Mon 2:00pm
Aug 26, 2013
Full Squats - Paused
455 #73 24/31 on-off 7-2,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,1-1,2 | 2.3BW goal : 475 at BW204-208lb
315 x1
365 x1
405 x1
455 x1 Day 2
Calf Raise - Leg Press - Paused
9x45s x20 Day 2
Chins | Dips - Paused
Rest 1 | Rest 3
Cable Rows - Standing One Arm - Paused Reps
Rest 2
* another routine 455 after getting 10hr+sleep, strong diet/BW and not much stress. it was a silent lift without a grind but still slowed down halfway up like any 95%RM+ weight does.
* having gone thru 70+ singles of this 455 and also getting these 24reps in a month - one simple thing i can say before i go heavier: i make or miss a 455 rep purely due to the amount of initial power i can put on the bar after the pause. with my squat style, it will most likely be coming from the quads and glutes while everything else just do their best to not leak that power. if i fail midway because it appears that my back collapsed, it is not my back. it is simply due to not having enough power out of the hole to unfold everything fast enough. if the back is not unfolded fast enough, that 455 is not forgiving and will just go back down.
* getting stronger out of that pause will only come from adding more muscle mass at this point. the paused rep makes it very simple. at 206-208BW, just like i predicted - 455 becomes ~2.2BW. something i can do routinely without burning out or getting broken.
* problem i have now is how to increase lean mass without getting very fat. 475lb becomes 2.2BW at ~ 216lbs. i will not be doing routine 215kg paused squats anytime soon.
down the line, a 495lb (225kg) squat is ~ 2.2BW at 225lbs. with steaks and eggs, probably at least a year for the 475..
* in terms of my explosiveness / vertical jump, its just a matter of finding time to add volumes of the SVJ skill work. the time to produce so much force quickly at that disadvantaged position on the hole is pretty much a good neural training anyway in dishing out so much in so little time.