BP 5x82.5(PR), 4Fx82.5
BS 6x110(p135; PR), 1x125(PR), 2x6x110
Back Xtn 3x8x70(PR)
Back Xtn 12x10x35deg (PR)
TM 2km in 13:25min (2 incline, 9km/hr; PR)
BW: 78.4kg
Mid warmup on the squats i was thinking, too weak, not enough sleep, etc; maybe skip and try again tmr. But then i forced myself to go through with it b/c id rather rest the next 2 days. Glad I did cos i got some PRs. The 125kg pause was interrrrrrrrrrrrresting. My body figured out how to do that kick start our KF does out of his paused squats. I didn't even have to think about it it just happened naturally. My lockout is my weakpoint. I have a video, i would love some feedback. My theory is that embarassingly weak quads are holding me back from locking out reps I can squat otherwise. Like it would be one thing if i was getting stapled out of the bottom but instead i hit a sticking point and then it gets ugly, you know? Along with this ive been considering that if i do my paused squats with a weightlifting shoe, yeah temporarily i'd be a worse squatter -- but -- perhaps that would drag my quads up, screaming and complaining in the long term. Maybe it would put me in a better position to leverage quads. Maybe im just talking shit cos i always go back to my flat heel shoes cos i feel and squat way better in them. Anyone wanna humour me on this topic?
Progressed my back extension with 10kg vest and 3x20kg plates. Now what? Holding 3x20kg plates is a challenge, my grip was giving way on the latter reps. So i guess I could just stick with this weight and master it first, potentially working up to 3x12, while i figure out a way to load them further than 70kg. Honestly i am taking 5kg PR weekly jumps on this exercise, im no where my potential .. and i think eventually they'll actually start benefiting me but right now i dont think im getting anything out of them in terms of carryover to squatting. Oh along with this, the set i did with 35degree -- i found that i could literally wrap my arms around the 10kg plate. Why? cos my legs get short enough to allow FULL range rom on this exercise. I think adarq suggestion along with a change to 35degree and even 0 degree will get me where i wanna be (moving mad weight with full rom). That's pretty tantalising!
Finally, i erred with conservatism on bench press volume. I had to drop my sister off at the airport and i rushed 2 sets of bench presses, unfortunately failing the 5th rep of the 2nd set. I wanted 3x5x82.5kg but it's okay.
Oh and ive decided to set myself a HARD goal for conditioning - i think working up to 12km/hr for 10 minutes, at least once a week, is a wicked goal. And once I get there, it will go on maintenance, maybe i will toggle it upwards 0.1km/hr per week or something because lyle says you can improve fitness incrementally forever unlike sprint intervals and i think that would be a good thing for me considering im a terrible athlete in terms of fitness. Yes sprints will be added to the mix soon, probably this coming week but long term I dont think i will be able to improve sprints as much as running long term, which is okay too.
In terms of tradeoffs, i think i can still aspire to have a 1.9xbw paused squat at 77kg. Im still fat as fuck at my current 78.5kg so if i shed some adipose and add some lean tissue, yeah, i can improve my paused squat from 125kg to 140kg for 1.9x, right?