League game: 90 mins
Injured rotator cuff
2 day tourney in pitt. played mediocre, mostly because of rotator cuff but also self-esteem not good. Injured my calf day 2 and played through it. Got 3 hours of sleep day 1 and a stunning 2 hours of sleep day 2. Feeling pretty fast, oddly enough.
Skipped a few days because of injuries + feeling drained
League game: 90 mins. Rotator cuff still not good.
BW: 178.4 (at the end of the day)
Tennis: 3 hours. Lots of hopping around trying to be bouncy.
Dunks with deflated soccer ball: tried a couple tomahawks but rotator cuff wasn't having it. Was getting up high enough, felt like I could get them without too much trouble, maybe even with bball
Squat: 135x10,10, 235x5, 250x5, 255 4x5. Felt kind of weak, groin hurting a little. 3 min breaks
DL: 135x8,8 205x8, 235x7, 255x5, 275x5. These feel pointless I can feel my glutes not firing and my low back doing most of the work.