BW: 181
rest day
BW: 179.2
Low day:
Warmup: forward and backward marches, skips, hops, etc
Banded tempo runs x 5 sets
Jump rope x 5 sets
various shoulder and ab work in between sets
ATG ankle exercise
Shoulder dislocates
Ankle flossing
BW: 179
Hi day:
Warmup: forward and backward marches, skips, hops, etc
A1: Banded sprints, 3 x 6 secs
B1. Approach jumps, RL x 3, LR x 3
B2. Lying med ball throws
C1. Squat, 2x3 (185)
C2. Depth jumps x4
D1. Bench 2x5 (155)
D2. Plyo pushup x 6
ATG ankle exercise
Shoulder dislocates