Wed] (26/7/2020)
Daily Activity:
Daily Training:
OHP 5x53.5, 5x53, 4x52.5
Chinup 3x5kg, 5x3x2.5kg (87.5kg bw)
DBOHP 3x12x20kg
Assitance to bench day done. This is the last day i combine 'lats' and shoulders. I think the old time bodybuilders were right about separating these things out. Im so over full body nonsense now. But the trouble is if i add an extra back day, then im already going 10 days between bench, 10 days between ohp, 10 days between squat. So now what, 14 days between? stupid.
i definitely need an exclusive back day. Here is why, i have dated girls with more (upper) back development, i have no muscle on my back except my erectors. i always do chinups etc right at the end after doing ohp which means im too fatigued to actually do a great job with back exercises at that point. There are lots of exercises i just dont have time for if im doing full body workouts (im talking about lat pulldowns, cable rows, rack pulls etc). so if i have a separate day to dedidate to back i'll not only enjoy it from having something different but also actually give my back exercises a honest chance to be effective. opportunstic cost may be squats, they're going right to hte bottom of my priority list.