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FP's log
« on: March 20, 2013, 08:14:37 pm »
ALL BENCH logs are actually chest press until page 2

AGE: 17

HEIGHT: 6' 3"

WEIGHT: 168lbs

SLEEP SCHEDULE: 2-14 hours a day (average 6)

BODY TYPE: Tall, Lean, Light Muscle

GOALS: 40 Inch vert, 35 inch 1-foot vert, 20'+ Long Jump, 5'8"+ High Jump, sub-10.5 100m

CURRENT ABILITY: 31" vert (run, 2 feet), TBA??

INJURY HISTORY: currently okay, nothing major previously

TRAINING HISTORY & ACHIEVEMENTS: Loose Jump Manual training for over a year, 3rd week in for track


BRIEF OVERVIEW OF CURRENT DIET: Inconsistent - 100g+ protein per day

IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES: Track, Ultimate Frisbee

3/20/13 - Ran 6 150's today. Recovering from back and calf strains, so taking it easy going to the gym. Might go during weekend. First track meet EVER on Saturday (3/23/13)!
Event statistics to be announced!
« Last Edit: June 07, 2017, 10:41:58 pm by Final Phenom »


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2013, 10:29:20 pm »
Ran some 300's today
My calves recently recovered, but I have this weird pain in my tibia bone - Feels like it's under a lot of strain after I run for a while. It feels like it's aching, almost. :( Anyone know what this could mean? Should I still run at my meet on Saturday? I have no practice tomorrow


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2013, 02:24:46 am »
Just do it!
Let us know how you go.
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2013, 07:46:03 pm »
Track meet was mediocre
It was both windy and cold
Faulted twice on Long Jump (I stepped off the side after the jump instead of walking through) and got 17' the third time. I'm not very sad about my long jump - It was the first time I had jumped in a sand pit in about 5 years. I really hope to get 20' plus before the season is through
I jumped 5' 2" on the high jump - I was very disappointed especially since I felt like I could have done so much better - I missed the whole warm up, and I could have probably cleared 5' 6" If the level of my technique was on par with my vert. I hope for a 6' clearance by the end of the season.
I also ran the 4*4 with a time of 57 secs. Honestly I have no clue why coach put me in the 4*4 since my biggest running strength is my sprint. I had a bad start, and was stuck behind these two guys on the second curve of the 400 meter track. I look forward to a time closer to 50 secs at the end of the season.

Considering I'm just starting up, I am relatively satisfied with my results.
I wanted to go to the gym today, but my partner was really tired (after the meet) and insisted we go tomorrow. :/


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2013, 09:23:09 pm »
Sounds like it went ok and you didn't get injured or anything so next time you'll perform better. You got the height to be great at long and high jump.
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2013, 09:48:06 pm »
Had another meet today
Was one of those chill bs meets
I hit 17'6" on the long jump (with one foul and one score of 17')
Also ran a 200, a 4x200 and a 400
No high jump :/


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2013, 12:50:22 pm »
The beginning of spring break means I get to go to the gym every day  ;D
Light workout yesterday -
3x8 135lb Bench
5x12 160lb sitting calf raises - my calves didn't seize up, but the sides of my hips did - what does this mean??
3x8 - each side, 40lb dumbbell curls
3x8 - each side, 110lb lunges
3x20 dips
plank, 3 mins

Really wanted to try free squat but some guy was hogging the machine
we waited 20 mins for him to finish and then left

Planning a more intense workout today!
Plan to do - Ham Curls, Free Squat, Lunges, Cleans, Curls, Bench, Lat Pulldowns, Weighted core exercises, tricep machine, forearm dumbbell lifts
Alternative - Reverse hyper, static core exercises, 1 legged squat, triple jumps, hip flexor exercise
Might also do some plyo's

Just measured my jump, i'm jumping a horrific 27"  :huh:?? It could have something to do with not going to the gym in the past week or two, so my legs might be tired today. My goal is to get my jump up to par and PR at 35" by the end of spring break (04/08)
Any advice? Anything I should add? Anything to keep my jumps in a more consistent range??


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2013, 10:42:05 pm »
Missed workout yesterday, gym closed
Had a double one today

Track practice:
Stretch, Drills, Did some long jump stuff, and tried doing some triple jump stuff.

Gym was especially crowded, all the popular exercises were being used :( No free squat today either
Leg Press -
set 1: 320lbs 12 reps
sets 2-3: 360lbs 12 reps
sets 4,5: 360lbs 10 reps
Bench -
3x8 140lbs
Lat Pulldowns:
3x8 9(90??)lbs
3x8 40lbs
Ham Curls:
set 1: 130lbs 12reps
set 2: 150lbs 8 reps
set 3: 150lbs 6 reps (failed to do 8  :'()
Weighted Ab exercise (kinda like Lat pulldown, only on your knees, using your abs, stiff, flexed arms):
set 1: 120lbs 15 reps
set 2-5: 140lbs 8-12 reps
Hang Cleans:
3x8 120lbs
Tried RDL (3x8 150lbs), didn't feel any pressure in glutes, need to work on my form

Comments: Disappointed with my Ham Curls. I could do 170 before track started. Happy with leg press - felt like I could have done more. Gym was way too crowded. Disappointed with Hang Cleans - I did Bicep curls right before them and I felt like I could have done more if I had planned a little better. YOU CANT EVADE ME FOREVER FREE SQUAT

Replacing track tomorrow with a plyo workout and going to the gym later in the day. I feel pretty good  :)


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2013, 11:49:41 pm »
Got about 12 hours of sleep today.
Today's RVJ: 28"
Today's SVJ: 26"

Measured my jump this morning, and I've narrowed down the problem - It's in my reactivity. My SVJ has decreased very little, if at all, since track started. However my RVJ has decreased by a good 6-8 inches (depending on the day). The difference between the two previously was 8-10 inches, and now it's 2-4 inches.

I have not done a plyo workout in more than a month, because I thought track would be a sufficient replacement. Apparently, I was wrong. Oh well. Did two workouts today - one plyometric and one at my gym. Wasn't really too satisfied with either one.

Plyometric (4PM):
Shock jumps: 2 sets both legs, 2 sets 1 leg
Ankle jumps: 5x12
Zig Zags: 3x12
Depth Jumps: 5x8 (2 legs)
Weighted jump squats: 3x8 70lbs (started experiencing minor shin pain)
Consecutive vertical Jumps: I did 8 reps jumping off of my right leg, and after 3 reps off of my left leg my shin pain became too much to continue the workout.

Gym (6PM- I wanted to go around 7, but unforeseen circumstances caused me to go at 6):
Cleans: 3x8 115lbs
Curls: 3x8 40lbs
Bench: 3x8 140lbs
Tried to do leg press with 1 foot, and came to the horrible realization that my right leg is much stronger than my left (3x8)
Calf lift: 3x8 210-370lbs
Really tried to isolate the full calf movement- I noticed a huge change in the weight I could do with my legs completely straight, different foot placement, and a change in how much pressure I felt in my calves.
Tried to do Reverse Hyper - couldn't figure out the point of contact with the edge of the bench - decided to look it up later
Lunges: 3x16 90lbs

Not satisfactory. Missing track today makes me reaaally wanna miss it tomorrow to make other commitments. I know how fast missing practice can become a habit..
I hope the plyo's have helped my reactivity. I will do more of them tomorrow. :)


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2013, 08:40:58 pm »
4/4/13 - 9 hours sleep

4PM - Gym Workout. Tried free Squat today.
Free Squat
S1: Low Bar 135x12
S2: High Bar 225x8
S3: High Bar 225x6
Leg press
360lbs 5x10
Calf Raise
140lbs 3x8
Tricep Pulldown
9(90??) 5x8
Bosu Ball Stabilization
45secs 4 sets each leg
Chest press
S1,2: 150lbs x8
S3: 150lbs x2 ( :'()
Ham Curl
S1: 150x8
S2: 170x6
S3,4,5: 155x8

Comments: FREE SQUAT. Really fatiguing compared to leg press, but whatever. Messed around with form. Low bar was pretty tough - surprising because of low weight. High bar was tough, too. I went below parallel a few times, and it was really tough to recover.
Bosu Ball seemed to help my godawful ankle stability. Took some practice to even be able to do 45 second one leg stands. Adding this to my routine.
Happy with Ham Curls. Did more than last time.


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2013, 08:30:38 pm »
Light workout today

Curls (stressed form)
3x8 35lbs

Bosu Ball Stabilization
100secs 3 sets each leg

1-leg Hop Variations
Backward, Forward, Side, different distances
6 reps apiece

Side-to-Side Box Jumps (1-leg)
14" box 3x8 per leg

Ankle Jumps

Chest Press
3x6 150lbs

Core Pulldown
5x8-12 140lbs


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2013, 08:55:17 pm »
Saturday: 04/06/13: 10 hours sleep
Played an Ultimate Frisbee pick-up game. Laugh all you want :P I played with some Navy dudes, and they were fit as HELL. I was covering the best one of them the whole game, pretty much. It was like running the 50m dash over and over and over again. Probably the harshest workout that week, being completely honest.

Sunday: 04/07/13: 10 hours sleep
Took a day off cause I busted one of my knees and was sore from the whole previous week.

Monday: 04/08/13: 7.5 hours sleep + coffee
Back to School! Ran 4 sets of 400,200 (with like a minute between the 4 and 2) Hit around 1:08 for most of my 400's. Dunno about the 2's, pretty bad I think

Tuesday: 04/09/13: 7 hours sleep + coffee
We had to run some 300's, but I got some brutal shin splints and sat out. Rode the exercise bike  :'(

Wednesday: 04/10/13: 7 hours sleep
MEET! Felt like shit. Got shin splints during the warm up lap LOL. Probably the least explosive I have felt in the past week or two.
My first Long Jump looked really really nice It was definitely 18ft+, but unfortunately it was a scratch. Second one was a scratch. Third one was 16' 9"  :'( . Had shin splints for both jumps after the first one.
Completely fucked up on high jump - 4' 8".
Ran a pretty good 200. Somewhere between 24 and 25 secs. PR, most likely. I'm told my run was closer to 24secs. Got some hardcore shin splints about 5 seconds after the run.

This weeks motto: FUCK SHIN SPLINTS
Might take a week or two off track - I haven't jumped over 30" in like 2 weeks. Really need rest. I really miss my old RVJ :(
I have another meet Saturday, and a Frisbee tournament on Sunday
Might do some plyo's soon.. Or a light gym workout


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2013, 05:53:59 pm »
Look guys, my stuff is documented!

Wednesday's meet isn't up yet  :( I really hope I got 25> on my 200 though


Thursday, 04/11/13: 6.5 hours sleep
No track today
Took a 1.5 hour nap later in the day

Friday, 04/12/13: 4 hours sleep
Track: Stretches, Drills, 5x150m: ran fine the first 2 runs, badly the last 3
I didn't have a ride for like an hour, so I did a Long Jump workout after track
Drills, Ankle Jumps, Quick feet, Lunges, Power Skips, Chicken Jumps, Bounds
I was going to do more, but my ride got there

I'm going to miss the meet tomorrow and let my calves/shins catch a break. My calves started bothering me again today :(
Frisbee Tourney Sunday


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2013, 04:24:05 pm »
Saturday, 4/13/13: 12.5 hours sleep
Light Gym Workout - Avoided anything that involved lower legs
Weighted Ab Machine:
5x10 110-130lbs
Curls with Bar:
60lbs 3x8
5x8 35lbs
Bosu ball balancing: oops
3x100secs each leg
Chest press:
3x8 150lbs
Shoulder press:
3x8 70 lbs

Sunday, 4/14/13: 8.5 hours sleep
Ultimate Frisbee tournament!
We slammed every other team , getting 4x their scores

I'm going to take a week off of track, recover my calves, because my ups was pretty bad today, and my splints were almost unbearable
I really, really want to blame my 'meh' long jump and high jump scores on the fact that my reactivity is so bad right now
I feel like once my calves are completely recovered i'll be jumping 18's and 19's easy
I'll keep doing gym workouts next week while avoiding my lower legs


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2013, 09:37:24 pm »
Been taking it easy this week. The only physical activity I've done is Hacky Sack
Tried doing some jumps today - they weren't as horrible as lately, but still bad. After the very first jump, I started feeling pain in my lower legs :( I have 3 more rest days until I'm running track again, because there's only like 3 weeks of it left.
SVJ: 27"
RVJ: 30"
I've been icing lower legs, massaging irritated areas, elevating them as much as possible, and running electricity through the pressure points on my lower legs, as well as giving them plenty of rest
But even when I play Hacky Sack, I feel a pain in my lower legs
I can't wait till it goes away :(