FS 1x140 (PR)
BS 1x150, 0Fx155, 1x150, 1x140
FS notes:
I felt like a FS PR today. And i didn't bother with some small change one, went all in for the 3 plate milestone. Got it without any fuss. I don't even think that's my max right now but i'm happy enough for the moment to get my goal of 140kg. Focus meanwhile remains on backsquats.
BS notes:
Plan was to double 150, get a new PR of 155, and then do a single of 150 to complete the rx of 4 reps of 150kg. I wasn't fresh enough to do that though. I didn't force the issue on the double. Nor on the 155 max. I remembered to knee-in action on the next rep of 150kg which was a slow grinder, i think because I fatigued myself on the 155. All in all, i ended up attempting 5 heavy squats which I believe is enough work for the day.
Jump notes:
Excited after getting my squats in, i went to ball with my friends. Did some jumping. Was a bit slow and sluggish to get going. But got warmed up eventually to dunk ok.
I've been playing too much ball lately, which is not helping my weights sessions. But i am embracing it because it will improve my chances of keeping my shit together once i've finished the program and moved on to a fat loss and conditioning phase centered around basketball while maintaining my absolute strenght and building my relative strength in the gym.
Not sure if i wanna bench today. May do, or leave it for weds.
So that was the last hard squat session of the program. Light day wednesday, max out on friday.