FS 1x135
SqM 1x152.5, 157.5 (PR)
BS 1x150, 5x4x130 (PR)
CND - 1 lap around oval, 10 mins shooting practice
FS notes:
Was tempted to go a PR but i didn't wanna jeopardise my chances of getting a squatmorning PR.
SqM notes:
Like any good squatmorning, this was done with a belt, a velcro one for now (yes i know). When i've peaked with the velcro, i'll use the leather one which will give more assistance. I'm worried my squatmorning might not be unathletic enough. I will try hard to make it less athletic. But at least I got a PR today. I will go for 160kg on friday!
BS notes (RSR):
Not a bad day at all. It was tough going though, especially in the heat. I figure I should hit 150kg regularly enough that it becomes easy so when time comes to PR i'll be better prepared to lift a heavy PR max. So Rx was 6x4x130, but i decided to cut it a set short, just because i'm watching diet and b)i want to make sure i'm well recovered for friday. On friday i'll go for 5x5 instead of 6x5 and then the following rx of 6x6x130, will be come 5x6x30, which i think is good enough if i can do it while cutting.
Conditioning notes:
Here we go, here we go. I started off very conservatively. I figure at my bodyweight even walking is a good conditioning sesh lol. I mean it's like putting on a 20kg plate around me and walking for 8 mins, that's not super easy on paper. Yet it was of course. I'll add a lap every day even on rest days and then start jogging a lap. Wore new basketball shoes, will break them in (literally at ~100kg bw) so they're nice and comfy for when i start balling seriously later on. They are light weight lowtops as i always wanted, but they sucked on the first wear so we'll see if they improve.