Woke up at 196.8lbs today. As I suspected, I would drop from 200 to 197 in just a couple days.
Aiming for 193 by March 1st. Might get there earlier. Hopefully strength doesn't suffer. But I'm chasing that 2.25xbw squat... 405x3 at 195lbs by June would be ideal. That's my target.
Another note: I've been taking lots of vitamin D lately. I thought that's what had caused my crazy 30lb squat gain in 3 weeks. Also my 20lb bench gain. I'll keep it up for another week. I don't think that's what caused it, but I'll try another week. If there's no luck, I'll do the other thing I though was making my gains skyrocket. I'll say what it is after it works lol.