I'm laying on the edge of a couch with my hips on a chair, which puts me at a slight decline. My dad pushes down my stretching leg and I pull up my other leg to keep my hips from bending. Admittedly PNF stretches seem very uncomfortable without a partner.
10/3 experimental session
175 x5,5,4 lol
Assisted Pullups:
-10 x8,6
BW x4
-25 x7
-40 x8,8,8
so apparently my normal pullups have such terrible form that these assisted ones which pretty much force good form are harder. or i'm just tired after bench.
Sprint specific - Supine bosu ball DB press in lower sprint ROM:
30's 4x16
Sprint specific - one arm assisted pullups in upper sprint ROM:
-130 x8/ea side
-110 x8,7/ ea side
Hip Hikes
30 4x12/ ea side
Core circuit x3:
- Deadbugs w/ 5lb plates, 5lb ankle weights: x16,16,20
- Side shuffles with banded palloff press: x8 /ea side
- Side planks with leg raise +5lb ank. weights: x15s/ ea side
Some kneeling cable chops, didn't feel much core and bailed
Rhythmic RFD half squat (shorter rests):
135 3x15
205 x15
275 x8,8,10
295 x10,10,12
Pretty much just threw this is for kicks after 9am-10pm day of classes+homework.