Some random thoughts & observations .. please discuss
1. My midsection startna looking somewhat solid.. i think the abz doms after reintroducing sprints may be related. you look at sprinters and they got those weirdly jacked obliques, i wonder if this is why lately i look less soft or fluffy or whatever lephumism fat ppl use. Anyone have any insight on this re their own experience?
2. watched video of me shooting around and i noticed when i shoot hte ball my feet are very close. i also suspect it's not too dissimilar when im dunking. does this mean im leaving athletic performance or accuracy on the table by not widening out slightly (not much, i mean r/n im maybe my feet are 6 inch apart. thoughts on this pls
3. i missed a beat by not fitting in some sort of hip hinge in my training. training economy and what not. Missing RDLs i think. need them as a staple i think for a lack of a pull, esp now that i dont do chinups either and my lats and upper back respond well to heavy rdls
4. holy shit creatine has been a godsend .. i rem how sore i'd get after playing bball a lot and it's made a diff to use dat celltech, will go off it after the comp tho but eventually i will come bakc on it when ive earned the right to use it..
5. reminder to try coges suggestion for icecream replacement tmr for the refeed. i cant with a straight face touch icecream ever again, it's too highly addictive, esp now that ive developed a taste for conneisur which is likke the only decent icecream you can get in the country .. i miss america
6. ALso thinking of getting a GHR or a gym membership with one, cos back xtn doesn't seem to have enough ROM in it after watching the
Klokov 70kg vid again, i feel it's not apples to apples comparison what I did with my 75kg set..
the rom is so sexy on this exercise .. even with zero degree and unweighed, i cant do this ROM on my back xtn bench while holding plates .. and ive discussed how using a bar doesn't work (never ruled out the ez curl bar idea b/c i cant get my hands on both things at the same time :bench & bar) .. anyway i digress
7. any one wanna help me write a tapering program for the next 7 days? i managed to arrange a game for monday. so will train and lift monday. then was thinking take tues and weds off and train thurs (light). peaky saturday?