the cure for me, regarding physique, has always been "big legs". If my legs are big, I seem to not care about what's going on with my upper body.. big legs also imply i'm more powerful etc. so it's almost like a primal switch you can flip in your brain.
Interesting! My thighs (and hams/glutes) are my biggest muscles but if in a gym im prob wearing shorts and compression tights and all i will see is my proportionally skinny calves and tiny VMOS lol. Calves and VMOs really need to come up for me. I think if I was leaner i'd look bigger too the way you describe below:
I took several physique selfies when I was dunking, being lean felt good but, knowing my legs were disproportionally big felt even better. I didn't take any physique selfies when I was running... got skinny all over, didn't enjoy it (physique-wise) that much.
Yah theres a sweet spot to aesthetics i think. IF i get my bodyweight up to 95kg i'll look bigger cos i will be bigger but obviously a lot fatter but in clothes you still look huge. Conversely being lean even if you're really light you look bigger because the muscles having definition give the illusion of size.
high rep moderate intensity squatting makes legs big real quick.. plus it's a lighter load on the spine which is cool.. just can't let form break down obviously.
holy shit i think we're on the same page about this, im just not build for heavy squatting. But volume can get me stronger and bigger and that might be the way to go long term. To be honest, even powerlifters etc taper off volume to recover before attempting maxes whereas I think i didnt do that b/c i was autoregging which works fine until it doesn't and you get broken by lifts that should not have tasked you so much.
regardless, some occasional bodybuilding style sessions where you try and pump everything up to the max isn't a bad thing.. it's actually pretty fun and might help.. trick: only look in the mirror after that session..
mirrors everywhere at the gym hard to avoid them. I actually get phsyched out when i use bigger dumbells like 30kg ones cos the image in the mirror looks comically skinny holding those in my hands i just get deflated before the set. but thats ok i shud just work with volume and not covet heavier and heavier, esp when dbs go up by 2.5kg and 5kg from last week and i shud really be mastering a given weight before going up