Lets see... recap! Back/biceps Tuesday. Speed day Wednesday morning was garbage (saw the soon to be ex wife there, bleh, she wasnt cordial this time. Ruined my mood. I just want to be happy. Her too.). Played full court from 6-1030. Sheesh. Quad cramped at 1030 when I came down the lane and went to dunk. Planned a big 2 hander... planted and the right quad said nah. Ended up barely getting a 1 hander basically jumping off a weird ass psuedo single leg plant lol! Much stretching. Thursday was deadlifts. Failed at 475 for a single? But got a 4x2 at 445 and a 315 for 10 then moved on to BSS and assy work. Weird. Did some hip thrusts at the end. 135 for 12 paused. Need to work on glute activation. Hit chest andnahoulders sunday (wow... been a while lol). Then squats last night
BW: 183lbs
BS: bar x12, 135 x8, 225 x5, 315 x3, 365, 405, 425.
405 x2
405 x1
385 3x2
315 x8
FS: 225 x3, 275 x2, 295, 315, 295 3x2.
Stepups, calf raises and leg extensions with a ton of core work. Finished with paused hip thrusts at 135 again.
Not bad.