Joined a mens league. Will be playing competitive ball once a week.
Can't wait to get back to a 365x3 squat (im at 345x3 tight now) and plus get my movement efficiency back. I'll be throwing down two handers like nothing again by mid-June.
Picked up a pair of these for $80:
Low tops, breatheable, comfortable, and good traction. A little tight on my pinky toes. Too much cushioning in the insole imo. So I'll put a thinner one and that'll also give my pink toe a little more space.
I also hate how theres more cushioning in the heel and how the toe of the shoe curves up. I dont like when they try to shape my feet for me or improve "heel-to-to transition" and stuff. Screw that crap. I stay on my toes all the time, I'm trying to be forefoot dominant and almost all basketball sneakers push you away from that. They ruin your gait. They get you to run with a heel strike. Oh well. If anyone knows of a better shoe, let me know!