Week 34Tuesday - 11/18/14
-= Workout Log =-
135 x 8 >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 1
320 x 6 PR
320 x 5 PR
320 x 4 PR
Bench Press
45 x 15 >> 2min rests.
95 x 8 >> Bench dropped... fuck
135 x 5 >> Adding a back up set from now on.
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
225 x 6
225 x 4
225 x 3
185 x 8
Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 10 PR
65's x 8 PR
Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5 >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 5 >> I can move up in weight now!
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12 PR
Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 3
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12 PR
35's x 10 PR
35's x 8 PR
Standing Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 12 PR
45 x 10 PR
Reasons for adding a back up set to my benches:
- 6, 4, 3 is not enough reps. I need more reps.
- Maybe it will spur some growth.
- The improvements will be more granular. It's hard to go up a rep on a 5RM, but not so hard to go up a rep on a 10RM, for example. So if my back up set is improving every so slowly, it will keep me from getting discouraged. Which I already am because I was at 6, 6, 5 four weeks ago. FOUR WEEKS ago... 8 bench press workouts later, and no improvement yet???
Everything else is still improving though. I literally always stall on my bench at around this poundage.
Interesting to note that my incline DB benches aren't stalling.