Bodyweight: 73.6kg (!!)
Last nigth is a bit hazy but I ended up a reception party I didnt know about beforehand and lets just say unlimited food and drink for someone who hasnt eaten in 14 days is either the best combination or the worst; depending on your perspective. Lol. But i'm eyeing finishing off the job and getting to 72.0kg 70.0kg and then ending this #forevercut. Lesgo.
Suprised to weigh only 73.6kg post feast tho, i will prob reach 72.0kg a lot quicker than one might expect from yesterdays 73.0kg? Will see. Didnt get a chance to do lower body yesterday, so will do that today and sprint and cardio hopefully, then back on the diet monday.
Ive added +2kg to my weightvest also, +6kg was starting to feel too light. Now at +8kg, will maintain this here since this is 10% of eventual goal weight (80kg @ 10%bf). That leaves 2kg unused for now.
I must say it feels amazing to have a good night sleep, somehow my alarm didnt go off and i woke up around 1pm, catching up on some much needed rest and recovery. Normal bowel movements, feeling not-suicidal / lethargic, it's ace. Got that to look forward to in addition to being ripped at the end of this process.
BS 3x117.5(PR; p1), 3x117.5, 2Fx117.5, 2x115, 2x117.5, 1x117.5, 1x115 , 6x90
Back Xtn 3x12x40(PR; 0 deg, 2x20kg plates)
BS 3x6x70 (paused)