Bodyweight: 84.7
Misc: lower body still really sore esp adductors
IM starting to harden out a bit. Thinking i can be leanish at 90kg now and eyeing 100kg to be strong. But patience is still the key, im too fat to gain weight in a sloppy fashion, recomping as ive been doing around 84kg seems to be the way to go for a while yet. But it's boring eating. Training today.
Paused BS 2x120
Partial BS 8x150, 8x170, 8x180
OHP 4x60(PR), 4x60, 3x60, 4x60, 3x60, 3x60
RDL 8x120, 5x130(PR), 8x132.5H(PR), 6x140H(PR), 6x150H(PR), 8x122.5
DB OHP Seated 3x8x25(PR)
Yeah so fuck it, im doing partial squats now because otherwise my quads are gna detrain while my body is not responding with proper recovery for heavier squats. Hook grip is coming around for RDLs im back to 150kg now, shudnt be long before i get my topset to 2xbw (3 red plates yay). Just a shithouse workout tho, didnt do chinups or back extensions this week or sprints or touch a basketball. Nice. Mainly because i was holding back to prompt a better squat session which never came anyway, no more of that tho, will just do lighter squats and train normally, if its a good squat day great otherwise no opportunistic cost paid in vain. Fuck squats tho.