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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #600 on: January 05, 2013, 02:31:33 am »
FS 1x90, 1x100, 1x107.5, 1x97.5, 2x95, 5x90
BS 3x60, 3x90, 2x100, 1x107.5, 7x90

pickup game 1.5hrs

Then gym closed so couldn't do upper body stuff. I wasn't aware of the closing time otherwise I woulda planned the session better.

FS notes:
The 107.5 was heavy :/ i've got weak. But I was holding back some since I didn't wanna disturb my back.

BS notes:
I need to do something different, not going anywhere on this lift, if anything i've regressed a lot.

Basketball notes:
Played pickup for the first time in 6 months or so. was wild, i didn't have the fine motor skills honed so was a bit funny. kept fumbling the ball, passed, dribbles etc. but it was slowly coming back. finished off with a game of 4-4 to 21 points, and I reached into my deep reserves to see if I had some extra athleticism available - i did - hit a new gear and blew by mate who is usually very quick and hard to get by, and i scored it to put us on top and win. felt good. but overall unfit, slow, sluggish, uncoordinated, lots of things to fix. I just think i was too heavy today, and i suspect tomorrow my joints will complain because i put them thru too much beating playing this heavy. my lanky ass needs to be 72kg to be maximally athletic. Just need to get my shit together and finish this cut........

and my d sucked. i need to read the advise lance gave me because i got killed today

In other news, the gym search is over! I've found the right one. They just renovated and they have a really nice setup with all the equipment I could possibly need. And a basketball court I can use for jumping, so I have no excuse to skip jumping after lifting.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 07:21:33 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #601 on: January 06, 2013, 01:23:48 am »
Various soreness, asymmetric, in my left leg. Lower back and upper back (i did squeeze in a set of 5 dips before leaving the gym). I ate more junk yesterday and today as well. Decided to start over on the first monday of the year and give myself a bit of diet break before resuming the cut. I've gained a lot of weight this past week - but things should be back to normal soon now that I have a new gym sorted out.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #602 on: January 06, 2013, 03:48:47 am »
Hey good job on the amazing progress in 2012.  I was browsing your journal and saw you had some problems with ROM, older injuries, assymetry, etc.  Try checking out and do some searches for your body part or lift.


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #603 on: January 06, 2013, 07:59:09 am »
Hey good job on the amazing progress in 2012.  I was browsing your journal and saw you had some problems with ROM, older injuries, assymetry, etc.  Try checking out and do some searches for your body part or lift.

Thank you for the kind words. I'll have to give mobility work a go - it's something i've never tried before.

Today was supposed to be a rest day where I ate like a pig for the last time and relaxed but ended up helping out my father with some labour work. Moved a whole load of heavy blocks thru sand and it was a great workout. Haven't sweated as much as this in ages. I am regretting the basketball I played the other day, sore knees and ankles abound. Note to self, i'm not in any kind of shape to play basketball.. yet.. so don't tempt fate, stay injury free!
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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#1/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #604 on: January 06, 2013, 11:17:27 pm »
Body recomp (The final cut)
Starting stats: 77.2kg / 170lb, 32.5" waist, 14-15% bodyfat
Desired stats: 72.5kg / 160lb, 30" waist, 9% bodyfat

TLDR: looking to drop 5kg/10lb of bodyweight to 160lb and 2.5" off my waist to 30" in 45 days.

Crazy lower body doms since yesterdays yard work. I really should do more explosive pushing/pulling work, this stuff is brilliant. Am beat - but will fit in a workout later tonight at the new gym. Will do a whole load of volume but keep intensity low.

FS 1x90, 1x100, 4x102.5 (=PR but shit form), 3x95, 5x90
DBBP 6x12.5, 5x17.5, 8x22.5, 6x27.5
WC 5xBW, 3x10kg, 2x15kg, 1x20kg, 0.9x20 (shitty gym design, the plate hit the wall stalling me), 4x10kg
DIPZ 8xBW, 10xBW (PR), 12xBW (PR)
aerobic bike thing (cardio setting - ~1km, 132 heart rate)

FS notes:
I wasn't even planning on squatting today after yesterday's gruelling "workout" - but forced myself because I wanted to start the cut properly. I didn't have a 5th rep in me, the 4th was ugly. But I think if it wasn't for yesterday I would have got the 5 rep PR. Form sucked, didn't have leg strength and my back was fried too making it hard to stay upright.

Upper body notes:
I finally got around to weighted chins - for the first time in over a fortnight. Have gotten real weak on these. Also I can't do them them at the new gym - the 20kg plate touches the wall because the bar is too close - so will have to do these at home. That's not a problem.

Happy with DB BP - will add weight and just do a lot of volume and see where it takes me in a coupla weeks

DIPZ - getting better and better at this exercise, i can easily see doing 3x15 real soon. And it might be time to add weight.

I didn't realise it until now but i've had 3 training days in a row. That's  kind of beaten me up, not just joints and tendons but CNS as well. I might avoid playing basketball again until i'm done cutting - because if I try to do too much i'll get burn out and quite easily succumb to injury. So lets stick to basics - 3x lifting, 3x hiit/cardio - jumps and sprints 1x a week. And that's it. Oh fasted treadmill on rest days. Basketball has no place in training right now. Lets get this done. 6pac or nothing brah.

Workout took too long, gym was real busy and I had to wait 20-30mins for squat rack. Will have to schedule better to avoid this in future.

Thinking I might dial down protein a tad for the first 3 weeks or so. So might take 2.5 scoops of whey a day. I'm already on 700mL of lowfat milk atm - will keep that there. The idea is, I need less protein the fatter I am - and as I get leaner, the more protein i'll need. I'll add more protein in as I go along. But if I start higher now, i'll be eating a lot more later if that makes sense.

Nailed nutrition on day 1 -
meal 1: 2 eggs, 2 slice wholemeal bread, 1 banana, 1.5 scoop whey shake lowfat milk
periworkout: can coke
meal 2: cup hot & spicy chicken breast curry, 2 rotis, 1.5 scoop whey shake in 350mL lowfat milk, half a mango.

and that's it - will be by daily template day in day out. Might take slightly less milk on rest days, so perhaps 600mL but that's not a big deal really.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 09:06:03 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#2/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #605 on: January 07, 2013, 11:45:40 pm »

BW: 76.5kg / 168.65lb

Seem to be losing weight quickly as expected early in the cut. I had a lot of food in my gut which will go away over the next few days. So i'm hoping by next week I'll be in the 75kgs / 165lbs region which is where I left off last year. Waist is comfortably under 32.5" today as well. The other thing is I ate a lot of salt so water balance should be restoring soon.

No training today, wanna rest up after 3 consecutive days of training.

Change of plan. Couldn't help myself and did 30 mins on the TM fasted @ 3.3km/hr.

Just got to make sure tomorrow unlike today I take my first meal nice and early to be strong for the workout. I feel very tired today - even too tired to drive. I know I need more volume across the board, but damn i'm not letting go of intensity and it's not doing me any favours.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 07:12:34 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #606 on: January 08, 2013, 09:28:54 am »
so let go of intensity, for a while. you've disciplined yourself on diet, you can discipline yourself on training. you can always go back to the high-intensity stuff later.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #607 on: January 08, 2013, 11:22:54 am »
so let go of intensity, for a while. you've disciplined yourself on diet, you can discipline yourself on training. you can always go back to the high-intensity stuff later.

The reason I've traditionally gone for intensity is because, as you might know, lmcd recommends keeping intensity up, volume low, frequency low on a cut. I don't buy it myself but I err with lcmd because he's usually right about these things. But I think if I truly have 5kg to lose then I should be able to afford some leeeway in working volume. So i've just got to make the decision to put my ego & concerns about muscle wasting aside and go for it.

The other thing which really bugs me is I want to do give BSS a honest go, but i'm just doing too many damn exercises (FS, BS, BSS, 1 leg leg press) now to give any one exercise the volume focus it needs. So as a result I do only a couple of sets each per exercise. I'll figure it out somehow.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #608 on: January 08, 2013, 01:43:14 pm »
true but he also advocates depletion workouts (in UD2.0).
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#3/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #609 on: January 09, 2013, 04:39:17 am »
some half assed jumps (could barely get over the bottom of the square)
FS 1x90, 1x100, 2x102.5, 3x90, 4x90
BS 3x90, 4x90, 4x85, 6x80
OHP(DB) 5x15, 5x20, 0x25, 5x22.5, 9x20, 6x22.5
TBDL 5x60, 3x90, 3x100
arm work

FS notes:
I haven't had form this bad in forever. I dunno wtf was going on today but i haven't been this weak on fronts for as long as I can remember. I miss certain home comforts if you know what i mean, which you wont.

BS notes:
Finally bs for the first time in forever. Was weak in this too but sucked up and did some volume. I know I need more, but not going to jump into it all at once. Each time add a set or two. Build up the volume, keep form good.

OHP notes:
Good bye shitty barbell lift. Hello superior dumbell alternative. So very interesting to see that I get zero reps with 25kg bells but I can get 9 with 20kg ones. Decent amount of volume. Lets hope db work gives a semblance of balance on L and R sides. Atm i've got that L dominant, so hopefully quitting barbell work and working dbs will fix that and push me further along.

Trap bar notes:
Why has the universe hidden this amazing exercise from me? It may just be the one I was looking for all this time. I felt it in the quads. Additionally it gives extra back work. AND gives me a heavy pull exercise - hitting all the key joys one gets from a compound ex. Watch this space. Maybe i can be so ambitious to think in terms of 4 or 5 plates on this if it gives me the rewards, I will give it the time.

Trap bar makes me happy. I just don't know how the fuck to load it because there is no rack for it? There must be a trick surely.

I'm doing well on the diet, 2 days of compliance, and today being the 3rd one looks safe in the bank. I'm thinking in terms of being in the 75kgs by monday morning.
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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#3/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #610 on: January 09, 2013, 07:34:04 pm »
Trap bar makes me happy. I just don't know how the fuck to load it because there is no rack for it? There must be a trick surely.

Not sure if you can in a public gym but once you have a plate on each side or the trap bar sit them on a 5 or 10kg plate. This means you get that little bit of room to slide other plates on afterwards. Hope that makes sense.
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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#4/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #611 on: January 09, 2013, 10:40:37 pm »
Cool thanks, i'll try that out next time!

Just noticed a kind of tiny rash on my middle finger on the right hand. Ugh, another reason why I dislike gyms - being exposed to ppls nastiness. How do you even prevent something like that? I bet they never clean the dumbell handles. Note to self use the alcohol gel in my gym bag immediately after.

Waiting to drop into 75s, was 76.55kg this morning. So far so good. Want to get the first week under my belt and tackle the 2nd one.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 12:25:50 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #612 on: January 11, 2013, 01:09:29 am »
Thinking of buying my own trap bar and 2x45kg dbs instead of gym membership.
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Re: chasing athleticism -- Day#5/45 to single digit bf%
« Reply #613 on: January 11, 2013, 06:10:58 am »
FS 1x90, 1x100, 5x102.5 (PR), 4x97.5 (*)
BS 3x90, 2x100, 1x105, 6x95, 6x90
DBBP 5x12.5, 5x22.5, 4x30 (PR), 6x27.5, 8x25
TBDL 3x100, 1x120, 3x140 (PR), 5x100, 5x100
DIPZ 15 (PR), 15, 12
SVJx5, RVJx2

FS notes:
Well finally progressed my front squat fiver. Feels good man. Will repeat until form is good before adding weight (Yes i say this all the time and never do it but this time I simply must!)

The 2nd set (*) was ruined by a dude in the mirror who kept moving around just behind me while speaking loudly to his friend. I dont know if that's his fault or me not being used to it - but it threw me off my game and I just couldn't focus, kept thinking I wanna turn around and let him have a piece of my mind but that came to pass quickly!

BS notes:
Slowly rebuilding back the worksets.

DBBP notes:
So I am hopelessly weak - i can't even clean the 30kg dbs - took a huge effort to get in position, but once I was in, managed 4 very slow ugly reps. I guess I should build up more reps with 27.5kg before going up to 30? Will try that.

Trap bar DL notes:
I'm basically mechanically retarded when it comes to deadlifts. I dont have a clue how to set the bar down? In my head i'm thinking first break slightly at knees, do RDL to bring bar lower. Then bend knees more to put the bar on the ground. Is this correct or should be doing somefink else? i have a video if it will help but i doubt it.

Looking at the video - i'm not satisfied with form. My upper back rounds just before breaking the bar off the ground. This is the reason I don't do conv dls so if it's the same with trap bar maybe it's not quite the panacea i was hoping for ..

My right pec cramped on the 3rd rep so I didn't try for 5 reps. But yea i used 3 plates today on my 2nd time doing these. I want to clean up my form and perfect my set-down before going towards and beyond 180kg.

Got the 15 reps! Now will try get 3 sets of 15 before adding weight. Exciting stuff. This is the only exercise i can really think of that I feel in my chest.

So i'm 110% sure the rim at this new gym is way higher than regulation. not just a coupla inches but perhaps as much as 3"-5". I can't prove it but here are some reasons -

1. Usually I can grab the net while directly underneath the rim - not at this place, have to get on my heels.
2. It just seems so fucking high lol, even the bottom of the backboard seems a lot higher than i've seen elsewhere
3. I haven't got one single dunk on this rim - not from a lack of trying either

This annoys me. On the other hand, suppose I work up to dunking easily on THIS rim - then a regulation rim ought to be much easier? So in a way it's good? But no, it's frustrating not even being able to land one dunk.. not even at max effort.... grrr...... sucks being unable to dunk again.. thought I had shaken that off for good but no..

I have video of this also, will upload tonight.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 03:05:18 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism -- attempting to measure vertical
« Reply #614 on: January 11, 2013, 07:31:55 am »
What's my VJ?

Background info:
Camera frame rate is: 30.000 fps
g=9.794 m/s^2

Quantifying SVJ

Concentric frames: [frame#42, frame#53]
So SVJ consists of 53-42=11 frames
which means t_ecc=11/30=0.366
vert=1/2gt^2=1/2*g*t_ecc^2= 0.658m = 25.90".

I eval'd the following code in an emacs scratch buffer
Code: [Select]
(defun vj (num-frames)
  (let* ((t_ecc (/ num-frames 30.0))
(s (* 0.5 9.79403 t_ecc t_ecc)))
    (/ s 0.0254)))

>(vj 11)

Quantifying RVJ

Concentric frames: [frame#31, frame#42]
So RVJ consists of 42-31=11 frames

Which is 25.92" as before. This is very interesting... well i didn't realise my vertical was so mediocre.. i thought i was closer to 30" and actually on the other side of 30 lol.. damn reality check!
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 03:05:40 am by entropy »
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