Thu (20/2/2020)
BS 6x100, 4x120, 4x120, 3x120(injury)
BSS(kb) - 8x12x4kg
Row 15min, Bike 15 min
Ankle mobility
Something was very off tonight. To start with i pulled the empty bar so hard on BS warmups it left the rack and hit my head. That's never happened before. Then when i was doing my 3rd workset of squats, this kid was goofing around me and it threw off my focus and i kind of messed up the bottom of my lift. Tweaked my back pretty good. i felt some spine stuff popping, so i know it's not muscular unfortunately. back feels stiff now but i dont know if this is a bad tweak or something that will go away quickly. sucks. in hindsight i wasnt recovered enough to do another hard BS workout so soon after sunday's. i should have done 6 doubles with 120kg but i learned that the hard way.
but it's fine, i think i need to take this lesson seriously, my R leg needs to get stronger, i was favouring my stronger L side heavily on most of the heavy reps tonight, if i didnt get hurt today, i prob wouldn't have stopped to focus on rehabbing my R leg back up to symmetry. So will focus on that from here on, it will pay off long term. im also going to see a podiatrist and try get an orthothic soles cos i think that's a big reason for why my R knee takes such a beating. That and probably my shitty ankle mobility on my R foot which is prob due to ankle injuries from basketball (ive started focusing on mobility, used the band resisted stretch tonight for 2 minutes, will do that regularly until i feel ive improved R mobility enough).