If I could back and not see coach on friday, i probably would lol and continue thinking I was on the right track. Haha. But i srsly i didn't believe that proper squatters must have such a stance so much wider than mine. I had to see it from his eyes to realise it and then it just hit me like a ton of bricks. Watch Михаил Кокляев
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6L1z7afvB8That's a wide as stance! Or is it? The inside of his shoes up near the heel are pretty much shoulder width. He's still hitting good depth and staying upright. I'm also noticing how wide his grip is on the bar, i should experiment with mine too instead of just taking it on faith that close as possible best (mine is very very close).
Over the weekend i practiced a lot with the empty bar. Shoulder Width (SW) stance, slightly wider, more wider, toes straight, toes turned out a little, more, with plates under feet, etc. I found that I couldn't do my usual ATG on front squats with a wider stance, for some reason i run into huge buttwink issues, back rounds completely just after breaking parallel. This was paradoxical to me why with a narrow stance I can keep a flat back and go proper deep and with a wider stance it becomes close to impossible. I obviously haven't got the mobility to squat properly with a SW stance right now, and if i switch over to it immediately i'll likely get injured. So that's what I won't do. I may gradually increase my stance, hopefully while preserving depth and get stronger over time.
Here is a mindfuck though. With a SW stance, I can do a perfectly deep, upright OHS!! How can you explain that? I have no idea. It must be my hamstrings/hips tightening up on FS/BS which doesn't happen in OHS? I found I need to tighten up my groin muscles to keep a flat back on BS. Wider stance brings a whole host of issues with it, it's no wonder I came to prefer narrow.
I have picked up some injuries since wednesday. I wore my worst pair of shoes on my postworkout cooldown run/jog and they have given me a nasty dose of Achilles tendinitis. It flared up on friday and coach had me do some stretches and rolling but i think that just made it worse. It wasn't something to stretch away but needed to be rested. You never know about these things, some niggles go away from working at them, some get worse. I also think my lowerback didn't like the heavy good mornings i did with coaches technique. His squat technique leads to way more squatmorning than my usual method. It also hurt my right knee. I completely believe that his way is more quad dominant.
I measured my thighs and was surprised to find them come out as 25" - that was my goal size. So now i'm thinking with my FS+BS combo and everpresent quad soreness, i was on the right track, perhaps suboptimally and didn't really need to make drastic changes. By veering off course, i just caused myself unnecessary stress and possibly injury! So small subtle changes from here on, back to way things were on my last good workout (wednesday). nothing drastic, just incremental small improvements from here. Yes I need a wider stance. No I wont go all the way to SW right away.