Friday Sept 20 2013
BW @ 173-176lbs
Motivation to lift again is high, energy up as well.
Ankle looks and feels great, still no clue what happened so I'll continue watching it.
Depth Drops and Depth jumps:
3 sets of 5 each. Last set of DJ was very nice.
3 sets of 10 w/ 10lbs. Slow and controlled.
Paused Calf Raise on leg press:
610lbs x8, x8.
225x3 paused, 275x1, 315x1, 365x1, 385x1, 405x1, 425x1. Tried a 440 but depth was shit. Wasn't strong enough and my hip/ankle mobility need work IMO.
Banded 1/4 squats (for speed):
495 (+120)x10. These suck but definitely recruit the right motor pattern for me. Back is always beat afterwards lol
Ended with back/biceps/abs and some shooting work. Felt great to be back at it!
Sat Sept 21 2013
BW @ 174-176lbs.
Not a great sleep, energy was down but picked up considerably as I progressed.
Ankle feels great, upper back is a little sore.
Box jumps and pogo jumps:
3 sets if 5 each. Last set of box jumps I used a weighted belt (12lbs, light stuff) for the first 3 reps, then dropped weight and performed last 2 reps. Surprising difference! Thinking of doing some more contrast training after this.
Ham curls:
140lbs x5, x5. Single leg 60lbs x12 each leg.
225x3 (deficit), 275x1, 315x1, 335x1, 355x1, 375x1F (grip). Realized I hadn't deadlift in a min due to all sort crap. 355 went up very easy, surprisingly. Probably should have tried 365 but said F it, couldn't grip 375 in a double overhand, thought briefly about trying a different grip but I'll just remember my straps next time. Not looking to jack up a bicep.
Had some sprints and shooting planned since I don't run enough but it was raining like crazy. Bah!
Overall not a bad workout, disappointed in the 375 fail but I'll get it.