Hit back/core Friday. Slept a ton Sat 😁 Then did some speed work Sunday and felt really great.
Played an hour and half of hoops tonight from 7-830 (had to get back home for the game!) nothing really crazy. Got loose, broke a sweat, dunked 3x after the game and shut it down lol!
Squatssss! (at 130am lmfao) Sort of tired but the gym was empty so I went a little apeshit and got myself hyped up.
BW: 182.5lbs
bar x12, 135 x8, 225 x5, 315 x3, 365, 405. Thought about going for 425 again but said nah.... and did this...
405 x2!!!!!
405x2, 385x2, 315x5
Super amped up... so i did it again lol!
Front squat:
225 x3, 275 x2, 315, 315, 275 x2, 275x2.
Circuits of step ups, calf raises, leg extensions and box jumps to finish. Quite happy with tonight! Now to sleep!