Author Topic: FP's log  (Read 482736 times)

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Re: FP's log
« Reply #870 on: April 04, 2021, 07:13:05 am »
For what it's worth, I fixed a lot of my neck forward and postural issues with a drill I do every morning in the bathroom upon waking for the last  couple of years, where I tuck my chin hard, take a lat spread type pose, and pull my shoulders back and down, and hold for 40 secs.
Makes my pec minors, upper traps and other muscles in the area scream

Before this when standing with my back to the wall, I could not flatten my lower back into the wall, and have the back of my head also touch it.
All fixed now.

Just takes a whole lot reps and a bit of time, the same way you got there


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #871 on: April 04, 2021, 08:12:36 pm »
For what it's worth, I fixed a lot of my neck forward and postural issues with a drill I do every morning in the bathroom upon waking for the last  couple of years, where I tuck my chin hard, take a lat spread type pose, and pull my shoulders back and down, and hold for 40 secs.
Makes my pec minors, upper traps and other muscles in the area scream

Before this when standing with my back to the wall, I could not flatten my lower back into the wall, and have the back of my head also touch it.
All fixed now.

Just takes a whole lot reps and a bit of time, the same way you got there

Yup! Thats a good set of exercises and an effective time to do them. My mobility is actually pretty good, ive been able to do rhat wall test for some time, the thing for me is getting those bones+muscles to stay in those positions all the time. This stuff im doing now with the balls of my feet to me signal how small tweaks can make such a big difference in the way we move. Honestly feel like my estimation of how close i can get to D Rose is going up, ever so slightly.

Also, wanted to briefly apologize about the comment i made in th D Rose thread about how doing a bunch of dot drills really hits hip stabilizer muscles hard. I saw you tried something similar in your log. I tried it recently and all it did was make my quads sore lol. The actual protocol I used was mixing dot drill with a bunch of ladder work with very short rests and i did them for like 50 mins, when i was a bit more fit. Dont think they do too much on their own.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2021, 08:25:43 pm by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #872 on: April 04, 2021, 08:24:06 pm »
DB hang power snatch: 40 3*15/ per arm
Tennis *90 mins. Legs easily tired, still sore after squats. Havent done very many prolonged HIIT style workouts, mostly shorter HIIT type workouts. Hit this insane beast mode ace, looked like ot was straight out of an anime i swear. I was messing with technique a bunch and out of nowhere i hit this inbounds serve that must have been 20-30mph faster than my regular serve (that estimate could be entirely wrong thats just what it felt like). It did this weird curve in the air but it was insanely fast. I tried to replicate it a few times and managed a couple more that were comparable but marginally slower, but still faster than regular. Otherwise it was kind of uneventful, mostly need to work on reading spin more accurately.

DB rows 70 3*8/side
Squat (1:3:1) 135*8, 205*8, 195*8

Wide stance box squat (1:2:1) 165 *8, 185 2*8
Yard work *40 mins

Squat (1:2:1) 115*8, 185*8, 235*8

60 mins More tennis with a different buddy of mine. Only a handful of good rallies but i feel like im improving a bit. Backhands feeling so strong, positioning is more consistent

Db rows 70s 3*8
- parked an adjustable db in my room so i can get a few reps in whenever i feel in the mood
« Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 07:55:25 pm by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #873 on: April 11, 2021, 08:02:23 pm »
-bunch of jumps at a rim, w/ and w/out a bball, trying alternate plants. Got 1/1 rl-dl and 1/1 lr-dl dunk in. Tried a tomahawk once, a little off, i think because jumps are inconsistent :( CNS firing pretty solid at around 6/10. Got a nice 34-34.5" dl jump to finish. Downside is sl- jumps look pretty trashy - 30.5" is a generous estimate. Sl Pr sitting around 35"ish
-DB low hang power snatch 50 *12/side, 60 *10,8/side
-ext rotated DB sl-rdl: 70 3*8/side

Edit: quick tl;dr note to myself while i remember: 180° CoD - 2-3 steps theorizing
Step 1 (optional): inner leg step, long gct, however because of the angle this step (glutes less involved) doesnt absorb a lot of force, eccentric groin involvement
Step 1/2: outer leg step, long gct, body in partial rotation, glutes (especially outer glutes) absorbing lions share of the force eccentrically, quads play a role. Maybe some outer hip stretch reflex contribution in the last part of this step
Step 2/3: inner leg step, shorter gct, most of force is already absorbed, this has serious (quad?) stretch reflex capacity to rebound and explode. Medial quads play a big role in first part of movement, p-chain during second part of movement. This has a significant motor skill component - how much the torso is rotated, how low to the ground you are, the exact placement of the foot make a big difference whether this is a 75% acceleration or a 95% acceleration. Ankle flexibility and capacity to generate force well in more extreme RoM can also make a significant impact. The main thing for me is coordinating the step positioning with the torso rotation (possibly also the trap stabilization>mid back stabilization that i do might be working against me in coordinating step and body rotation)

20 min jog with 180's and icky shuffle plyos mixed in
Depth jumps onto box 16" onto 16" 4*4
Some absorption focused stair jumps

Stair shock jumps jumping down 2-4 stairs at a time w SL landings ~10 mins

33 min jog w/ 5*10-15Y sprint,  8* 10-20Y icky shuffle hops
-noticed my upper body sways side-to-side on ME sprints. Not sure what the cause is. Sprints feel fast though!
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 11:31:52 pm by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #874 on: April 26, 2021, 05:42:30 pm »
Wow ive missed a bunch of logging. Over the last 12 days its probably been around 5* 30ish min jogs with sprints and plyos mixed in  some just regular jogs. Will try to keep up this week.

Been breaking from training, was a rough week last week. Threw around with LBSS during the weekend, got some bball shooting in. Will try to do a little more training this week, definitely need the sunlight. Transitioning back into vegan keto after a few days break. It's pretty tough, every time I want food that slightly deviates from like the 10 foods that are allowed on vegan keto I have to do a bunch of cooking. But I just want to transition away from meds, I feel crappy a lot of the time because of them. There is a chance I might be able to do that if I can get organized enough to make the keto work (which creates some weird neurotransmitter adjustments). Case studies have only shown it working for a few people, but it is my best bet.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2021, 04:50:36 pm by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #875 on: May 15, 2021, 08:13:52 pm »
Last 2 weeks:

Taking it easy

3x push-pull workouts (pullups/rows + pushups)
1x 2 hrs soccer with friends
3x interval 30m ( 3*4 or 4*4  catch breath between reps rest and 3 mins between sets)
1x 200m intervals 2*3, 1*2 (31-35s, weirdly anaerobically fit)


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #876 on: May 23, 2021, 10:32:33 pm »
Meh week
20 min jog with 8*20-30m sprints mixed in

40m shuttles 8 sets of 4*40m, focusing on fast change of direction out of a sprint

5-10-15-20-25m shuttle * 4 (120s rest) *2 (10 min rest)

Trying to drill a new technique for 180 change of direction: chop steps instead of jump stop. Last workout was on keto. Amazing how hard anaerobic workouts drop off without carbs

Oh also i did some jumps, hit a pretty clean seeming 32-33ish slrvj, dlrvj only a little higher.. which is good. Was visualizing going up for a disc
« Last Edit: May 24, 2021, 03:40:18 am by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #877 on: May 24, 2021, 09:46:32 pm »

Carb day  :wowthatwasnutswtf:

2*4 400m (2-3 min rests/rep, 15 min rest/set)

Working on keeping my ankles stiff and using them to absorb and transfer force - apparently normally i use my ankles very little. Mid back dying towards end, ankle stiffness dying towards end, pecs not strong enough for big arm swings towards end. But those ankle rebound reps feel pretty stiff and strong. Compensatory breathing mechanics towards end: in order to take big breaths i am relaxing other muscles that should be tight to stabilize torso - abdominals, obliques. May be why my mid back is collapsing, it has to work extra hard to make up for other core muscles being lax

30 min jog, untimed. Focusing on ankle stiffness, powerful rebounds. I noticed some decreased stability and looseness in my right shoulder (probably from throwing). Jog felt pretty decent

30 min jog

2 hours soccer
2×200m jog
« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 01:14:49 am by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #878 on: June 04, 2021, 01:30:39 am »
Squats 185*8, 14

Pause Rev lunge 185 *5/side, 135 *5/side, 160 *5/side, *8/side
Pause Bench 115*8, 125*8
Hang power clean 125*5, 145 *5

30 min jog

DB row 60 *20/side
Pause pushup with modified form *20

90 mins throws (quality around 6.75/10 - but all the important stuff looks decently clean)

400m 2*3 (3 min rests/rep, 15 min rest/set)
set 1: 1:30, 1:24, 1:12
set 2: 1:24, 1:18, 1:21

jog 2 miles with 92.5% sprint  50m/ every 400m
« Last Edit: June 07, 2021, 12:52:35 am by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #879 on: June 30, 2021, 05:04:53 pm »
Have been having 1 league game per week, maybe 2 endurance runs per week, 1-2 anaerobic runs per week and bursts of lifting here and there also stretching frequently

A cool thing i did a few times recently was heavy single arm DB OHP 5's with the second hand assisting. Its really cool to be able to regulate resistance in that way so each rep can be close to an assisted training 1RM


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #880 on: July 26, 2021, 07:13:27 pm »
Hey hey
Not much to report, league games are pretty chill we are 6-1, have 1 loss the day I was late it also got rained out, Im taking it pretty easy. I mostly do track runs lately, ran 2*5 200m today, 90s rests easy 30-34's. My stride length has improved a lot and I may be pretty close to my fastest top speed ever without doing almost any lifting. The main thing that is different is rpe for a 92.5% run feels so low for how fast I end up going. It feels really good. Might start supplementing with light lifting again my quads are actually relatively weak.

Got my vibrams today excited about how it will impact my stride. They feel surprisingly not too unfamiliar which makes sense since Ive only been wearing minimal/barefoot style shoes for like 6 years.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2021, 07:15:30 pm by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #881 on: September 12, 2021, 07:48:29 pm »
Mostly cardio with friends lately we have gotten a nice little running group together
Usually 30-75 mins, low 8-mid 10 mile pace

A few highlights
-was shooting around 1 day and totally zoned out maybe shooting like 15%. Using 1 cue : "focus on left-right precision, making sure the ball is not too far left or right, mostly with the wrist motion" I got my shooting up to like 60-70%. Was insane
-on one cardio trail we ran through a bball court and I had an slrvj that was dunk height. Maybe the rim was a little short though


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #882 on: September 18, 2021, 06:45:08 pm »
Back on keto for symptom management. Going for the vegetarian w/ eggs and fish variety this time around (instead of vegan keto)

6 mile run today, had to stop because of knee pain (prolly cause vibrams+asphalt ; not giving up on the vibrams though !) . 10+min/mi pace. Running with keto is lame and so is most exercise :( can only improve from here !

Been trying to squat (and bench+pullups) here and there and because ive corrected some form issues but am still going for atg so im having a 1-sided back pulling pain. Trying to fix it with rolling and mobility work. Posture work still a priority and ive made some progress. Something im considering is if my sleep form is bad my postural issues just reset at night


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #883 on: November 15, 2021, 11:17:21 pm »
Hey yall

Been mostly doing light cardio and occasional lifting nothing serious. Keto is going strong but only recently has it gotten consistent so we will see how it will affect mental health. Posture stuff has fallen off a bit lately but hoping to clean it up a bit as well

Did 300m jog, 100m 80-90% sprint *10 today

Had some cool sprint insights, maybe particular to me
-collapse at ankle puts my legs in a position to use interior quads as main sprint drivers more, longer GCT's as well
-fixing this collapse sets me up to use hams and upper glutes, neither of which are actually very powerful for me (probably cause most of my training back in the day was squatting).
- in order for me to get clean deep belly + nose breathing throughout run, i have to have some PPT to act as a stable core foundation for diaphragm to operate well. Otherwise my core is loose and dynamic, stretched abs compress my interior organs weirdly and diaphragm cannot function easily
-(t0ddday has made a comment about all sprinters having some amount of APT and this makes sense, for me personally the quad contribution is much more significant with some APT. + stable deep breathing might be less necessary for shorter sprints)
-more PPT = shorter strides, less quad contribution.
-when sitting, collapse at lowish/mid back has been pretty constant my whole life. Never understood why that area had to be stable, sitting with upright low back counter-intuitively puts the hip flexors in an even more shortened position and compresses the stomach cavity making it more difficult to deep breathe. Now i  believe its necessary just for stable core pattern, tight hip flexors can be addressed separately, and deep breathing can still be done if the other core muscles are released and stretched
-while my hip flexors might be flexible enough for loose APT running, a lot more flexibility is needed for PPT running
-limiting factor for 80-90% sprint repeat endurance was hip flexors. Core stability was wearing out pretty fast too. As far as speed i just need my hams tendons and muscles to be like 2-3x more powerful lol.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2021, 11:22:05 pm by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #884 on: November 18, 2021, 09:32:53 pm »

300m jog, 100m sprint *25 mins
run w a friend
-did a bunch of preemptive rolling and stretching and was finding it easier to get into effective sprinting position. Stable hips, low to the ground and good hip flexor + hamstring flexibility. 


DL 205 2*8

-so my deadlift has always been garbage, partly cause my proportions suck for it. I would always find myself getting really crappy leverage on the first part of the lift, either having to do some kind of awkward squatting motion OR if i tried to do a pulling motion my back would be closer to horizontal than 45° for some reason my glutes wouldnt activate and because i have a long torso my back would always collapse. But, weirdly enough fixing my upper body posture,  and keeping shoulders down and back throughout the motion, going narrow stance sumo and getting groin flexibility has allowed me to get into a really effective stance. On the first few reps of set 2, the first part of the lift actually felt effortless, which has literally never happened for me before deadlifts have always been a grind.

Paused deadbugs w 5lb ankle weights 16+8 *3