less you have.

improving fitness, is easier the less you have.

improving vert & speed, is easier the more detrained you are.

you have most of those things in your favor right now .. focus on the basics & make progress. People look towards everything but the basics, when trying to make progress. It's really incredible when you think about it. I'm on another forum where there's tons of "bodybuilder" types, and it's incredible how much sh*t people consider without first considering proper training. They are interested in all kinds of pharma when simple cardio or high frequency lifting in comnination with a proper diet, would do the job. It's mind blowing to me.

I personally would never take anything that risks my health or threatens to shorten life span, just to gain muscle, lose fat, or improve performance. To me, that is "disordered". It's interesting to me that the "substance abuse bodybuilding" crowd is not considered disordered - I think because it's such a huge money making market. Here, people are shortening their life spans by many years, dealing with all kinds of adverse health effects, taking all kinds of crazy chemical concoctions, just to change their appearance. Most of these people utilize this stuff way too early - hard training & proper diet would have given them the same & better results. It's incredible how many people fall for this pharma garbage IMHO. I mean to each their own, but, I personally respect natural bodybuilders & such who achieve their physics by just eating clean, lifting hard, and staying healthy. Somewhat of a rant, but, I just feel like resorting to things like TRT/hGH & such is usually considered way too early, which sounds all kinds of alarms to me.

Same thing goes for the performance crowd. You just have to be so careful. What if taking steroids/hgh caused you to really grow fast, but your tendons lagged behind & you end up wrecking one? That's the age old story about PED use and performance: muscles grow fast, tendons/ligaments don't .. injury risk sky rockets. So that's a major concern, among many others.

Also, "will not stop until 425 or injury" sounds self destructive. That was basically my advice/warning to you in your journal, I can see you doing stuff like this. Everyone on here admires determination, but if determination is really kamikaze self destruction, it's not determination. It's hard to snap out of this mindset, so not sure how to convince you to be more patient and/or work on weaknesses while dealing with your current injury. I mean in the end that's your decision. But, I guess I also speak with alot of experience in that department, so it's easier for me to recognize when people are going down that path.

One thing I think more people need to realize is, the "want it now motivation" is *usually* a recipe used by those who are unsuccessful. These are usually the people who want to transform themselves at some point, but are just so impatient, they want to achieve it as soon as possible. The flip side is the elite/pro/dedicated athlete who seems to understand it's a very slow grind that will take many years of extremely hard, focused, dedicated training.

beyond that, health #1


this is the simplest way i tell people why anabolic steroids for accelerated muscle growth is a very big health risk- your heart is a muscle. your heart will grow. there is not a lot of space inside your chest cavity for an overgrown heart. you will have a big heart with little chamber volume because its collapsing to itself. your heart will be under a lot of stress. the heart has no rest days. you will die sooner.

great stuff. will throw that in there if this comes up with someone in the future.



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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1849 on: September 10, 2017, 09:59:15 pm »
Sept 10-16, 2017

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #203 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7
~ = super set or drop set with less than 1 min rest
logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 192-194lb

Sept Week 2 of 4

Sun Sept 10

Squats 315-365-405 | 385 2x1 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull seated lat machine pulldown 225 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm hammerstrength seated rows 3x45lb, 4x45lb 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 140 hr max rest

* too hot this afternoon to do my cardio. don't want my hr to go too high. my lat machine pulldown is getting stronger. i can feel good doms in my middle back. hits the spot. i do it pronated wide. the handles go down and out and ROM feels so natural.

Mon Sept 11

Squats 315-365-405 | 385 2x1 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull seated lat machine pulldown 225 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm hammerstrength seated rows 4x45lb 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 142 hr max

* another hot morning. 140+ HR already.

Squats 315-365-405 | 405 2x1 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull seated lat machine pulldown 225 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row high pull 80lb 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row low pull 60-70 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 142 hr max rest

* bw dropped to 190-192 after so much sweating on the cardio. 405 was not very heavy but the 3rd rep might burn me out. eating more and lots of hydration. il come back thicker tmrw.

Tue Sept 12

Squats 315-365-405 | 385 2x1 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull seated lat machine pulldown 225 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows low row 70lb 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 142 hr max

Squats 315-365-405 | 405 2x1 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull wide grip pullups 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows low row 70-75 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 142 hr max rest

* bw 192lb. 3rd rep of 405 is going to be very heavy.  doubles are alright. added more weight on the calf raises. had to reset at rep 14 but got all 20 reps with good ROM. i sometimes reset on the 20 rep sets at rep 13-15 because of either grip issues, or just burnout tired. as long as these are only a few seconds and the weight i'm using got to straight 20 already or is 20 rep doable when i'm fresh, i'm ok logging them as 20 reps. 

Wed Sept 13

Squats 315-365-405 | 385 2x1 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw pullups wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows low row 75lb 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 145 hr max

* bw 190-190lb but still did some cardio. big difference when the gym is very hot. i'm already sweating before the halfway 7:30min mark.
* used a FFMI calculator at this 190-192lb bw at 8%BF.. FFMI= >25. i'm 1 point away from not natty. ;D

Squats 315-365-405 | 405 2x1 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw pullups wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows low row 75lb 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 145 hr max rest

Thur Sept 14

Squats 315-365-405 | 405 2x1 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull lat machine pulldown 210 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows low row 75lb 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 145 hr max rest

Fri Sept 15

Squats 315-365-405 | 405 2x1 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows low row 90lb 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 145 hr max rest

Sat Sept 16

Squats 315-365-405 | 385 2x1 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows low row 100lb 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 132 hr max

* feels good to cardio on cold day. end of 3-day work week. recovery a bit on sleep and i'll come back strong again. need to find a way to lock myself on the dip machine and start using more resistance. 120 is the heaviest i can do without getting pushed up. the machine has foot rollers to hold u but the position is awkward. i do the dips narrow grip if both feet spread upfront. i let the resistance go all the way up until the handles are almost in my armpit. luckily i dont bottom out.

dip machine at 24hr gym.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2017, 10:51:18 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1850 on: September 10, 2017, 10:07:51 pm »

great stuff. will throw that in there if this comes up with someone in the future.


 ;) what good is a bigger and stronger heart if the chamber design fails because of too much muscle mass. i won't even consider pharma preworkout (cialis/viagra) even with all of its benefits to blood flow because i don't want to mess with my blood pressure and HR. caffeine (lots of it) is as hardcore as il go.
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1851 on: September 11, 2017, 12:29:00 am »

great stuff. will throw that in there if this comes up with someone in the future.


 ;) what good is a bigger and stronger heart if the chamber design fails because of too much muscle mass. i won't even consider pharma preworkout (cialis/viagra) even with all of its benefits to blood flow because i don't want to mess with my blood pressure and HR. caffeine (lots of it) is as hardcore as il go.

plus i imagine squatting with a boner would be suboptimal  :P
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1852 on: September 17, 2017, 08:50:12 am »
Sept 17-23, 2017

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #203 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7
~ = super set or drop set with less than 1 min rest
logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 192-194lb

Sept Week 3 of 4

Sun Sept 17

Squats 315-365-405 | 365 2x1 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each rest
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows low row 90lb 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. rest

* woke up from a 10-2am nap and did morning sunday workout at this dead time 4am. im solo at the gym. took some vids. will upload later. squats still recovering.

130lb 19+1. stronger in the afternoon. could do 20. did not feel like fighting for last rep. 19 already tiring.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

cable rows. low row. most comfortable position i can do for the mid-back. cable resistance for constant tension.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Squats 315-365-405 | 385 2x1 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows low row 100lb 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. rest

* not thick enough for 405x2s. skipped the cardio. need more bw.

Mon Sept 18

Squats 315-365-405 | 385 2x1 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows low row 100lb 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 145 hr max

* did all things this morning. ate servings of steel oats. feels more solid on squats when theres mass in my stomach.

Squats 315-365-405 | 405 2x1 sets | Jump squats 95 4x4 sets | SVJx4
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows low row 100lb 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+35lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 145 hr max rest

* bw sub 188-192. light enough to do some 95lb jump squats to prime for SVJs. still got above 35". i have a marker at the gym (air vents) and was able to hit mark on my 3rd jump. i was jumping best at low 180s, high 170s. don't know if i want to go that lean again but this is a good start. still got paused 405x2 backoff at 188lb. getting back to repeatable 2.25BW squat.

Tue Sept 19

Squats 315-365-405 | 365 2x1 sets | Jump Squat 95 4x4 |SVJx3
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows low row 100lb 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 138 hr max

* bw 188lb. no veins in the lower abs lean but still getting very close to me calling it quits with the cardio because eventually my eye sockets lose fat too and i start to look like an addict.

Squats 315-365-405 | 365 2x1 sets | Jump Squat 95/145 2x2 sets each waveloaded | SVJx4
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows low row 100lb 20x1 sets each rest
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 138 hr max rest

* getting higher on my jumps. added waveloading. jumped with my kobe shoes too instead of the chucks. did the jump squats on oly shoes focusing on the controlled landings and quick explosions. jump height not a factor on my loaded jumps.

Wed Sept 20

Squats 315-365-405 | 365 2x1 sets | Jump Squat 95/155 2x2 sets each waveloaded | SVJx5
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm seated hammerstrength iso row 3x45lb 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 30lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 150 hr max

* bw 188-190lb still. might be a 186 soon. will hold it in the 184-186. no plans of sub 180lb. squat reps were smoother and feels more comfortable. squat strength gets used up fast on the 405. back off down to 365. might go lighter as i put more weight on the squat jumps. thinking of upping to  115/185 (bar+35lb and bar+2x35lb).

Squats 315-365-405 | 365 2x1 sets | Jump Squat 95/155, 115/185 - 4x1 sets each waveloaded | SVJx2
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm seated hammerstrength iso row 3x45lb 20x1 sets each rest
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 30lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 150 hr max rest
* skipped most exercise. had to go to work a little early. good day to have a little break.

Thur Sept 21

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 95/155 10x1 sets each | SVJx2
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm seated hammerstrength iso row 3x45lb 20x1 sets each rest
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 150 hr max rest

* replaced backoffs doubles with Jump squats. bw still in this high 180s. wide grip pullups are getting very easy. will go to a bball court in the next few weeks and start doing some SVJs on rim.

Fri Sept 22

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 95/155 (x10,x5) 2x1 sets each | SVJx4
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm seated hammerstrength iso row 3x45lb 20x1 sets each rest
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 150 hr max rest

Sat Sept 23

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 95 10x2 sets each | SVJx2
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push seated machine dips 120 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row 100 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 150 hr max rest
« Last Edit: September 23, 2017, 11:43:12 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1853 on: September 18, 2017, 10:44:40 pm »
I feel your old routine of DB free weight standing or sitting shoulder press is better than the cybex because of ROM. The cybex seems a bit awkward to press up like that.

I like the cable rows though, really good for back.

anterior shoulder ROM is full on the machine. not awkward at all. been doing 120lb+ x20s routinely everyday without getting any lowerback fatigue. can't complain
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1854 on: September 24, 2017, 11:17:41 pm »
Sept 24-30, 2017

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #203 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7
~ = super set or drop set with less than 1 min rest
logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 186-190lb

Sept Week 4 of 4

Sun Sept 24

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 95-145 10:5 x2 sets each waveloaded | SVJx5
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Push bw dips 120 20x1 sets eachVertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row 70 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 25lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 150 hr max rest

* did my SVJs on the other gym with the bball court. i was getting close to wrist to rim on 2-hand SVJs. 2-hand touch is a 30" jump. about mid 30s today. i was not feeling very strong coming from a 4-night work week. still very happy that the cardio i'm doing is keeping my sub 10% at this heavier 190lb bodyweight.

Mon Sept 25

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 95 10x2 sets each | SVJx4 | landings 24" 10x2 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push bw dips 20x2 sets each
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row 70 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 30lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 142 hr max

* learned something new today. saw a guy doing close grip dips on top of the pullup/ab raise equipment. the machine is bolted to the floor. followed him and did some very good reps. i don't have to worry about cramping my hamstrings because i have to fold my legs so i don't hit the floor. my feet is almost 5ft above ground at the lowest. dips felt awesome. i just have to make sure i don't fall. its not going to be comfortable from that height.
* added depth drops too. start slow and get used to it again. doing these squat jumps and altitude drops wearing my ironworks. feels more solid on the landings. less cushion but a lot better form.

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 95 10x2 sets each | SVJx4 | landings 24" 5x4 sets, 30" 5x2 sets
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push bw dips 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull one arm cable upright rows 60 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row 80 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 30lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 142 hr max rest

Tue Sept 26

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 95 10x1 sets, 145-195 2x2 each waveloaded | SVJx4 
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Push bw dips 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 40-60-75 20x1 sets each | 100 5x1 sets 
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row 70 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 30lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 146 hr max

* the one arm cable upright rows taking too much time. did them double hand with the ez curl attachment. stack maxes at 100lb. was already using 60lb for single arm but form is more strict with the 2-arm. i can 20 rep 80-85 for now. 100 was not very heavy but i'll loose the top ROM before i even hit 12-14 reps.

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 95 5x1 sets, 145 2x2 sets, 195 2x1 sets waveloaded | SVJx2 
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push bw dips 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 80 20x1 sets each   
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull  cable row mid row 60 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 30lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 146 hr max rest

Wed Sept 27

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 95 5x1 sets, 145 2x2 sets, 195 2x1 sets waveloaded | SVJx3 
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push bw dips 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 80 20x1 sets each 
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row 90 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 30lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 142 hr max

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 95 5x1 sets, 145 2x2 sets, 195 2x1 sets waveloaded | SVJx2
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push bw dips 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 80 20x1 sets each 
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row 80 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+35lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 30lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 142 hr max rest

* start of 3-night work week. shoulder pressing is getting tired from more fatigue on dips. dips feel so good so i don't care. i had to reset my shoulder pressing at rep 12 now. if i can't do a comfortable straight 10 reps, i will skip the exercise next time.

Thur Sept 28

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 95 5x4 sets | SVJx1
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each rest
Vertical Push bw dips 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 100 20x1 sets each 
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row neutral grip 75-90 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+35lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 30lb 20x1 sets each
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 142 hr max rest

* been doing more dips lately but still not as strong as before. i used to go 30-40 straight reps. i can barely do 20. i stop at  14 to reset and get full ROM. i can still go to 20 as is but prefer to get better quality reps by resetting for a few seconds. the shoulder pressing is tiring my tricep. cannot do both with this much intensity. rest on shoulder pressing today.

Fri Sept 29

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 95 5x1 sets, 145 2x1, 5x1 sets, 195 2x1 sets | SVJx2
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 130 20x1 sets each
Vertical Push bw dips 20x1 sets each
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 100 20x1 sets each 
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip 20x1 sets each
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row neutral grip 75 20x1 sets each
Calves seated calf raise soleus 6x45lb 20x1 sets each
Abs weighted situps 30lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 142 hr max rest

Sat Sept 30

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 135 5x2 sets, 185 2x2 sets waveloaded | SVJ rest
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 150 x8-5-7
Vertical Push bw dips x14-6
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 100 x8-7-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip x12-6-2
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row neutral grip 80 x8-12
Calves seated calf raise soleus 6x45lb x10-8-2
Abs weighted situps 30lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 142 hr max

* broke down the reps to get to my total x20 per workout. resets are sub 1 min. ideal is 12-8 or 14-6 or 15-5. 8-7-5 is the heaviest il go.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2017, 09:56:22 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1855 on: September 28, 2017, 01:51:23 am »
^ lean down first before you do any high intensity jumping. it will save you a lot of wear and tear.

shoulder width stance is the power stance. it is were we are most explosive. glutes and quad powered.
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1856 on: October 01, 2017, 08:39:40 am »
Oct 1-7, 2017

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #203 | 465 #4 | 470 #1| 475 #7
~ = super set or drop set with less than 1 min rest
logging in reps x sets

Page 75 Journal - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013

BW 186-190lb

Oct Week 1 of 5

Sun Oct 1

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 135 5x2 sets, 185 2x2 sets | SVJ rest
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 150 rest
Vertical Push bw dips x10-10
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 100 x8-7-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip x12-6-2
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row neutral grip 80 x5-5-5-5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 6x45lb x10-5-5
Abs weighted situps 30lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 142 hr max rest

* did not have a lot of time this morning so did my pulling exercises without a lot of rest. had to stay at 5s on the one arm rows because the upright row fatigue was still there. could easily go 8 if i had 5 min rest between exercises. 
* 185 jump squat feeling easier now. might go 205-225max soon.

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 135 5x2 sets, 185 2x2 sets, 225 2x1 sets | SVJ rest
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 150 x8-7-5
Vertical Push bw dips x20
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 100 x8-7-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip x12-6-2
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row neutral grip 80 x10-10
Calves seated calf raise soleus 6x45lb rest
Abs weighted situps 30lb x10-5-5 
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 142 hr max rest

* 225 jump squat carried over well to the 135. i was jumping 12"+ with 135lb. resting my calves. the 6 plates did some damage on the left pinky area. sore but not broken.

Mon Oct 2

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 135 5x2 sets, 185 2x2 sets | SVJ rest
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 150 x8-7-5
Vertical Push bw dips x20
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 100 x8-7-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip x14-4-2
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row neutral grip 90 x8-7-5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb x5-5-5-5
Abs weighted situps 30lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 140 hr max

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 135 5x2 sets, 185 2x2 sets | SVJx2
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 150 x8-7-5
Vertical Push bw dips x20
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 100 x8-7-5
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip x16-4
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row neutral grip 90 x8-7-5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb rest
Abs weighted situps 30lb 20x1 sets each rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 140 hr max rest

Tue Oct 3

Squats 315-365-405 | Jump Squat 135 5x2 sets, 185 2x2 sets | SVJ rest
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 150 x8-7-5, 165 x5
Vertical Push bw dips x20
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 100 x10-10
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip x18-2
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row neutral grip 100 x8-7-5
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb rest
Abs weighted situps 30lb x11-5-4 
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 138 hr max

Squats 315-365-405, 315 x8-5-7 | Jump Squat rest | SVJ rest
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 160 x7-5-8
Vertical Push bw dips x20
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 100 x10-10
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip x15-5
Horizontal Pull one arm cable row mid row neutral grip rest
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb rest
Abs weighted situps 30lb  rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 138 hr max rest

* resting my jump squats. the 6x45lb plate calf raises the other day strained some little muscle in my left foot ball area. did volumes on backoff paused reps. 315 is a good weight.
* feel very comfortable with the upright rows and wide grip pullups. the horizontal pulling not so much. i might just stay with vertical high and low pull using pullups and upright rows. the middle should take care of itself. hard to stabilize very heavy weight on horizontal rowing. maybe the body is just not designed to be pulling horizontally. the picking up (upright rows) and pulling up (pullups) feel so much better.

Wed Oct 4

Squats 315-365-405, 315 x8-5-7 | Jump Squat rest | SVJ rest
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 160 x6-5-5-4
Vertical Push bw dips x20
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 100 x10-10
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip x13-4-3
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb rest
Abs weighted situps 30lb  x11-5-4
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 138 hr max

* could have done the calf raises today but will give it a day or two just in case. cardio can use more intensity now. pushing intensity on machine should pressing. machine only has 5lb left. was already at 8-5-7 yesterday but not as strong this morning. the x4-6 is not very heavy. its a recovery routine.

Squats 315-365-405, 315 x8-5-7 | Jump Squat rest | SVJ rest
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 160 x6-5-5-4
Vertical Push bw dips x20
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 100 x10-10
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip x13-4-3
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb rest
Abs weighted situps 30lb  x11-5-4 rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 138 hr max rest

* 3rd straight workout of x20s 315 backoffs. legs still feeling good.  start of 4-day work nights.

Thur Oct 5

Squats 315-365-405, 315 x8-5-7 | Jump Squat rest | SVJ rest
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 160 x6-5-6-3
Vertical Push bw dips x20
Vertical Pull  cable upright rows 100 x10-10
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip x13-4-3
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb rest
Abs weighted situps 30lb  x11-5-4 rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 138 hr max rest

Fri Oct 6

Squats 315-365-405, 335 x7-6-7 | Jump Squat rest | SVJ rest
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 160 x7-6-5-2
Vertical Push bw dips x20
Vertical Pull cable upright rows 100 x10-10
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip x14-4-2
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb rest
Abs weighted situps 30lb  x11-5-4 rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 138 hr max rest

* bw jumped to 192-196 in the past 3 days because i was not aware of the very high sodium content of the costco turkey deli slices. almost 2000g x2 per day in the last few days (cut to little cubes) and added to my unsalted ground beef. i felt stronger and thicker but that much salt cant be good for me if i do it daily. cut back and skipped the turkey for now.

Sat Oct 7

Squats 315-365-405, 335 x7-6-7
Vertical Push cybex machine seated shoulder press 160 x6-5-7-2
Vertical Push bw dips x20
Vertical Pull cable upright rows 100 x10-10
Vertical Pull bw chins wide grip x13-4-3
Calves seated calf raise soleus 5x45lb+25lb rest
Abs weighted situps 30lb  x11-5-4 rest
Cardiowalk 1 mile @ 4mph, 7.5% incline. 138 hr max rest
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 07:53:14 am by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1857 on: October 01, 2017, 09:39:41 am »
I had thought that heavy jump squats such as 185lb+ were basically pointless.... for developing power compared to lighter jumps with heavy lifting.....

there's no <amount of weight> pointless though, it's based on a % of your 1RM. You can use anywhere from 30-70% of 1RM .. that range has proven to be effective, according to the data out there. Though, I personally think > 30% is too risky.

so as for 185 lb jump squats for king fish, it's probably like 40% or something (currently). To him, it probably feels like 95 lb. to us.

as for what is most effective, it has alot to do with the individual.. plus jump squats help bump up your actually squat more than jumps.

for me personally, i'd avoid them, even if they were effective. I'd rather go the latter route you mentioned, squat & jumps.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1858 on: October 01, 2017, 09:57:07 am »
i'm using the heavier jump squats to potentiate the lighter jump squats. i do not go for max jump height. just enough power to get liftoff and enough strength to stabilize the landing. i keep the reps very low on the heavies.

i also find heavy jump squats more effective in waking up my legs and results to a better SVJ test at the end.
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #1859 on: October 01, 2017, 11:07:04 am »
plus jump squats help bump up your actually squat more than jumps.

Yeah that is why I will try to do some resistance band squats from bar to anywhere up to 200 lb, so i get get over the hump of 300s into 405 hopefully.


I think DL will also help a bit to power me into 405 territory hopefully by 2018?

not sure.. all I know is 405 should feel like a toy on your back, if not, it will be alot harder. There's all kinds of ways to make 405+ feel lighter (constrained to safety/form): more squat volume, squatting more frequently, singles, lockouts with heavy weight, how you breathe/tighten up, more muscle.

imho, if you're looking at something else to help you get into 405 territory, i don't think that's the right path.. if you like DL, sure do it.

But just look at KF, he turned squatting into a "skill", just like most elite olympic lifters, who squat nearly every day. It's the same with lots of things, turning jumping or running into a skill, rather than this 1-2x/wk "event" in which the body is just like "oh shit we're doing this again". For KF, squatting is like breathing.. Same for those elite oly lifters.
