How do you like back extensions as a low back supplement? do you do pure back bends so it isolates low back or some hip hinge too for general p-chain? I was trying out good mornings and stiff leg dl's but like neither one for low back
I think they're essential (for me). I need a great deal of surplus back strength to save the squat (esp the last rep/s of a limit set). The only hitch was i was stuck on 60kg for like 6-9 months b/c i couldnt use any more weight on these (2x25kg plates and 10kg vest). Now ive got the ezcurl setup, i can load it indefinitely. Honestly need to get it to around ~120kg before i think i have enough surplus back strength for my squat goals. They hit everything in the PC, glutes, hamstrings and erectors. When i did them with plates to the chest i even fatigued upper back but ezcurl is way better. I have a
video of my latest set. 2nd week using the ezcurl. Going to be conservative taking 5kg jumps from here but i dont think i will get stuck for a while doing 12s. Eventually will see reps lowered to around 5 but keep progressing up to 120kg.
My weak points isn't erectors/PC - it's 1a. quads and 1b. abs. I dont train abs because ab fatigue kills the next important workout
But eventually i need to. The good news is my abs grow so QUICKLY once i add abwork, like within 10 days they will blow up. I just can't fit them in yet. Heavy days are already too daunting because fo the amount of work i do. And volume days are too long as it is. Unfortunately i can't do anythign about quads .. still searching for that fix.
I must say one good thing about doing depth jumps is that it gives you a program for jumping instead of freestyling random rvjs and getting frustrated because your obese whale ass can't touch some distant dreamy target like 36". So im happy to just rock up do my 3x5s and move on. If it works it works, if it doesn't at least it won't affect my motivation.
How would you assess if the depth jump program is working?
For my purposes im still trying to get my technique right. Working on the bits of pieces @adarqui has pointed out (earlier arm swing, stiff landing ankles etc). When ive got that down and jumps feel solid i'll be happy. I won't know if it's working until later down the line when it's time to test my jump. Btw im running out of time to get in shape with 170 days left, this is the most unfit ive been having not played ball all year. I decided to focus on strength and took a break from playing ball in the winter.