Week 39Tuesday - 12/23/14
196.0lbs | 15.4% bf | 61.6% H2O
-= Workout Log =-
ATG Squat
135 x 8 >> 2min rests.
135 x 5 >> Third set was extremely difficult. The normal me would have racked it after 4 and saved it for the next workout.
185 x 5 >> I was determined to hit this so I can move up to a more even 335lbs next workout!
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1
365 x 1
330 x 6
330 x 6
330 x 6 PR
Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5 >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3 >> Went down a bit but form is getting stricter so that's fine.
+270lbs x 1
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 10
+270lbs x 8
+270lbs x 8
Bench Press
45 x 15 >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 3
195 x 1
225 x 1
235 x 3
235 x 3
235 x 3
235 x 3 PR
200 x 10 PR
Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 6 >> 60sec rests.
65's x 5
Weight was high today due to eating a crapton of carbs and sodium the previous day. It'll drop again to ~194 by next workout I'm sure.
Also, I think it's time my linear progressions on the squat comes to an end. I'll attempt 3x6 with 335lbs next workout and see how many I get. I've been moving up 5lbs every 3 workouts lately and I squat twice a week. So that's pretty fast. I usually get 6,5,3 then 6,6,4 then 6,6,6. I should change the scheme up and aim for a 5lb PR on 3x6 every 3 weeks maybe. Still squatting 2x per week (mostly):
wave 1:
tue - squat 3, 8, 8, 8
sat - squat 6, 6, 6 (@ -5lbs of current PR)
wave 2:
tue - squat 3, 3, 3, 8
sat - squat 6, 6, 6 (@ current PR)
wave 3:
tue - squat 3
thu - squat 1
sat - squat 6, 6, 6 (@ +5lbs current PR)
Of course a PR in either workout of each wave is fine. A little variety will be helpful because if I don't PR in one thing, maybe I'll still PR in another and that will keep me motivated.
A little mini de-load before the PR attempt is a nice refresher. I added a middle light day of squatting in that third wave because I know how my body reacts to TOO much of a deload. Well, every week I'll be attempting a PR actually, but I care more about the 3x6 PR.