BW: 81.1kg
Im pretty confident i'll be in the 80.xx's soon.. like any time this week. So my goal is to maintain <81kg while adding some 20kg to my 6x2x140kg PR by year end. Think that's doable, it will be like losing 2.5kg of bodyfat and gaining 1.5kg of muscle to end up a lean and strong 80kg. Can then maintain that and focus on peaking athleticism proper. Things that kill performance are lowcarbs, fasting, basketball. Im willing to do away with the first 2 once ive got under a consistent 81kg.
From there basketball, i think i will switch to a 10 day cycle. Either play Tue or Thurs, but not both in the same week. That way im still maintaining some reg gameplay but not in a disruptive way to training. In fact im struggling to come up with any reason to even play competitive full court bball given my goals, the returns just aren't there and im solely playing to be a team player etc, but other ppl are happy citing injuries that might not even exist and missing games so i dont see why i am being so commited tbh. And tue night games are kind of shitty cos now im achoring the D and im still an 80kg guy playing against big strong white guys who grew up on a diet of steak and AFL and im just risking injury trying to compete on an unequal playing field. Plus ive mentuioned this before but the game here is very physical, which i dont give a fuck about right now cos id rather stay healthy than risk a rolled ankle or something..
I love half half court bball, takes away the fitness angle. im such a better plyer on the half court than full court, fitness wise im gna have to put in hours running to play competiively at next years tournament. But right now im laser focused on squat goals.