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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #630 on: January 15, 2013, 04:08:18 am »
105x4 front squat...i'd be lucky to get 105 for a single these days :(
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #631 on: January 15, 2013, 11:58:37 am »
god i could fucking kill you. dunking with two hands from a standstill and it doesn't even look like you're trying.

/pity party.
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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#10/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #632 on: January 16, 2013, 09:01:12 am »
^ lol thanks guys much love <3

FS 4.5x105, 3x95
BS 5x100, 5x95
DBOHP 5x22.5, 0x25, 8x20, 6x22.5 (PR? dunno)
TBDL 3x100, 1x120, 1x150 (PR but i'm a dickhead)
SVJx5, RVJx5

BW: ??

FS notes:
Didn't sleep well, was weak today. Didn't get the 5 rep 105kg pr. My mind wasn't there today. I'll get it next time fo sho.

BS notes:
I did the 2 sets I was scheduled to do, wanted 6, but didn't have it in me.

OHP notes:
couldnt get the 25kgs up ha ha, but yea ohp is weird like that. i can bust out 6 reps with 22.5kg and can't get a single one with 25. double u tea eff.

I had no plan today, let my ego lead me to trying a double bw dl, got it but form sucked. What was the point of that anyway? Oh and I did some high pulls (100x5 i think) because I read shaf talk about them on irongarm. As if that's a good reason to do something in the gym but there you have it.

Jump notes:
Yea the rims on the main court are definitely high. I finally landed a dunk on one, but it was a max effort, rvj kind of thing. Maybe i was just fatigued though but it tooke verything to land.

I watched 2 full court basketball games after gym. I am getting the itch to play ball again.. but knowing me i'll get obsessed and then I will be trying to do a million things all at once and not being able to do any single one well. Basketball wires up my CNS like crazy, i get so excited just watching, it's 10x worse when i'm actually playing. But i should just keep my head down, do my front squats, do my cardio, acquire low bodyfat. Then when im done cutting, i'll play ball. Right? I can't be athletic if i'm weak and fat - so don't be a dickhead, just stick to the plan.

also i got into double digits.. will celebrate when i'm halfway there - only another 12.5 days to go.. what.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 09:04:45 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#11/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #633 on: January 17, 2013, 02:12:44 am »
Doing the costings for new gym equipment:

Tarp Bar - $242
Olympic db handles - $100
4x10kg iron plates for dbs - $120
Total: $462

Also considering getting a new barbell:
Olympic barbell - $247
Total: $709

I would like to have a dipping setup as well but I can use the one in the park when I go to do jumps and sprints so it's not strictly necessary.

Not sold completely on tarp bar yet. Maybe it's good, maybe it's not. It's too early to tell. Maybe I could get the same benefits by doing partial straight bar deadlifts? I should find out. Also adjustable dbs might be too unwieldly to actually use if the 10kg plates obscure normal rom? I will try it out at the gym next time because they have the oly handles there.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #634 on: January 17, 2013, 04:08:28 am »
How come playing full court bball is detrimental to your training?  I didn't get the CNS part.

In my personal opinion and experience, not just full court but any even 3v3 pickup played for a long enough duration (1-3hrs). I suspect it's to do with being in poor physical shape (bodyfat > 12%, conditioning & fitness low to average). The constant stop start nature of basketball where you are either in acceleration or deceleration often, jumping, landing, changing direction combine to put a lot of stress on joints and the excitation of the CNS in particular due to the frequently occurring high intensity movements during play.  In addition to the regular stresses just described in competitive games you have also the extra adrenalin intensification of the nervous system from being in a charged competitive environment. Movements have to be max effort otherwise you'll be uncompetitive against the opponents.

If I were to play basketball now while being in a cut, while weight training and trying to progress my lifts i'd quickly find myself overtraining due to the factors described in the previous paragraph. During a high intensity RM set you might psyche yourself up and go all into a set that takes say 30 seconds to complete. In basketball that might be 30 minutes or more - which takes a greater toll on the CNS, somethign you don't want to do during a cut.

But suppose you're not dieting, you can improve recovery by eating more food (= sizeable caloric surplus) and this might allow you to play basketball and train hard in teh gym as well without running into overtraining problems. I can see that working in that specific case. But in a deficit while working hard to push up my lifts? Nope. It's just asking for injury and overtraining.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #635 on: January 18, 2013, 03:03:41 am »
Thinking back to a discussion where T0ddday described sprinters like Mutumbo000 having a great deal of natural lower back strength. Got me thinking that since I would like to be more athletic, it would follow reason that I should work on my back strength. I mean the causality T0dday describes goes the other way:
sprinters -> back strength

but I dont think it would hurt to try going in the reverse direction, ie,
greater back strength -> becoming more sprinter like.

Need to devote a fair bit of effort to building back strength. But programming it will be tricky since deadlifts and the like are hard to recover from. I'll figure it out by trial and error.

just a note, i came off my diet yesterday. it was a combination of things which i wont go into but suffice to say i recovered gracefully today so at least in that sense my ability to diet has improved markedly. no more several days of binging once i come of the rails, just picked up where i left of the next day, easy.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 07:57:12 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#12/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #636 on: January 18, 2013, 07:55:45 am »
FS 1x90, 1x100, 1x105, 1x110
BS 5x90, 5x95
DBBP 3x22.5, 3x27.5, 6x30 (PR), 8x27.5, 10x25
TBDL 3x100, 1x130, 3x145 (PR)
DIPZ 10xBW+7kg, 8xBW+12.5, 6xBW+15KG (all PRs - first time doing weighted dips, used dbs)
CU ~20-25 reps, from +12.5kg thru to BW - have got real weak on these on account of not doing them forever
RVJ x5

FS notes:
Well in hindsight doing that ego driven double bw trapbar dl last workout was a mistake. My lower back was fried, i couldn't front squat for shit, even my warmups were hard and shitty. So try to be smarter about these back exercises because the first priority is front squat, everything else is secondary. Fuck me.

BS notes:
A hot girl was waiting for me to finish squatting and I wasn't exactly going to set PRs today so I just did warmup weights and then told her I was done. I hate gyms, kind of like in that shakespeare poem

TBDL notes:
Yup back is getting strong very quickly. I pulled that 145kg triple with good form. Even decent form. If I keep up the tbdl work i can easily see me pulling in excess of 4 plates in a matter of weeks, it's just that good an exercise and i'm just that much of a newbie when it comes to back strength.. but .. the cost is having shitty front squat sessions which is untenable.. so i need to figure how to resolve this problem soon

My 2 week gym trial comes to an end tomorrow. I have to decide whether to put down the money for gym membership or buy new gym gear (tarp bar, db handles, plates for db handles.. ). Will decide this weekend. Weather still sucks so I'd like to train in a gym til at least end of feb .. because i dont fancy sweating away at home.. but we'll see maybe i should just suck it up.
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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#13/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #637 on: January 19, 2013, 01:53:32 pm »

BW: 76kg / 167.55lb

Good news is that I weighed an even 76kg in the morning. Bad news is that I caught up with my friends for dinner and had a few too many slices of oh so good but oh so greasy pizza. Afterwards I had a large chocolate fudge icecream sundae thing which was glorious. All very much worth it.

I've now got a reason for training though, have convinced my mates to put the band back together and to sign up for a basketball tournament at the end of march. I'm gonna make sure i'm the best shape of my life and get my athleticism and skills to the best level they've ever been. I have the time and opportunity to get my ducks in a row and i'm gonna work really hard. I've always wanted to play with my friends and this might be the only chance to do it before we're all too old.

Goals for the tournament are 10% bodyfat (obviously), 5x115kg front squat, sub 4s 30m sprint, 36" vertical. As import is to improve my ball handling skills to a very high level because I want to realise my aspirations of being a sick point guard. Elite level conditioning too. Also will focus on taking apart my jumpshot and rebuilding it properly so it looks pretty and falls softly and accurately.

Lifting wise once i've got 5x105 on my front squat, i'm going to put the lift on a gentle simmer (=0.5kg jumps) and let it gently bubble it's way to 5x110kg - in the meantime i'll work my back hard and build up my lower back strength to a high level. I'll also work my abs hard. Once both of these weak areas are addressed i'll turn my focus on front squats and push them up aggressively (5x115kg as a minimum - 5x120kg as a great effort and anything above that is just bonus).
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 02:23:04 pm by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#14/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #638 on: January 21, 2013, 01:01:36 am »
Well kind of came off the rails on my diet this past weekend. For the record I had

2xslice french toast
1 bag of kitkats
1 big bag of doritos
about 1/2 kilo of mexican bread pudding
protein shake

But not going to cry over spilt milk. I think if I stick to my usual everyday diet i don't have any problems but the dominos starting falling when I had the french toast instead of my usual "healthy" breakfast and i lose control then and there and it just gathered momentum on its own
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 01:07:49 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#15/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #639 on: January 21, 2013, 10:19:11 am »
FS 1x90, 1x100, 5x1x105, 5x95, 5x92.5
BS 3x90, 5x95, 5x92.5, 5x90
BP 5x70, 5x75, 5x67.5, 5x65
TM, 20 mins @ 6.5kph, incline 0

FS notes:
my form sucked, experimented with varying stance width, didn't amount to much. i like to stick to my usual athletic stance which is what I use for jumping as well, even though with my long legs it's not ideal for squatting since it ends up being such a deep bottom position.

BS notes:
BS was good.

BP notes:
Uneven bar path, left side higher, right side lags behind. Thought the db work i've done for the last 4wks would fix it but it didnt.

Restarted cardio today. Will alternate btw HIIT and slow steady btw successive sessions.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 11:11:20 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#16/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #640 on: January 22, 2013, 01:10:07 am »
It's amazing how great my recovery is when i've eaten more food and slept well. Actually I think the reason I slept so well is because I ate well (=plentiful carbs from icecream -> amazing sleep). They're connected together. Yesterday I was annoyed about falling off the diet on the weekend so I went about business as usual while on my diet. Trained hard. Then decided to eat two bowls of icecream for dessert because I wanted to finish it so it wouldn't mindfuck me. I wake up feeling refreshed, no doms, no aches and pains. Feels good man.

I think in a way even though my bodyweight hasn't changed, my bodycomp has improved. Hard to prove though. And probably wrong so i'm not taking that idea too seriously.

But i'm really glad I've restarted cardio. I bet I could even eat a surplus and still lose bodyfat if I work hard on conditioning because of newbie conditioning gains. I have only scratched the surface, yesterday being my first aerobic session since september or something!
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #641 on: January 22, 2013, 09:56:41 am »
fwiw charlie francis was a big proponent of lower back strength as key to fast sprinting. i think it's in "speed trap" where he describes ben johnson's erector spinae as "the size of a man's forearm."
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: chasing athleticism -- bodycomp progress update
« Reply #642 on: January 23, 2013, 01:39:16 am »
fwiw charlie francis was a big proponent of lower back strength as key to fast sprinting. i think it's in "speed trap" where he describes ben johnson's erector spinae as "the size of a man's forearm."

Thanks for sharing that - gives me further confidence I am on the right track. It may just be the thing which makes me buy a trap bar for my home gym. I'll try using a straight bar on friday for deadlifts but if my form isn't on then i'll stick to training exclusively with the trap bar which so far has allowed me to work my back hard while keeping my form decent.

I'm excited, I can't wait to become a good sprinter :)

I was baffled how being strict on my diet for what it was (13 days straight?) the scale went nowhere. Which threw my motivation out of the window. But the scale (and tape measure) just conspired to defeat me because today i've looked at before and after pics and there is definitely a big change. I had some big changes in body weight today so that's why i'm updating now.

removed pics, try not to be a faggot entropy.. lol.

So i'm just going to ignore the scale and the tape measure now and stick to the plan. As long as I am compliant the results will come, even if they take time to show it. The body can confound your best efforts by concealing true fat loss thru water retention etc so it's not the most reliable judge of progress. It really sucks though when you put in 2 weeks of hard work and have nothing to show for it, but it's there, one just has to be patient.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 11:27:21 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#17/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #643 on: January 23, 2013, 08:52:40 am »
FS 2x90, 1x100, 3x105, 3x100, 3x97.5, 5x95
BS 3x90, 5x100, 5x92.5
OHP 5x50, 5x52.5, 5x51

WCU 5xBW, 3x89, 2x94, 1x99 (+20kg), 3x94, 5x89, 5x84, 7xBW (=79kg)

FS notes:
Couldn't rep out out 5s for some reason. I blame myself for not optimising recovery because last week i had 4.5 reps and should have had an easy 5 rep PR already but i've been careless with recovery. Work in progress I guess.

Still trying to find my way back to good form. I think it's something peculiar to my home setup because my form at the gym is a lot better. On the last set I tried using the old cue I used way back when I started doing front squats to break first at the knees. I don't use that cue these days because it looks funny on video but aesthetic reasons aside, it seems to help me be tighter at the bottom of the movement so it may be worth exploring next time once more.

BS notes:
BS once again was good. Maybe it will catch up with FS worksets next week if everything goes to plan.

OHP notes:
Back to barbell variation after a month of dbs. Felt ok. Just stay safe and don't tweak my back because that's the only danger to this lift.

WCU notes: 
Slowly working my way back to my old prs. I've lost about 7kg off my max so have a bit of room for improvement yet.

I'm skipping conditioning today - hear me out - my knees hurt. I'll do my 2nd session of the week on friday. Next week i'll do 3 sessions. This is my first week so it's sane not to go all out all at once - 2 sessions to start with working up to 3 makes a lot more sense. Knees will be happy this way.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 11:07:58 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#18/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #644 on: January 24, 2013, 02:44:17 am »
Unexpected doms in forearms. Faint doms in lats. Inner thighs, glutes and hams.

2 days diet compliant now, onto the 3rd. Will string up perfect compliance for the remainder of January to get sub 75kg for sure.

Btw the tournament I was preparing for has been cancelled because 3 friends have bailed on the team which sucks because I was really looking forward to it. Especially returning to my beloved melbourne with my friends would have been a great deal of fun. Now I have to find another way to motivate myself to train hard. I might start playing with my old team again but I don't really want to do that either. May just give up on the idea of playing basketball even though i'm in the best shape of my life and it seems a waste of training.

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