TrainingSQ 2x5x100, 1x5x90 (nice and deep)
FSQ 2x3x77.5, 1x3x70 (beautiful depth)
OHP 3,3,4,4x55
I found I could go pretty deep on backsquats. Not sure how that's happened. But here is the interesting thing. I could go even deeper during FSQ than last workout. Somehow i've gotten more flexible in BOTH lifts. I am thinking adding front squats might have something to do with it. FSQ grip is improving. It still quite uncomfortable to hold the bar but that's what I get for being undermuscled in the shoulders. So after squatting, I didn't feel like doing some pointlessly light bench presses and put the bar overhead instead. Think this will become a permanent feature for the midweek workout actually, since I have been freestyling it for the last few months, and needing concrete programming and purpose for the middle sessions.
So my program appears to be:
Mon: SQ 3x6, FSQ 4x3, BP 3x6, 3xChins
Wed: SQ 3x6-10 (perfect form, max depth with milestone weight, held constant until 10 reps are reached), FSQ 3x3, OHP 3x3-10
Fri: SQ 1x3, 1x8-10, BP 1x3, 1x8-10, Sprints 10x30m, FSQ 2x3, RDL 3x8, 10xChins
Summarising in english, sets across on Monday with a medium weight. Wednesday emphasise form and depth with lighter weight, and finally Friday is heaviest weights for a new PR, then a new PR for reps with a lighter milestone weight (eg 60kg, 65kg, 100kg etc), as well as sprinting for a new PR.
I would like to do hang snatches too but my workouts are already too long.. :/ Also I'm thinking I should probably do more OHP but like I said workout length is already a prohibitive factor. Will experiment a little to see what I can do about it.