been a few days since an update so here goes:
A lot going on for Thanksgiving as I traveled out of town to be with family, as a result missed a squat day/accessory day/and deadlift day. Really not too worried about this because I feel a lot more recovered than usual right now so maybe this little break will do more good than harm, resuming training tomorrow with my bench day and I'm moving the weight up 5lbs since last weeks sets were so easy. Expect a lifting video update sometime tomorrow afternoon, also going to work on getting more squat and deadlift videos up (especially deadlift vids).
Also pre-ordered Chad Wesley Smiths new ebook from I really enjoy his works and he also applies a good deal of science to his methods for strength training and powerlifting. book is supposed to be over 200+ pages and include 7 different lifting templates he has utilized for himself as well as some of his clients, the dude is also a genius with peaking for performance especially in powerlifting. For those who don't know of him he has totaled 2300+ raw as a SHW and is a 970lb raw squatter (belt and wraps). May throw up a review of that book in the future.
In the mean time everyone keep training hard for those goals!!!!!