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J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« on: May 26, 2014, 10:25:48 pm »
I'd like to start out by explaining my method of training, I currently use the percentages and waves recommended by a popular powerlifting method called the "Cube Method" it was created by a fellow Kentucky pro power lifter named Brandon Lilly. However each training cycle is custom made by myself to focus on weak points that I analyze by watching videos of myself lifting throughout each training cycle. there are 4 training days a week which include a repetition day, a speed day, a heavy day, and an accessory day.

My current schedule consists of:

day 1 : Rep Squat
day 2: Accessory Day (Weak point attack day, I choose 1 variation of each big 3 lift I'm weakest at and train it. rest is hammering bodyparts I feel needs worked.)
day 3: Speed Bench
day 4: Heavy Deadlift

Each week days 1,3, and 4 rotate forward! (for example week 2 would be heavy squat, rep bench, and speed deadlift)

I have had much success with this schedule, on average after each 9 week cycle I have added 40-50lbs to my total.

First day of the new training cycle!

Doing a full 9 week cycle, followed by a 4 week mini cycle (week 4 will be deload week) then the week after is the competition!

Rep Squat day:

Squat @70%

350 x 8
 370 x 8 (moderate casted knee rap)

Reverse band squat using light bands:

390 x 6

Paused squats @ approx 55% and 60% :

265 x 10 (2-3 second pause in the hole)

280 x 6 (2-3 second pause in the hole)

High rep squats (used knee wraps):

250 x 20 (no grind at all, smooth reps)


2 sets of 15yds

Core work:

200 reps

Cardio for the day!

10 minute circuit consisting of:

Farmers carries x 40yds
 Standing military press x 10 reps
 Barbell walks x 40yds
 Dips x 8-10 reps

Pretty much fried at this point. Paused squats build explosive strength out of the hole but holy crap my posterior chain has taken a beating! Feeling great about this training cycle and looking forward to September.

vid is 370 x 8
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2014, 02:45:20 am »
An interesting approach... I'm not sure I ever saw this anywhere else
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2014, 04:27:07 am »
An interesting approach... I'm not sure I ever saw this anywhere else

It's definitely different from a typical "power lifter" doing double and triples anything over 5 reps is cardio approach lol! The point of rep day is volume the prescribed percent of the main movement for wave one is 70% for 8 reps (I usually opt for 2 to 3 sets, as opposed to the original template of just 1 set). Also the original template suggests doing 135 for 50 reps as a finisher for the workout (which I have done before) but there's such an lactic acid build up in your legs all you can do after racking the bar is just lay in the floor for a couple minutes haha! So for that I decided to tweak it to a much heavier weight and do a set a 20 as a finisher.

From my own experience in my squat training volume, and paused squats for a 2-3 count has been my bread and butter for finally breaking into a 500+ squat. Last training cycle was my first time implementing the paused squats, however the volume was 5 reps and under. This cycle for rep day I figured a set of 10 and a set of 6 would work well using percentages that wouldn't completely kill myself lol! The point of reverse band squats is to partially overload and help build explositivity out of the hole, the trick is not to use big bands here a lot of people choke heavy bands and get anywhere from 75lbs-100lbs+ of pop out of the hole to me this is ego lifting and actually compromises the true point of reverse band squat training! The setup I use usually gives no more than 25-35lbs of pop out of the hole which I what I would recommend. Another reason I use reverse band squats so much in my training is because it gives me confidence with handling heavier weights on my back, so anytime I'm using 85-90% of my training max it doesn't seem to feel as heavy on my back.
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2014, 12:30:06 am »
Accessory day 5-27-14

Box squat (to a box 1-2" below parallel):

230 - 2 x 5
300 - 2 x 5

Spoto Press (paused bench pausing 2" above chest):

250 - 5 x 3
280 x 3

Seated military press:

140 x 12
210 x 10
230 x 6 (military press strength was a bit crappy today)

Rack pulls (from lowest pin)

230 x 5
320 x 5
370 x 5
410 x 5

Lat pull downs:

4 x 15

Chest supported row:

4 x 15

EZ barbell curls:

5 x 12

Core work:

150 reps

Solid day today, nutrition was slightly off due to today's schedule so basically I was running on a protein shake with half a cup of oats mixed in to get me through today. This typically never occurs however I made it work for myself.

Vid is the 280 x 3 on Spoto press
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2014, 10:32:15 am »
you shoot your hips pretty consistently on that 370 x 8. you're a strong dude and i'm a random guy on the internet, so grain of salt obviously applies, but if i were teaching someone to squat and saw them doing that i'd make a point to correct it.

EDIT: watching your competition vid the hip shooting is not as pronounced. maybe you were just tired for that one set?

nice job on the total, btw. 1402 is serious bidness.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 10:48:34 am by LBSS »
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2014, 11:52:42 am »
you shoot your hips pretty consistently on that 370 x 8. you're a strong dude and i'm a random guy on the internet, so grain of salt obviously applies, but if i were teaching someone to squat and saw them doing that i'd make a point to correct it.

EDIT: watching your competition vid the hip shooting is not as pronounced. maybe you were just tired for that one set?

nice job on the total, btw. 1402 is serious bidness.

I noticed it as well, good point lol. Thinking back I believe it was a mixture of my stance being slightly wider than I typically use as well as my first time squating for heavier reps in knee wraps. If the hip problem occurs again I'll take the time out to make sure I correct it. I've learned from experience good technique should always be king lol.

And thank you for the kind words!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2014, 03:47:41 pm »
Speed Bench Day!

Bench @60%ish:

215 - 8 x 3

Bench using a one board:

230 - 5 x 2

Incline dumbbell bench:

85's - 3 x 20

Tricep press downs:

4 x 15


3 x 12

T-bar rows:

3 plates - 4 x 15

Incline band flyes:

50 reps total (using a rest pause method)

Core work:

150 reps

Felt good today and I put in some solid work. So glad to have a place to do dips now as well as being at a body weight now to do reps lol! I just grabbed a couple of scrap 4 by 4's and 2 by 4's that was laying on the property and built myself a solid dip stand. I had a pair of left over 14" all thread dumbbell handles from Walmart to use as the handles. Also the stretch I got from the band flyes was brutal but in a good way.

Tomorrow is an off day, then Friday is heavy deadlift day!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2014, 02:08:46 pm »
5-30-14 Heavy Deadlift day!

Deadlift from floor @80%

425 - 5 x 2

2" block pull @85ish%

445 - 3 x 2

1" deficit pull @70%

365 - 2 x 5


140 x 20
230 x 20
320 x 20

One arm dumbbell rows:

100's - 3 x 8-10

Chest supported rows:

4 x 20

core work:

150 reps

Considering my posterior chain was still slightly sore today the weights moved good, once my body adapts to my new cycle by wave 2 I should be in position to hit some PR's by the middle of wave 3 (usually just rep PR's). another thing I noted today is that I can wear my lifting belt on the 10th notch now which is the smallest it will go, when I first started using it (@348lbs) I could barely wear it on the 4th notch guess I'll be drilling extra holes soon lol! (note: I use the 13mm, single prong economy belt from elitefts)

I'll more than likely being doing a small crossfit session with a buddy of mine at work tonight on my lunch break. I enjoy finishing out the training week with a moderately intense cardio session.

425 x 2 Deadlift video will be posted soon as my training partner texts me the video!  speed squats are Monday! I'll also post my CF workout sometime tonight (granted work isn't super busy and we don't have to forgo it)
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2014, 02:16:30 am »

Vid is 425 x 2 on DL, thought the weights moved fairly ok with a slightly sore posterior chain.

Couldn't get a crossfit session in tonight, the ER at work was crazy and the gym closes at 9 so it just wasn't happening, no big loss though I know I will hit my goal BW for September!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2014, 12:58:01 pm »
Heavy Squat Day: (originally for some reason thought it was speed day but oh well lol!)

Squat @80%:

400 - 5 x 2

Reverse band squat:

430 - 2 x 2 (using light bands, and a light casted knee wrap for support)

Paused squats (pausing 3 seconds in the hole):

280 x 6
300 x 4
320 x 2

High rep squats:

280 - 2 x 12 (light knee wrap for support)

Band good mornings:

3 x 15


2 x 15yds

Core work:

150 reps

Overall today felt good, glad my working weights are 400+ now for heavy days. basing this cycle off a 500 max squat even though in competition I was good for more than the 507lbs I squatted, sometimes shaving off a few percent of the ego can do wonders for preventing injury and recovery. and I'm a firm believer in sub-maximal weights (70% or so) for reps going a long way in building a stronger 1RM. which is one of the main reasons I don't pyramid up to a single rep max every max effort day like some powerlifters do, staying injury free plays an important role in taking your potential to the next level!

Got rep bench tomorrow, and from what I have written down on paper it's going to be a bit challenging lol!!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2014, 03:03:22 pm »
Rep bench day!

Bench @70%:

260 x 8
260 x 10
280 x 8 (bench felt great today so I upped weight a bit on last set)

One board paused bench:

280 - 2 x 5

High rep bench (Used a single ply titan ram):

230 x 15 (I'll take it considering the volume on todays main movement, plus my ram was sized to fit my 300+ pound body so there isn't hardly any overload in it now lol!!!)

Incline bench:

210 x 10
190 x 12

Tricep pressdowns:

4 x 15


3 x 12

Incline band flyes:

50 reps (rest pause method)

Core work:

150 reps

Bench felt great today, I can already tell if everything goes smoothly there will be a lifetime rep PR in the tank this cycle!!!! also my normal during the day bodyweight is down to 269lbs now which puts me on a smooth road to the 242's. I plan on running stairs tonight at work to get the heart rate up.

Speed Deadlift tomorrow!!!!!

vid of 400 x 2 squat from yesterday

vid of 280 x 8 from today on bench
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2014, 11:01:02 am »
Speed Deadlift day!

1" deficit deadlift @60%:

315 - 8 x 3

2" block snatch grip deadlift:

265 x 15
290 x 10 (holy crap @ the glute activation on these)

Lat pulldowns:

4 x 20

Dumbbell shrugs:

4 x 20

Band pull aparts:

2 x 30

Core work:

150 reps

Short and sweet today but at the same time put in some good work, brought back in snatch grips for high reps on speed days because their so tough and the activation I get in the posterior chain area is incredible. Once I stop sucking at these it should carry over on my competition deadlift strength.

Accessory day tomorrow!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2014, 03:56:52 am »
Wouldn't it be more beneficial to do cleans and snatches instead of "speed deadlifts"?

In a speed deadlift, you can do it faster. In a clean or a snatch, you must do it faster.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2014, 11:31:03 am »
Wouldn't it be more beneficial to do cleans and snatches instead of "speed deadlifts"?

In a speed deadlift, you can do it faster. In a clean or a snatch, you must do it faster.

The speed deadlift is more or so just being "sport specific" for powerlifting, however you are most definitely correct on a power clean/snatch having carry over into deadlifting. Klokov is a prime example of that (granted he is a freak of nature). On top of all his freak snatch and clean numbers the dude can pull 700+ like no ones business.

I do get some clean training on my crossfit/HIIT cardio days (which I will start back next week). However I have practically zero training when it comes to the snatch but I do realize its one of the best exercises around for explositivity. That's a movement I may consider implementing in the future when I expand the size of my home gym and start adding more equipment.
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2014, 12:51:02 pm »
Accessory Day!

Standing military press:

140 - 2 x 8
160 - 2 x 8

Paused pin press (bench variation pausing bar on spotter pins 1" above chest for 2-3 seconds)

250 - 6 x 3

Paused squat:

250 - 3 x 5 (pausing 3 seconds in the hole)

Barbell curls/band pull apart superset:

4 x 15

Band good mornings:

3 x 15

Core work:

150 reps

Trying to get my numbers back up on the standing military press, at one point is was able to do 185 for sets of 15 probably couldn't come close to that now. Also did a couple of sets of light 6" block pulls. My bench seems to be going smooth again pausing some of my reps has made a tremendous difference! I want that ever elusive 405 gym bench!!!
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