So a recap, on friday I did my carb refeed to end the diet and weighed in at 77.2kg/170.2lb - my lightest since last year. Next day my weight went up to 78.65kg/173.39lb. On sunday it was 78.3kg/172.62lb and on monday morning it's back to a reasonably lightweight 77.4kg/170.64lb! So i'm almost as light as I was pre-carb-refeed! Which is kinda nice. The thing is, i've actually noticed significant changes in skinfold mm on my abs (not measured just apparent) so i've had an overnight whoosh or something since sunday. Kinda cool. So from here i'm thinking I should jump into basketball aplomb, take into consideration what LBSS has levelled against me (rightly) that i'm a yo-yo-er and become dedicated to keeping a very tight watch on my BW from here onwards.
I wont be doing fasted squatting ANY MORE. I want to get back to a respectable 130kg/140kg FS/BS first and foremost, like asap and then from there i think 140kg/150kg as a lightweight will be an excellent strength and power goal. But first things first, 130/140kg!
Also since i'm training for basketball I expect to see about an inch off my waist (as has happened so many times in the past when i've restarted bball). I hope this will coincide with about 2lb off my bodyweight too without dieting it off.
TrainingBP 2x80, 0Fx85, 3x77.5, 2x79.5, 3x78.5, 3x77.5, 3x76, 3x75
CRLZ 5x48.5, 10x45, 10x42.5
DUNKZ ~ 20 total
FBS 3x100
BS 2x110, 3x102.5, 6x97.5
FS 6x90
Dunk notes: Kinda lost steam quickly..lots of misses.. I don't think i've recoverd well from friday. But still a decent session all things considering. Wore my new kicks for the first time. First time i've used that word too, feels wrong. I love them except my left toe felt constricted and subsequently sore, which makes no sense because my R foot is the one that usually gives problems. So i am prob just a 12.5 and i made a mistake getting a 12. Oh well, if i didn't have shoe problems it wudnt be me. as a result i dont think i can wear these for actual basketball. Regretting not getting 12.5s cause eastbay had em. I cud buy another pair of 13s from shitty local sports place, i still have to use my store credi from returning my last pair of the same shoes which cost 2x as much as eastbay.
Squat notes:For the record I walked out 120kg to front squat (and i prob wud have failed it today tbh) and cud not even strart the rep. my left arm cramped up bad. So frustrated with cramping arms. My hand just now cramped while i was brushing my teeth, ffs! Have to figure out why this is happening.. so strange..
I did higher reps with FS with a light weight (90kg) and also with BS (97.5kg), just to get some volume in. I like this,might work towards higher rep PRs on squats, at least for FS, BS I need to just man up and get back to using 120-130kg for sets of 6 really.
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