Tue - 1/2 7:30am
April 23, 2012
Daily Squats Maintenance - Paused Reps / Supra Max 1/2 Squats Paused
* felt good using 415x1 as another warmup single to start the day. the 420x1 was also easy. could have gotten 425 after the 420 but saved it for the 2nd workout. BW now at 168s. need to eat some more to keep up with the 2-3x/day lifting and speed work.
Tue - 2/2 7:30am
April 23, 2012
Daily Squats Maintenance - Paused Reps / Supra Max 1/2 Squats Paused
* wet BW was 168. damn. twig mode. lifts were not so bad but i probably used up more than i had to on the first workout. form was perfect. sleep was complete. leg fatigue too much right now. need to back off a bit.
* even with the weak squat numbers, my SVJ is just peaking right now. i just did 8 SVJ 2-hand dunks in less than a minute. 1 was even a back to back because i was able to get the ball right away ~ less than 4 secs in between.