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Re: FP's log
« Reply #780 on: August 13, 2018, 03:24:46 am »
it's great that you're staying so motivated even after the disappointment of not making one of the bigger clubs. IME dominating on a crappy team is a good way to get noticed by the bigger teams. if you stay healthy and keep showing out at tournaments where truck stop, mad men, whoever the good mixed teams are now, etc. are playing they do notice. "team X sucks but so-and-so gets D's and has a huge backhand," or whatever.

Lol i appreciate it but I actually like and get along with the team I am playing on now and thinking about playing here next year unless I make Truck. Coach is an excellent analyst and it would be good to try to build inatead of starting from scratch every new team I make. Besides, the W/L doesn't tell the whole story and this was a pretty high level tournament.

even better.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: FP's log
« Reply #781 on: August 13, 2018, 11:21:53 pm »

Trap Bar DL:
345*8,5 (grip)

275 3*8 (90s rests)

155 2*8,
145 *8 (90s rests)

Leg Press:
540 *8,
590 2*8

Pullups *8,5
- lats feeling completely deactivated

-decent. A little weak after tourney weekend, squat after trap bar DL is bad, back is pretty fried. Most of my weight room sessions will look like this (hypertrophy) to try maintaining muscle during my cut.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #782 on: August 14, 2018, 11:19:15 pm »
Bw: 193 ummmmm
Meditation: lots
Cals: ~3100 (~110g sugar, ~90g protein)

Throws ~ *384
-Flick hucks * 120
-backhand hucks * 72
-pulls * 24
-short range throws to space * rest

Got out all 24 of my disks for this session. Usually I just use my 7-10 best ones to better mimic an ultimate. The upside of so many disks is efficiency, I don't think I could get that many huck reps in throwing with a partner. The downside is inconsistent flight paths but I figure adjusting for the worse disks helps me stay more focused anyway.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #783 on: August 15, 2018, 11:45:43 pm »
cals: 3,200 (150g pro, 80g sugar)
Active Mindfulness: 4/10

45 min top speed workout

top speed drills, potentiation, glutivation

French Contrast *2:
-Partner resisted hip flexor Iso *8s,8s/ea leg
-tuck jumps *8,8
-banded mountain climber knee drives *8,8/ leg
-band assisted sprints 25Y *2,2
-3 min rest
-40Y sprint *2,2

Practice *2 hours
-burnt. got toasted deep 3 times. I noticed during the pre-practice french contrast that my explosiveness was not there, top speed was there a little bit. I was working on faceguarding+forcing tall+fast cutters deep, which is a dangerous strategy. Luckily, each of the times I got toasted, I figured out something new:
-most people can't accelerate from standstill like I can and gain a lot from coming in with momentum. Playing extremely tight and not giving them momentum should give me at least an extra half step.
-I have to start off with hips loaded in a staggered (2-point) stance facing deep: If I start in athletic stance and faceguard I have to take a (plyo) step back to accelerate, essentially losing half a step.
-It's usually better to avoid rounding cuts going deep: stutter step and re-accelerate going deep instead of trying to maintain momentum and rounding cut.

Tired, high hamstring achy. not good. might just focus on light conditioning and throwing leading up to saturday practice. I need to be mini-peaked for practices, which includes a slight carb load.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #784 on: August 16, 2018, 11:05:10 pm »
cals: 3,400 (120g protein, 140g sugars)
Active Mindfulness: 2/10 (really loose today, couldn't hone in much)

Throws *30 mins
Mini 3v3 * 45 mins
-pretty intense, no subs, games to 5. Repeatedly trying to faceguard and getting the disk tossed right over my head to my extreme frustration because my faceguarding is tight and pretty decent. Had a ridiculous layout grab, full extension out of a dead stop turnaround.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #785 on: August 17, 2018, 08:15:22 pm »
BW:185.6 !!! (after 14 hour fast)
cals: 3150 (130g protein, 65g sugar)
active mindfulness: 6/10 was exceptional 2-3 hours following waking up, relaxed/tapered off as the day went on. Still really good.

was worried about muscle loss with such a fast and drastic weight drop so I hit the gym instead of max effort sprints today

SS1a: Squat
315 *3
355 *2
375 *1 2xBW+  :personal-record:
355 *2
365 *1
355 *1
-skimped on depth for PR a little bit but it's to be expected with very little to no back training lately, weight loss and no gear of any kind. It's a training PR. No need to risk injury. Actually put on 385 but decided that was stupid as fuck at this point in the season.

SS1b: Block Power clean (right above knee)
185 *5
205 *3
225 *1  :personal-record:
205 *3
-slight wrist tweak on one of the squat sets, didn't want to risk anything so stopped cleaning. If I zoned in entirely on this lift I feel like 235 was in the bag.

SS1c: Depth Jumps/Jumps onto box (p= practice jump, not onto box)
off 20", onto 40" *5
off 24", onto 40" *3
off 30", onto 40" *3p, 5
2 step onto 48" *3p, 2
1-step onto 48" *1p, 2
SVJ onto 48" *2p, 2
off 20", onto 48" *3p, 3, 3 (long rests)
off 24", onto 48" *5p, 2, 3 (long rests)

ss2a: toes to bar *8,7,7
ss2b: bottom-ROM only deadbugs (3:0:1) 3*20

Pullups *8,10,8

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Re: FP's log
« Reply #786 on: August 18, 2018, 04:03:42 am »
was worried about muscle loss with such a fast and drastic weight drop so I hit the gym instead of max effort sprints today

that's not how rapid weight loss works. but big ups on the PRs, especially 2x bw squat!
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: FP's log
« Reply #787 on: August 18, 2018, 11:35:56 pm »
Cals: 4000 (261g sugars, 110g protein)
Active Mindfulness: 2.5/10

Got into a pretty serious car accident: rear ended somebody pretty hard, but my car took most of the damage. Everyone was alright


Throws + misc cutting * 1 hr
-interval workout. Soaked hands in water+canola oil to stimulate sweat

Misc notes:
-trying to pattern a frontal stop to 180 degree rotation instead of lateral chop steps for 180 c.o.d. there is possibly less variation in how the movement is executed, which means its easier to train. However, it's more technical - requires a fluid 180 turn in one step to be efficient, whereas coming into c.o.d. laterally is like 2 90 degree turns.
-i have a touch grip and a tighter power grip for both flick and backhand and a lot of my in-game throwing mistakes come from commiting to the wrong one. Esp with sweaty hands, touch grip works badly in a lot of situations. Sometimes i'll try to adjust quickly in game and go through a power grip throwing motion with touch grip which doesn't work
-my training has not been specific enough to the constant changes of direction experienced in ultimate
-due to poor planning and constantly changing focus in an effort to optimize, i have wasted my training season. There is no optimal adaption. Weight training is good, but i'm not addressing energy system and movement skill training to the extent i should be. My on-field movement patterns basically consist of trying to make every movement resemble the squat as much as possible. To be fair, skill and spp conditioning are not easy things to train and I am not as confident programming either of them as weight room


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #788 on: August 20, 2018, 11:25:31 pm »
cals: a lot (sugar: a lot)
Active Mindfulness: .5/10

Well. I don't know if this needed to happen but it did. Momentum just went in reverse from the start and no car+rest day = not much to do.

cals: 3100 (65g sugars, 165g protein)
Active Mindfulness: 1.5/10

Mini *30 mins
-little ankle tweak. careful. Throws kind of really bad, using my glove with all the grip torn off.

Superset *4 (2-3 min rests):
- Safety Bar Split Squat 235 *8/side (drop into isometric if possible)
- 20s rest
- Safety Bar Split Squat 235 *3/side
- 20-45s rest
- Block Power Clean 185 *3
- 20s rest
- Block Power Clean 185 *2

Trying to mix some glycolytic energy system training with weight room stuff. Feels pretty good. Or /bad if you prefer lol.

I figured out a big problem with my 180 degree change of direction! I am either trying to hop plant (essentially a 2 step) or chop step (4 step). What I am clearly missing is the in-between 3-step. I don't do this because it requires the initial force absorption plant step to be off the inside leg, which requires a lot of coordination and I am weaker at. Not sure if I can do this at higher speeds either, but I will try.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #789 on: August 21, 2018, 04:18:02 pm »

SS1a: Squat
315 *3
355 *2
375 *1 2xBW+  :personal-record:
355 *2
365 *1
355 *1
-skimped on depth for PR a little bit but it's to be expected with very little to no back training lately, weight loss and no gear of any kind. It's a training PR. No need to risk injury.

looked good.

SS1b: Block Power clean (right above knee)
185 *5
205 *3
225 *1  :personal-record:
205 *3
-slight wrist tweak on one of the squat sets, didn't want to risk anything so stopped cleaning. If I zoned in entirely on this lift I feel like 235 was in the bag.

Actually put on 385 but decided that was stupid as fuck at this point in the season.

damn, solid. top notch AELS.

great work on those PR's. :ibsquatting:


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #790 on: August 22, 2018, 11:22:17 pm »
Yeah it's pretty good more or less. Not complete ATG but certainly below parallel and form didn't break. My actual PR is 385 but that's at 195 BW and right around parallel.

Cals:above 3200 (sugar: decently low)
Active Mindfulness: 1.5/10

cals: 2800 (110s, 125p)
Active Mindfulness: 1.5/10

rehabbing ankle tweak and got a new car. lots of research time and driving around between dealerships. not enough time for training.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #791 on: August 23, 2018, 11:26:31 pm »
Cals:3550 (138s, 143p)
Active Mindfulness: 2.5/10 (trying to push it at times but as a whole not much better than usual)

Hucks *150
Throws *200

25Y sprint -> hard 130° c.o.d to 10Y sprint -> pick up disk and huck into 8'*8' box
-3*10 interval sprints (20s between reps, 5-10 mins between sets)
-solid 30 reps of hard change of direction, hucks progressively got better, 3rd set being better than all of my hucks thrown while fresh

-huck technique significantly changes when tired, but not necessarily getting worse
-biggest flick problem is too much IO (too much body angle), occasional blade falling short (inconsistent grip). during intervals, blade percentage went up a lot (maybe due to extra sweat?)
-biggest backhand problem is high+blading (not enough body angle+too much arm). during intervals, occasional early grip slip became a problem, resulting in short, veering IO laser (almost certainly because of sweat)
« Last Edit: August 23, 2018, 11:39:58 pm by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #792 on: August 24, 2018, 12:24:25 am »
Lol reading my notes for the season is hilarious. Like 5-6 time I just wrote down that I need to lift less and do more field work.. and then I just don't do it.
~For Reference~

the other biggest issue was strong winds the entire weekend and our lack of dedicated throwers. i turned it a lot because of poor throw selection for the given wind.
second day my IT band flared up and i was hobbling around at times but still managed to do a good deal.

but pretty consistent at everything with no wind. defensive footwork is looking shoddy once again, i am baselessly arrogant. i have never played on a high level team. my training organization is shit.

consistent mid-deep shots, especially backhand. good fast releases, breaks, give-go's. I should be careful with shooting high OI flick breaks which tend to float and have been my least consistent break throw.
I should aim to force people slightly deep and stick with them as close as I can, maybe pick up a few D's on high deep shots. My handler defense has always been pretty solid so that's an option as well.
 my deep cuts should be a constant threat. Hard 2-3 steps under, stutter step deep to full commit under should almost always guarantee me a free under completion. Hard 3-4 steps under to jump cut deep should get me open for at least a few deep shots. Always be on the lookout to make breakside continuations off of swings.

-be more decisive and fully commit to cuts
-set up cuts by running hard deep when being played loose

tryout went good but im getting gassed very easily. some days my endurance is my best quality, today it was my worst

Will double up on hydration, and make sure to get some fats as well as carbs for med men round 2. Low fat might be a contributor to my poor endurance

I think I didn't drink enough water and was dying the first 2/3 of the med men tryout in 95 degree weather. Every single cut felt like hell on earth. My mental strength was pretty solid and I managed to survive through it,
The second tryout was lower level and went good although I was just destroyed: cramping, headache and low energy.

was in a bad mood and didnt socialize and probably intimidated a bunch of people.slippery glove change = lots of drops in insane humidity. some throwaways during mini, none during 7v7.

i think it was just a strenuous day and i have been puahing myself in other avenues of my life. 6 hours behind in sleep. my attitude is a mistake, it could be better. it can be fixed


not resting enough. I didn't adjust for my decreased speed+explosiveness as well as I should have and got beat to the force side in endzone a bunch of times.
I knew from warmups that my speed wasn't there and yet I kept playing like it was. Arrogant.

-upwind flicks are the most consistent, weirdly
-pulls in both directions pretty top notch
-downwind flicks, i have poor control over the disc going OI or IO
-on both upwind and downwind backands: 1/3 throws I lose my balance slightly and end up throwing too high

short-mid distance throws *200

key problem with backhand hucks is lack of grip consistency, all the other problems are coming from that

-having difficulty transferring momentum from power position backhands to my throw. Maybe throwing more IO would help? I default to always throwing OI backhand. In general my runup/power position hucks need loads more work, they are not as powerful as my stationary throws.

hucks *100
heavy wind. upwind i couldnt get my flicks past 40y and no consistency. downwind i focused on choosing whether the disc went IO or OI. too much in either direction and the disc blades or pops up and veers 20y to the side. no point in being able to throw a full field bomb if you cant control it. i did end up hitting a water bottle from 50y out but y'know, it's 1/100. who gives a shit. jk it was a money shot


Hucks *150
-upwind (+slight RL cross) flicks worst, complete opposite of last time i threw with this wind. Need to slow down and get my flick technique down, I think im overcomplicating the arm motio ln
-overall pretty inconsistent, especially upwind. Downwind im controlling the angle much better, everything was looking decent towards the end.

vs Mason: most of the throws were low and blady so bodying out was extra important. Really tough finding a balance between maintaining your space, not fouling, getting a good read and jumping through contact. I only got a few from outside position, caught almost everything from inside position. He caught 1 by sneaking into the inside space when I didn't body well enough and completely boxing me out. Bodying up is extra important with bladier shots, can't use vertical to compensate at all. In fact, I only managed to get 1 or 2 good verticals out of 15.

vs Jeremy: we are pretty close to evenly matched: his reach is slightly higher and he is bouncier but I am about 25lbs heavier and much stronger. I ended up with 8 catches and he got 5. The throws were pretty perfect 50-50's and easy to read with little wind and his playstyle was little contact. 80% of my jumps were above 30" for sure. Had an SL jump that felt close to PR level based on air-time.

An excellent experience. Heres what I can gain from it.
-statistically, my best chance on a disc by far is with inside positioning.
-I should work on disrupting momentum based jumpers by initiating contact during their runup
-I can't go up with a hand which i'm using to box out. Some situations might be better to box with a shoulder.
-I need reps against people much better at bodying out and with wind.

2 consistent mental errors, which I believe to be responsible for like 90% of my problems:
-getting in my head the moment after a mistake. The game goes on but I'm thinking about what I just did wrong and instantly lose focus and double up doing something dumb. consistent meditation and refocusing will help a lot with this, which I will be logging from now on.
-arrogance. making suboptimal choices just because I am overconfident in my abilities.

I can't do deep jump stop plants on turf, just can't get enough traction. The alternative is chop steps but I have to take 4 chop steps instead of 2 to get a good change of direction. Neither is optimal and I couldnt efficiently guard the best cutter with thia dilemma. The solution is probably better body control or more chop step practice. Working through some eccentrics and iso's at chop step joint angles would also be helpful. I feel like this is the main parameter that is holding back my game from being elite.

--aligning upper body center of gravity over first chop steps. Usually I have some upper body sway when coming in out of a full sprint which throws me off balance and requires time to recover from.
--getting a coordinated hip turn by the 3rd step: usually I just accelerate with a skater hop but if I can better coordinate the hip turn I'll be accelerating out of a 2 point stance
--chop step quickness

Followed up on my commitment to get to the field early and my in-bounds pull percentage was higher that day.

 Never particularly tired, although giving up too many 5-10y unders unders. Effort certainly could have been higher.
Got scored on the breakside cone 4 times - this isn't my fault but I could have prevented at least a few of these.
2 major mistakes: threw away a huck break opportunity out if bounds when one of our important games was tied. I had 5 out of bounds pulls the second day, including 3 during an important game. It was a wind I really disliked but no real excuse except I needed perfect technique to pull off the pull I was trying to pull, I could have tried an easier variation and got less yards but kept it in bounds.

-most people can't accelerate from standstill like I can and gain a lot from coming in with momentum. Playing extremely tight and not giving them momentum should give me at least an extra half step.
-I have to start off with hips loaded in a staggered (2-point) stance facing deep: If I start in athletic stance and faceguard I have to take a (plyo) step back to accelerate, essentially losing half a step.
-It's usually better to avoid rounding cuts going deep: stutter step and re-accelerate going deep instead of trying to maintain momentum and rounding cut.

-trying to pattern a frontal stop to 180 degree rotation instead of lateral chop steps for 180 c.o.d. there is possibly less variation in how the movement is executed, which means its easier to train. However, it's more technical - requires a fluid 180 turn in one step to be efficient, whereas coming into c.o.d. laterally is like 2 90 degree turns.
-i have a touch grip and a tighter power grip for both flick and backhand and a lot of my in-game throwing mistakes come from commiting to the wrong one. Esp with sweaty hands, touch grip works badly in a lot of situations. Sometimes i'll try to adjust quickly in game and go through a power grip throwing motion with touch grip which doesn't work

-huck technique significantly changes when tired, but not necessarily getting worse
-biggest flick problem is too much IO (too much body angle), occasional blade falling short (inconsistent grip). during intervals, blade percentage went up a lot (maybe due to extra sweat?)
-biggest backhand problem is high+blading (not enough body angle+too much arm). during intervals, occasional early grip slip became a problem, resulting in short, veering IO laser (almost certainly because of sweat)

I figured out a big problem with my 180 degree change of direction! I am either trying to hop plant (essentially a 2 step) or chop step (4 step). What I am clearly missing is the in-between 3-step. I don't do this because it requires the initial force absorption plant step to be off the inside leg, which requires a lot of coordination and I am weaker at. Not sure if I can do this at higher speeds either, but I will try.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 12:28:07 am by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #793 on: August 24, 2018, 12:14:17 pm »
great stuff. journaling ftw.

field work pays the bills.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #794 on: August 24, 2018, 10:41:39 pm »
cals: 2660 (171s, 98p - 65% of the sugar is from 5 servings of gatorade that I drank as i played)
Active Mindfulness: 4/10 (it was good today. Noticing a correlation with caffeine and getting into a rhythm after a few days where I tried a little less)

30 min peaking contrast supersets - really strapped for time
-squat 315*3, 355*2
-RFD GHR 3*15
-depth jumps up to (off 24" -> onto 48" *2)

Mini 5v5 * 1 hr
-drove out to DC for some high level mini: 3 Truck guys present (2 of them rookies) and a former Truck player (Truck is the highest level local team). Excellent reps. Extra mindfulness and long car ride back helped me figure out my exact problems. Easily gassed because of caloric deficit but otherwise everything looked good. Especially happy with hard changes of direction, which still need work but better than usual.

-My cross-body short backhands have an airbounce grip but my throwing motion isn't always an airbounce, resulting in a wobbly and inconsistent throw. Need to use power grip and throw mostly with wrist snap. This is also a throw I never practice.
-Throw quality deteriorated heavily throughout mini but I AM CERTAIN this can be pinned almost exclusively on sweatiness. As my hands get more sweaty, I have more difficulty regulating disk angle (on OI flick with power grip) and grip tightness, resulting in inconsistent release and throw speed (on IO flick with airbounce grip)
-Upside down throws should never catch the wind on the dome side of the disk (or else they will stall heavily and float). However, the more the wind blows perpendicular to the belly the harder the disk blades (my theory).
-As I get more sweaty and lose touch on my throws, my flick side suffers especially hard. I should be more comfortable throwing lefty backhands from multiple release points as flick side option with more touch. Will definitely allow for a greater variety of consistent options

-Always afraid of fouling when attacking a high disc from the outside position. Need to do a better job contesting that space and if there is contact I would usually be able to argue that we were both contesting the space. Literally anything is better than getting roofed because I tried to play it too clean and went up late.
-Different strategies for different players. So all three of the truck players present (playing for the other team) had different characteristics:
--One was a short, stocky guy with exceptional footwork - for him I need to zone in completely on his movements: because of my explosiveness, I should be able to cover players like this well despite my hypothetical height disadvantage playing footsies. However the way I was getting beat was because he continuously made extra cutting motions: like 3-4 different attacks in a matter of a few seconds. I would cover the first few and then assume he was finished and kind of zone out a little bit because generally people don't make that many moves.
--One was a light and bouncy fellow that relied on stretch reflex a lot for his cuts. I need to put a body on this type of player and not allow him to get any momentum to use for stretch reflex cuts.
--One had completely preposterous bounciness as well as good top speed and explosiveness. He threw a give-go and bang, and was just gone. This is one of the only times I've felt that i got burned deep this whole season and there wasn't much I could do. I am especially slow out of marking give-go's because my back is to the downfield. This player is all-around good so my goal would probably to limit them to unders and me extra alert of getting beat deep. There should only be a handful of them at the most.

Double header practice this weekend, going to get one more big and carb heavy meal. Cannot afford to be gassed and have my reps quality drop.