6-10-14 Heavy bench day!
Bench (supposed to been 80% @300 but upped it to 320 where the weights were moving good):
320 - 5 x 2
One board paused bench:
280 - 4 x 3
Tricep pressdowns:
4 x 15
T-bar rows:
3 x 15
Incline band flyes:
50 reps (rest pause method)
core work:
200 reps
Cardio for the day!
12 minute circuit consisting of:
60yd sprints (30yds down, 30yds back)
Heavy bag carry (75lb heavy bag/bear hug carry or over the shoulder carry/30yds down, 30yds back)
Sledge hammer hit to a tire x 10 swings
Happy the cardio is back in full swing as it will be needed to make the 242's in September, everything seems to be on track from all perspectives (training/nutrition/recovery).
Rep deadlift day tomorrow!!!!
Video is 320 x 2 which is 85% of the 1RM I used for this cycle, weight seemed to move ok for 85%