TrainingFBS 2x120
Basketball training ~ 1hr drills, 1hr scratch match
Squat notes: I last squatted tuesday, it was sunday today. This is prob the longest ive gone btw squat sessions. Dunno if i logged, but i hurt my back so i took a day off lifting thurs, balled friday night and rested saturday after getting stomach flu friday night ball, either from water fountain or from going KFC lol. So ended up lifting and balling sunday. Not really lifting if you consider i only did a warmup as a topset and no upper body exercises at all. I should have at least done some chinups this week. But anyway, I noped out of a 126kg top single, took it out of the rack and put it back, my confidence in the gym is gone. I feel mentally defeated and i just dont want to risk injury by attempting such a light weight for a max attempt when it means nothing to me when i've lifted over 20kg more only a few months back. Anyway. Fuck it talking about squats. i'll get them back after my bball season.
Basketball notes: I didnt play so good. Not to my standards. Friday night i beasted, even got a game time alley oop. But for the most part im not playing my best game yet. Illness, injury, mental and physical fatigue and stress are all culminating in some poor performances. I'm trying to train through it all though.
So you know you love basketball when you spend 2 hours discussing strategy and team tactics instead of talking to a girl or even watching the fuckin world cup final which i missed apparently. All good. not long to go now. im starting to look lean as well, the lightest the scale has read was i think friday morning when it was 84.45kg or something like that? todday that means it's closer to 25lb lost (24.x) rather than 15
But you are right, im probably getting too light than i need to be. I'll try to maintain my weight now. Im lean enough. need to get my performance up by eating normally.
i really appreciate the level of quality discourse you get on this site. im not sure what i've done to deserve it, esp when it seems like i complain and whinge mainly but like it's been observed i use this journal to vent and get out my frustrations and i know most of you understand that now. the reason i used mirror as a bodyfat check is because i got my info from physique dieting sources, aka kyle mcdowell, and i should know by now there are better sources for performance athletes. Noted. Will keep that in mind in future.