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Re: FP's log
« Reply #525 on: August 28, 2017, 04:24:15 pm »

PM1: starts, 40Y sprints ME, 40Y conditioning

starts x 5, 5 alternating lead legs
40Y sprints x10 (full recovery: technique work)
40Y sprints x5,5,6 (jog back recovery, 90-95% intensity - actually not that tired despite pretty intense runs, might cut rest intervals and make this a more frequent thing)

nice @ those 40's with jog back recovery! did they fall off much? or didn't time them?

imho, with something like that, go hard but also stay relaxed .. really focusing on not tightening up. sounds like you were probably doing that.

PM2: throws, DLRVJ

casual throwing with non-frisbee friend x 1 hr (more talking than throwing)
20 mins hucks at goal
basketball shooting x 100
DLRVJ dunk attempts x~25: consistent dunks off "1-step" DLRVJ, trying and failing to get a full cockback tomahawk off 3-4 steps - putting me at 34"ish? pretty average for me

damn nice. 1-step dlrvj dunks are pretty dope.. especially if you can tomahawk it.  :ibjumping:

Honestly it felt like they didn't fall off at all. T0ddday advice a while ago was to not time them so as not to interfere with mechanics.

"Stay relaxed".. That's a good cue, not sure if I tighten up when I run, I'll try to be on the lookout for that next time. I definitely try to micromanage my strides when I go into more upright/top speed form, because if I don't I tend to drag my feet and not cycle efficiently.

I did get a few tomahawks but not with the full elbow flexion like I wanted.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #526 on: August 28, 2017, 05:50:29 pm »

PM1: starts, 40Y sprints ME, 40Y conditioning

starts x 5, 5 alternating lead legs
40Y sprints x10 (full recovery: technique work)
40Y sprints x5,5,6 (jog back recovery, 90-95% intensity - actually not that tired despite pretty intense runs, might cut rest intervals and make this a more frequent thing)

nice @ those 40's with jog back recovery! did they fall off much? or didn't time them?

imho, with something like that, go hard but also stay relaxed .. really focusing on not tightening up. sounds like you were probably doing that.

PM2: throws, DLRVJ

casual throwing with non-frisbee friend x 1 hr (more talking than throwing)
20 mins hucks at goal
basketball shooting x 100
DLRVJ dunk attempts x~25: consistent dunks off "1-step" DLRVJ, trying and failing to get a full cockback tomahawk off 3-4 steps - putting me at 34"ish? pretty average for me

damn nice. 1-step dlrvj dunks are pretty dope.. especially if you can tomahawk it.  :ibjumping:

Honestly it felt like they didn't fall off at all. T0ddday advice a while ago was to not time them so as not to interfere with mechanics.

"Stay relaxed".. That's a good cue, not sure if I tighten up when I run, I'll try to be on the lookout for that next time. I definitely try to micromanage my strides when I go into more upright/top speed form, because if I don't I tend to drag my feet and not cycle efficiently.

ya i love t0ddday's advice on that. there's such a huge mental side to things, just seeing your times dropping or just having one bad time out of nowhere and you can tighten up/become way more fatigued.

as for me, if only i could stop using my lap key on my watch. I'm becoming more relaxed using my watch now though, finally getting used to looking at the pace and not having it effect me as much mentally.

I did get a few tomahawks but not with the full elbow flexion like I wanted.

damn nice


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #527 on: August 28, 2017, 11:03:02 pm »
BW:187.2 kind of falling off on my cut cause I know I'm losing muscle mass cause I'm not lifting a lot

PM1: 2 hour practice

PM2: Gym peaking +some maintenance

Half squat (AMRAP/ 25s)
115 5x36-39

Full squat

18" Depth jumps:
2x5 (height pretty awful)

BSS/ vertical shin (AMRAP/ 25s)
Right leg: knee
L BW: x ~30


Bench: 175 2x5, 185x5F (help from spotter on last rep)

first day of school
spent 5 hrs writing up workout programs for some friends


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #528 on: August 29, 2017, 08:57:08 pm »

raining all day, squeezed in this session before class

Hang Power Clean:
215x1 ugh

15lb med ball throws:
6,6,3 distance  :personal-record:

DB lunges (AMRAP /18s):
60's 4 sets of ???

Stiff leg alt. bounds:
30Y x 3,4

Alt. Bounds:
30Y x5,5

New favorite glutivation movement, upright hip thrust and SL version:


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #529 on: August 30, 2017, 10:16:03 pm »
so my knee's still a little off for dynamic work so I decided to just do a hard maintenance session today cause I haven't done one in a few weeks. Tried to keep HR up with smaller breaks for most stuff

315 x5
335 x3,3,3,4

DB 20" step ups:
R: 65's 3x8 w/ knee drive
L: 65's 3x8

BSS (90s rests):
65's 3x8 (did 3 sets with one leg, then with the other: not alternating=shorter rests)

DB OHP (60s rests):
40's 3x8

Upright cable knee drives (unsupported):
27.5 3x10 (ea. leg)

Grip fucking DEAD, even though it's only 65's lots of volume with shorter rests.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #530 on: September 01, 2017, 11:29:56 pm »
First week of school has been pretty vicious. I'm also going to try to keep my part-time job for the time being. But I planned the weekend out and I have 15 FUCKEN hours of homework. I have practice Sunday and because it's a 45 minute drive that's half my day right there. I was expecting the first week to be easy cruising but apparently not.

So pretty much my motivation is drained and it will take me a little while to get used to this new regime. I see what most of you guys have to deal with working 9-5+whatever life stuff tho, lol. Hopefully my willpower will adapt as the semester goes along.

GOOD NEWS is my team's great performance at the last tournament earned our area an extra bid to regionals (6 teams from the MD/VA area will advance to the next level instead of 5). We were aiming to cinch the #5 spot but this makes it a whole lot easier.  :)


starts x 8,8
40Y x 5
just super demotivated


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #531 on: September 02, 2017, 09:09:30 am »
First week of school has been pretty vicious. I'm also going to try to keep my part-time job for the time being. But I planned the weekend out and I have 15 FUCKEN hours of homework. I have practice Sunday and because it's a 45 minute drive that's half my day right there. I was expecting the first week to be easy cruising but apparently not.


getting in some training between all of that homework can be good though, give your mind a break and just go hit teh iron or get some sprints in etc..

So pretty much my motivation is drained and it will take me a little while to get used to this new regime. I see what most of you guys have to deal with working 9-5+whatever life stuff tho, lol. Hopefully my willpower will adapt as the semester goes along.

ya 9-5's can be very draining .. i can't recall ever being able to train properly when putting in full time (40+) hours per week. that's something I need to address eventually, or just keep working part time (preferred option).

GOOD NEWS is my team's great performance at the last tournament earned our area an extra bid to regionals (6 teams from the MD/VA area will advance to the next level instead of 5). We were aiming to cinch the #5 spot but this makes it a whole lot easier.  :)



starts x 8,8
40Y x 5
just super demotivated

you're going to get motivated again, no doubt .. so just try and minimize the damage as much as possible from this life-overload - easier said than done. But getting in some brief hard training sessions can be good on your brain amidst all of the homework/studying etc, to break things up. you have that important tournament coming up soon too right? don't overdo it, but also stay focused!!



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Re: FP's log
« Reply #532 on: September 05, 2017, 10:22:28 am »
2.5 hrs practice - no bounce at all but throws looked super slick, made lots of hard catches. Just need to make a few last adjustments to my defense.
30 mins positioning/jumping for disc game


AM: jumps

1-step RSLRVJ x10 30"-30.5" max  :personal-record: by about 2 inches
2-step RSLRVJ x10 32"-32.5" max  :personal-record:
3-step RSLRVJ x15 32.5"-33" max, I got the PR on the 2nd jump and then after 5 more jumps I couldn't hit above 31"

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
the second jump is the PR one

PM1: jumps
1-step RL-DLRVJ x10 max 33"ish
2-step RL-DLRVJ x5 max around 31"???? dafuq
full runup RL-DLRVJ's x15 max 35"ish

PM2: pickup cancelled, gym
Hang Power cleans:
205x3,2 (grip)
185 from blocks x 5
205 from blocks x 3,3

buggy knee, switched from RFD to maintenance

BP: 175 3x5

Pullups: 3x7

Skater hop+stick (various distances, stopping when I lose balance):
12, 8, 16, 9, 12, 11, 4, 1

Med ball throws
15lbs x 5,5,3

« Last Edit: September 05, 2017, 10:25:24 am by Final Phenom »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #533 on: September 05, 2017, 02:51:40 pm »
great stuff man! that 1-step PR seems like a solid power/explosive strength improvement.

weird af about the 2-step RL-DLRVJ lmfao.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #534 on: September 05, 2017, 11:34:30 pm »
Yeah the 1-step is probably the most improved athletic quality I've seen after this summer training. A lot of my training focuses were movements that were pretty similar to it: 1-legged: lunges, sl-rdl, BSS, cable ham hyper, 2-legged power: Hang power clean, DJ's, med ball throws, 2-legged strength: sumo DL.

Now I just need to get my movement efficiency and horizontal plyos/force absorption up to scratch and hopefully all those gains will translate into more steps/faster approaches.


AM: Jumps

1-step L-SLRVJ x5 max 27-27.5" around PR level
2,3,4 step L-SLRVJ x7, nothing good
runup L-SLRVJ x10 max 30.5-31" right around PR level, hard dropoff after 5 jumps

PM: Sprints, top speed focus

easy half mile in 3:40
static quads+psoas, bunch of leg swings
40Y x2
70-90Y x8 (full recovery)

Few things to note:
-yesterday I did a few L-SLRVJ's and the first few were barely rim touches which is 23". Because I haven't been lifting a lot I've also been stretching a lot less. My left quad+psoas are SO TIGHT, glute shut off and groin pain came back after yesterdays jumps. Definitely need more stretching.
-full runup better than 2-4 step jump??? This is true for DLRVJ as well. Either my movement efficiency has really dropped off or maybe it's the flexibility? Or something else?
-hard dropoff = rests too short

-Really got the top speed cycling technique down the last 3 reps. The reps before that I was just driving my knee forward during top speed but when i started cueing myself to cycle I felt so much faster. Only problem is I feel like I'm landing with my foot plantar flexed.
-Speedwise I was pretty average but just changing the technique a little made me so much faster.
-Oh yeah the accelerations are weak as shit. I think it's more of a mental thing trying to preserve my knee.

Knee has been pretty consistently swollen after almost every session, especially pickups/practices. This is pretty bad news but hopefully taking thurs/fri off and careful diet+anti-inflammatories leading up to+during tourney and It won't be too bad. I'm not as worried about injury, moreso playing scared for my knee

« Last Edit: September 05, 2017, 11:40:48 pm by Final Phenom »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #535 on: September 08, 2017, 07:40:15 pm »

2 hrs pickup - dewy weather, grip started slipping up on forehands halfway through, towel soaked. Otherwise it was looking pretty good. As long as I give my cutter adequate respect, put in maximum effort and don't try to play suboptimal, cocky, 'I'm better than you' defense I should be able to shut almost anybody down


45 mins throws - soaking my hand+the disc in water and throwing flick hucks. Some grip adjustments and they look clean, although not quite the same distance as my regular hucks. Bringing a stack of towels this weekend, hopefully my hands will stay dry.

Knee is kind of swollen still which is not good but ill deal with it.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #536 on: September 10, 2017, 07:54:20 pm »

2 hrs pickup - dewy weather, grip started slipping up on forehands halfway through, towel soaked. Otherwise it was looking pretty good. As long as I give my cutter adequate respect, put in maximum effort and don't try to play suboptimal, cocky, 'I'm better than you' defense I should be able to shut almost anybody down


45 mins throws - soaking my hand+the disc in water and throwing flick hucks. Some grip adjustments and they look clean, although not quite the same distance as my regular hucks. Bringing a stack of towels this weekend, hopefully my hands will stay dry.

Knee is kind of swollen still which is not good but ill deal with it.

The game nowadays is filled with degenerate animals that hoot and yell when someone actually tries to play good defense on a good offensive player and either slips/falls/or get out of balance.... in my mind i'm thinking "big fuckin deal who cares, it happens"

It deters kids from playing good defense which is like a past time now. Good defensive players get almost no recognition but they play almost half the part when it comes to winning, sad.

I kinda know what you mean. When you're tall and have not the greatest balance or quickness you're going to get your ankles broken at some point (usually by some short malnourished looking kid) and it always generates a lot of hype.. but it's like, why? When I get up over a short person there's no hype because I'm tall and he's short which are the way we were born but when someones quick vs someone not it suddenly becomes skill-based? whatever.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #537 on: September 10, 2017, 08:17:30 pm »
Tourney went good. We held seed, earning a regionals bid. Lost to the team seeded ahead of us 9 to 11. I got around 10 D's over 6 games, playing all D-line.

-Endurance! Despite playing all D-line was not gassed ever
-Man Defense - hard changes of direction felt better than usual, shutdown defense most of the game even against great players
-Deep cutting - caught a lot of deep shots, much more than last tourney

-athleticism - very few opportunities for skies or layouts
-throws - playing it pretty safe but still managed to throw it into a couple poaches and turfed a few

-top speed - it just wasn't there. suspect my swollen af knee had something to do with it.
-couple of embarassing misplays where I lost my concentration and got beat
-went for a last minute glove brand switch which changed my throwing mechanics, especially on hucks

Knee extremely swollen, only goes to about 135 degrees, and can't do full extension. Worst swelling since initial injury despite taking 2/day ibuprofens

Going to take a week of ONLY UPPER BODY/CORE/stretching maybe joggin if i can find time. Focus hard on posture which I strongly suspect is correlated with some of my balance and core stability issues.

How do I improve my awareness/vigilance? Biggest takeaway from this tourney = I need to be very aware and much better at reading the field.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #538 on: September 11, 2017, 10:23:18 pm »
Tourney went good. We held seed, earning a regionals bid. Lost to the team seeded ahead of us 9 to 11. I got around 10 D's over 6 games, playing all D-line.

-Endurance! Despite playing all D-line was not gassed ever
-Man Defense - hard changes of direction felt better than usual, shutdown defense most of the game even against great players
-Deep cutting - caught a lot of deep shots, much more than last tourney

-athleticism - very few opportunities for skies or layouts
-throws - playing it pretty safe but still managed to throw it into a couple poaches and turfed a few

-top speed - it just wasn't there. suspect my swollen af knee had something to do with it.
-couple of embarassing misplays where I lost my concentration and got beat
-went for a last minute glove brand switch which changed my throwing mechanics, especially on hucks

Knee extremely swollen, only goes to about 135 degrees, and can't do full extension. Worst swelling since initial injury despite taking 2/day ibuprofens

Going to take a week of ONLY UPPER BODY/CORE/stretching maybe joggin if i can find time. Focus hard on posture which I strongly suspect is correlated with some of my balance and core stability issues.

most of that is pretty good news from the tourney but damn man, that knee is constantly inflamed & it really sucks to hear that it's the worst swelling since the injury.

How do I improve my awareness/vigilance? Biggest takeaway from this tourney = I need to be very aware and much better at reading the field.

not sure enough about that to comment, but what kind of ideas do you have?

we devised some drills for that, for this quarterback i used to train .. we did a bunch of them, but they need a partner etc.. also not really sure how effective they actually are, and whether or not they apply to what you're talking about:

in a nutshell, these were awareness drills which also targeted other components like force absorption / COD etc..

maybe that gives some ideas? dno!



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Re: FP's log
« Reply #539 on: September 12, 2017, 12:12:29 am »
future michigan and now lions QB jake rudock. adarq knew him back when!
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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