Friday July 13 2013
Bodyweight: 172 morning, 174 pre workout.
Soreness/injuries: none.
Energy: Decent, nothing crazy but definitely ready to lift.
Dynamic warmup: bike, tuck jumps, ankle bounces, a/b skips, karaokes, SVJ's, etc
Depth jumps (18" box):
Box jumps (40" box):
4" deficit RDLs:
225x3 275x2, 295x1 315x1 335x1, 275x2
Banded squats (bands +120lbs at top):
225x3 275x2, 315x1 335x1, 275x2
Ham curls:
120lbs x6, x6, x6
Paused calf raises (leg press machine):
500lbs x8. 570lb x8, x6
Rythmic Jump squats:
50lbs x5, BW x5
Core work and did some upper stuff. Chest is noticeably weaker post vacation. Weight seems to stabilized in low mid 170s. If I can continue to get stronger I'd like to stay around this weight, seems like a decent compromise. Shot around for 20 mins for a cool down. Rec league tourney starts Tues so i didn't go to heavy or crazy with volume, want to be fresh. Also, I've decided I'm going to try a sort of split schedule after the tournament for 4-6 weeks and see how my body responds. If I can recover well enough I'll continue it.
Oh, the future father in law got a new video camera and gave us his old one. It doesn't shoot in HD but I filmed a few dunks with it, just need to load a driver on the computer that works with it? Going to look at it more later.