End of month update
Bodyweight: 85.3kg (188lb) (gone up from ~84kg)
Waist: 35.5" (gone down some)
I could swear I am leaner than 4 wks ago but the scale actually went up :/ It's been tricky with all the injuries I picked up sticking to the diet. It's usually not recommended to be on a diet while injured so that interfered on attaining the weight loss goal. But it's actually possible i haven't gained fat but i've gotten leaner too since I'm visibly leaner and the waist measurement has been consistently close to 35" than 36.5-37.5" when I started this log.
Positives: Got my squat moving again, I am scheduled to be squatting today for 3x5 what I was using for an ugly 3x3 earlier. Moreover my triples have gone up too - the forms a lot better and this time I am completely stimulant free. Have not touched any stim for over 4wks now. That was a conscious decision on my part that it's better to reach my intermediate goals of bodycomp and strength without extra assistance, so no belts, stims, psyching up etc. It's all been fairly straight forward. I also switched to higher reps on the bench which I seem to be better suited to. My deadlift form is much improved, and RDLS are proving to be the best addition to my training i've made in a long time. I can actually do them with great form, and they are working well at targeting hamstrings.
Negatives: The injuries to my right foot, my left hamstring, left ankle, and intercostals were a setback. Had to take off about 2 weeks from training normally which cost me fitness and conditioning.
Going into June: I am confident that i've overcome the injuries, the ankle is the only remaining issue, and it's getting better every day. I am going to add back sprinting and jumping, and keep my lifts moving upwards. I should be looking at squatting 125kg for triples with good form if everything goes perfectly every week. Bodycomp wise, 83kg by the end of the month is a good goal. 3kg loss over 4wks isn't going to happen unless training is compromised, 2kg is better and I would like to stick to the pace of dropping 1kg every 2 weeks. That's fairly conservative, and at the same time, 2kg is actually a solid result from my current bodycomp. I feel I am very much at the cusp of 15% bodyfat now, I should be dropping below it within a few weeks.
Also just a passing note, I don't think I will be needing to get under 80kg to get near 10% bodyfat. That's good because I have no intention to be skeletal!
June Goal: So to summarise over June avoid processed foods, keep carbs high on training days, add back sprinting and start training jumping and aim to lose a kilo a fortnight over the month. Squat over 1.5*BW (1.5*83kg ~ 125kg) for heavy triples. Stay injury free.