^Yeah, it turns out i had 'agree to disagree' meaning wrong in my mind, I mostly agree with everything.
The point i wanted to highight is that the gym will not improve your basketball skills but it will improve your athletic skills. Maybe speed, maybe agility, maybe strength, maybe acceleration, maybe vert, maybe just inertia from your increased mass. But those, with your given skills , will make you a better player than you were. Or, to put yet another perspective at it, we can see the athletic features as skills too. It's kind of neglected, you can say someone's FG% ability to a demical point percision but you can't say 'he can block out guys up to 250lbs', you just get a void 'he is strong'.
Another factor, You HAVE to practice your skills to even preserve them. That goes the other way around. So the equations are:
same skills + better athlete = better player
better skills + same athlete = better player
worse skills + better athlete = unknown.
better skills + worse athlete = unknown.
To sum up and find where we all agree , better skills + better athlete = GOLD. So gym+skills practice is the way.
inb4 : no shit sherlock !