FS 1x110, 1x115, 3Fx120, 2Fx125B, 3x112, 4Fx108.5
HBBS 2x6x110, 10x100 (PR)
BP 6Fx85.5, 8Fx80
X-Band Walk(orange) - 2x15m
Glute Band Bridge (orange) 3x15
FS notes:
Still paying for those careless chinups from monday. I have to believe if my upper body (back mainly) were less fatigued I would have a shiny new 3RM PR to show for it. Next monday it is. I came quite close to locking out that 3rd rep on the 120kg set as I can remember. But my elbows dropped and I couldnt leg drive up from that point so I put it down. Thought to see what a belt would do, i put on another 5kg aiming to double 125kg but once again my rack let me down and I had to bail on the set. It seems to me my FS right now is limited by the upper back. Not even the so called 'core' because a belt doesn't help me much if at all which suggests it's either legs or upper body.
So monday, i'll repeat 120x3. The fucker is a LOT heavier than what should be a 1/2kg PR. Frustrating!
BS notes:
This lift was much better this workout. The rehab work is already showing form improvement, so much so the weights felt light and though the sets themselves were nevertheless hard, I have to think i'm now on the right track. The high bar acksquat for what it is worth, is already adding slabs of meat to my thighs, there is no denying it. It's the lift which gives me a noticeable quad burn during and after the set, not the FS. I think it will drive my FS up 1:1 just because it's such a leg dominant lift. That's supposing of course that my upper back keeps pace with my leg development, which I will have to ensure by training the upper back directly.
My form felt very strong. I'm taking a narrow stance and my toes are turned out only slightly now (thanks Kelly crossfit guy). I just think i'm awfully close to getting my BS just right.
BP notes:
My (new) spotter kinda ruined my PR attempt. She miscounted the reps, and went for the bar after i finished the 5th rep, so i stopped her and said i have one more, which took away my focus. And then on the 6th rep, i hit my sticking point but she had already moved to grab the bar before I could bear with my full force on locking it out, i gave up because I wasn't going to count the rep even if I got it since she was touching the bar. I miss self spotting myself. Sigh. It's okay, next time i'll for 6x86kg and I'll get it too because I felt very strong today bench wise.
Mobility notes:
Forget the band glute bridge. That's an okay exercise, dont get me wrong. But i've found an ever better one now. It's called the X band walk. It really shows up my weakness and I am confident that by getting good at the exercise I'll have much better backsquat form when all is said and done. Very optimstic about my backsquat right now. Things are going very well.
After doing the mobility work I felt sick. They are hard work. Good..