BW: 82.35kg/181.55lb
Am on track to end the month successfully with my bodyweight goals. The fat is literally melting off overnight, I lost 1/2" from my waist, and i'm close to an even 34". I think the next few kilos will have a dramatic visual impact. Thank cardio for that. It's targeting abdominal fat specifically. I'm not even doing hardcore cardio, just several small 5-15 minute sessions at a leisurely pace. Later when I want to get close to 10% i'll probably need to do harder cardio. I'm ok with that, the lighter I get, the easier it becomes to recover from cardio too which is nice.
Training1.07km Fasted TM (AM)
500m warmup (PM)
Session 1BS 2x100, 1x110, 1x115 (maximal)
SQ 1x100, 1x105, 1x107.5, 1x112.5 (PR), 2x102.5, 1x105, 0x106
BS 1x100, 1x107.5, 3x107.5 (belt on), 2x2x112.5, 2x102.5
Well the Ab wheel fucked me up. My lower back was torched apparently even before I walked into the gym from those conservative ab wheels I did the other day. I had even kept sets and reps low (2x10) done from the knees intentionally because I knew the ab wheel has a disrupting effect (usually to my triceps lol) upon introduction, but apparently it can destroy lower back too lol. Anyway so the 115 single was hard, and I didn't go any heavier. I had planned on doing a single with 120kg but that wasn't gonna happen today.
Then it started raining. A lot. Flash flood. Flooded the gutters and all over ,my gym was covered in water in 30 seconds. My pendlays got slippery as hell on the wood, i was sliding around lol. Mopped it up as best I cud, and threw a carpet over it, and that allowed me to continue the workout.
Front squats weren't any easier on account of lower back doms. I managed a PR of 112.5kg though. Form was unacceptable but i muscled that sucker up somehow. Did a bunch of singles. Managed to strain my R groin again. It's not as bad as the first time just a bit tender.
Then I knew backsquats werent gonna happen either but I tried anyway. Thought to work around my lowerback soreness by using a belt. Kinda worked, cud do a few more reps. And here is something interesting....... when I used to put on a belt in the past, i'd instantly squat morning. Well not today. This is either from having a HBBS bar placement AND/OR recent remedial work in liue of uprightness. Or perhaps both. So the workout wasnt a complete waste of time -
finding out I can now wear a belt and still stay upright is a nice discovery.
Session 2BP 6x79.5 (PR!), 6x76, 6x73.5
I've got my BP unstuck finally!! PRs in consecutive workouts. Looks like ramped sets + wide grip assistance did the trick.