Practice 2 hours
Pullups 7x7 (longer rests for later sets)
Deadbugs 6x20 slow eccentric
Practice 2 hours
Team positions announced and I will be a starting O-line handler cause it's what the team needs. This position is all about consistency, excellent throws and smart decision making. Just mentally not there this practice (possibly because of under-eating). I threw 5 awful turnovers during 7v7, all attempts at difficult break throws. This cannot happen ever again.
GYM 3 hours
SL cable ham hyperextension:
40 x6 /ea leg
45 2x6 /ea leg
Alt. bounds:
20 sets of 4 bounds (not sure if I should be focusing on short GCT/quickness or distance. Inclined to think short GCT will be better training because I'm strength>power dominant)
Hang Power clean:
185 x5
205 x2+3
215 3x2 PR tie (feel like I could do more but grip is giving out)
Power clean from blocks (upper thigh, short rests):
165 x5
155 4x5
165 x5
Trap Bar DL:
325 x5
375 x5
385 x4F (really felt like I could have done 5.. forgot my straps at home
375 x5
225 x5
275 x5
295 x5
305 x5
315 x5 very uncomfortable for knee but it got better each set. Good to know I can still full squat, it's been like a month
Paused half squat:
295 x8
315 x8 wiped
Natural ham curls
sled push
Core Circuit (60s rests):
-Deadbugs: 5lb ankle weights, 10lb hand weights x15,15,10
-Russian twists: 45 deg torso, 2-4s slow reps x15,15,10
-Ab wheel x12,12,8