Max day!!!!
1,465lb total
480 - went up like speed work, decided to jump to a small PR!
525 - 25lb gym PR! And 18lb PR as opposed to my competition squat, this weight moved smooth decided to take it and save energy for the 405 bench attempt. (545 was in the cards)
370 - moved swiftly decided for a very small PR next.
390 - locked it out for a 5lb gym PR!
405 - missed first attempt, decided to take a second and correct some bench positioning, nailed it on the second attempt!!! Big lifetime PR!!!! (I will pause bench 405+ in my meet in October).
495 - flew up!
535 - stayed tight gripped and ripped and went up smooth, maybe had 15-20lbs left in the tank. This is a 20lb gym PR! And 3lb over my competition PR!
Thing about deadlift the circumference of my plates are much smaller than most barbell and competition plates so I'm pulling at a 1" deficit even thought its from the floor