BW: 190.2
Need to get weight down to around 170-175. I was right around there a few months ago, then got lazy with training and diet. Training has been consistent for the last two weeks, finally feel like I'm getting back in a groove. For diet, working on only eating when hungry and focusing on protein intake.
Two weeks into this program, I've noticed a few things. Scaps seem to be loosening up, almost like they were locked up. Now I have a lot more movement in that area. Work capacity is slowly improving. Upper body strength on the scap reps seems to be the hardest for me, need to work on grip and upper back strength.
It can start to get boring doing the same two workouts day after day, but one thing that's helped is really focusing on my intent on each rep instead of just doing the sets to get through it. Doing the iso's every day have helped shoulder and hips mobility. And I'm getting better at pulling into position on the iso's. I don't do it for the full hold, but will pull down for a few seconds on each set instead of just holding position