really short rests for everything
DB OHP: 45's *8,8,8 [+weight]
ss1a: deadbugs (3s ecc): 4*26 [+reps]
ss1b: landmines: 65 3*12, 75 *8 [+weight]
ss2a: pullups 3*8
ss2b: lunge hops 3*8
ss3a: cable knee drives 47.5 3*12 /ea side [+weight, +reps]
ss3b: side to side reverse ab wheel *20, 14+6, 12+8 [+reps]
ss4a: bosu ball DB arm drives: 20's *30,30,40 [+reps]
ss4b: single arm pullups: [+extra heavy set]
-L: 100 *8, 85 *7, 5+2
-R: 100 *8, 85 *8,8
Battle ropes (20-30s rests): [+shorter rests, +more reps]
ss5a: alt slams 4*30, 2*40
ss5b: double arm slams: 4*15, 2*20
So there is something definitely inconsistent with pullups and it has to do with core stability. I noticed that sometimes my pullups are a lot stronger and it is usually after I do certain core movements. Tested it out today, doing pullups after eccentric deadbugs and what do you know - my pullups felt strong again. How bout that.