BW: 179.8
AM workout
A1. Sled push-pull 3x20 meters
A2. ATG squat, top set 50x20 (standard hit)
A3. Nordic, top set 8 in box x 5. I did 9 reps last week, so this is discouraging. I did do 2 sets of 10 beforehand though, one to a 12 in box and one to a 10 in, so maybe it was fatigue
B1. Tib raise, 3x20
B2. QL extensions, 3x10 (top set 15lbs)
C1. DB shoulder press, top set 30x10
C2. Chin up, top set BW x 6
Lower and upper body stretching, some ankle flossing and ankle traction work after workout