Yep, check out LBSS's thread and join us!
Wanted to make a note that my glutes are sore for the first time. Not sure if it was kelly's screw feet in cue, or 4 rep FS set, or conditioning work. I don't think it's the last 2, cause I don't remember either of higher rep front squats nor running making my glutes sore. Running makes quads and hams sore, sure, but glutes i dont recall being sore. Perhaps kelly's cue is helping me recruit more glute out of the hole? It would reconcile with the strong bounce I was gettting.
Would like to explore the screw in cue more. Maybe for heavier backsquats and perhaps even front squats? The only downside as far as I can see is, it takes work away from quads. And. It costs me depth. The former I can live with, because I can add more weight to the bar and make up the work for quads. But depth does worry me, I dont want a huge amount of depth on BS but easy below parallel is a must. Maybe flexibility and WL shoes will solve that problem as well as giving more quad work? We'll see, more room to experiment there.